Use performing arts, alarm Playtime

The situation: your child has invited friends to get some play in your home. The children start to walk around the house screaming out loud and the Berserker. What do you do?

The solution: the children to fight or cry a lot and just need to move to start releasing some excess energy. So why not all the channels, the volcanic force in a small marching band? Get the kids involved, get their musical instruments and hats of paper (you can search onlineInstructions for making a paper hat). Preview of the kitchen cabinets for the make-up tools. A plastic bowl and a wooden spoon, a fantastic drum, and two of aluminum to make the pool cover. And small plastic container with rice or dried beans can be filled shaker cool. After pulling the group together, ask the children in March at home or in the garden and play their music. Let them put on their funny hats, grab some pillows for the neck, and march toThey beat their own drum. Literally.

A different situation: a younger child is screaming and screaming, that their older brothers and Playdate not play with her. It's "go away and play somewhere else" to tell her How do you solve this problem and save the day?

The Solution: Cook, a common task for all to move in. For example, you participate to make a simple cookie recipe. (Note:. Be sure to find one allergic parent, if their child against any food) Every child has to do their own things, isMeasuring, mixing or agitation work, but. Are you a product that is baked delicious and fun! Children can spend more time in the design of cookies and then decorate it with chocolate frosting, colored sprinkles or jelly.

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