Combinations proclamation of the birth of a woman of exceptional beauty, Leo Ascendant

For a girl Leo the presence of mercury in the second of the Virgin can be very beautiful. The second house is the neck, face up, so exalted Mercury in Virgo is the second house to make it seem like an eternity. This girl is definitely doe-eyed face with a very nice, the cut of their jib is divine, and the timber of his voice matches the beauty of her face. The presence of the moon in the ninth house and the sun in the third > House of Libra with Venus and Jupiter in the fifth house (Sagittarius), relieved in the sixth with Mars (Capricorn) is the unique position of the planet below, for the reasons: the sun has his fall in Libra, where he sits Lord of the scale, Venus.

The whole appearance of the sun on the ninth full moon can do wonders for the locals. When two face each other luminaries, the sparks fly. Venus is the uchchanath of the moon that he is the master of the medium> House (Taurus), where the moon is sublime, his appearance live on the moon is also good. Moreover, the appearance of Jupiter in Sagittarius in the fifth increase in the ninth moon of the auspicious lunar considerably. Moreover, Mars is very powerful in the sixth that in his enthusiasm. His fourth appearance on the full moon in Aries sit at a pace that is the exaltation sign of Mars, is a force multiplier. The moon is full aspect of the head of the Ascendant with Sunto bring the effects of Jupiter and Mars, should not imply that these three planets are indeed forgotten. Jupiter, Mars and the Moon are the companions of the sun, while Mars is its uchchanath. The spot of Rising Sun Lord fall also canceled because the sun uchchanath Mars is the third house on the corner of the stairs, where his master is Venus. Sun square Venus and the positioning of Mars and the moon break your fall completely. In the above placementsPlanet of birth is a thing of beauty is a foregone conclusion.

When the first house of the sun in the previous set in Leo, Mars has received the full ninth aspect of Jupiter and the eighth aspect, the girls will definitely make a lion, majestic in appearance.

Similarly, the Sun in Aries, ninth (his passion) and the Venus in Taurus tenth with the creation of a powerful Mercury Maalvya Yog. By the third full moon in Libra (the sign of the eternal beauty), thefull fifth aspect of Jupiter, the eleventh to the increase in the number of twins can also be incredibly charming a girl ready.

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