How clean is your house - BBC America's clean Hit

If you have network BBC America, I suggest you look at how clean is your house. This is especially true if you never said that on certain questions. The show can answer many questions about your cleaning needs.

The show stars Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie, the UK's top experts to clean. The women go to some of the dirtiest homes in the United Kingdom and occasionally in the United States, and not only clean but also valuable for homeownersInformation and tips for cleaning.

Kim manages a lot of useful tips for the budget. For example, she is passionate about teaching people to use the lemon, salt, banana peels and more. These tips save time and money.

Aggie, now more of a dirty detective. It is often taken swabs of human beds, carpets, refrigerators, and sends it to the lab to see, have to do that kind of dirt, bacteria or insects that people maybe. Your goal is to help people strike action, giving them theBacteria and molds that can contaminate their homes.

At the end of the show, the host will be sent away, the finish is clean and treated are reported for a big reveal. Often, the show will also show excerpts from a few weeks after the exhibition, if the family turned into a new sheet of cleaning or returned to their old habits.

The thing I like How Clean is your house is that really teaches the family and the viewers great tips for an easier, fasterClean. I have a lot of show, which has really saved me time and money to learn my life.


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