Native Fish - Take a combination of luxury, wealth, Waterfront properties and the pleasures of the bed

For a fish, just Jupiter and Mercury all square houses. While Jupiter has the ascendant and the tenth house Mercury is the seventh and fourth.

According to the well-known principle of astrology, a beneficial natural homes have two sides, though none of them are in the ascending line, is like a square Ascendant TRINAL home, both are disfigured. Reason: all the planets have a natural tendency to forget his corner, that is, if there is a natural evil, such asSaturn forgets his home and his natural inclination to evil behavior in accordance with the possession of another.

In this case, the fourth (Gemini) Mercury is the property due to its beneficial qualities of dandruff and seventh (Virgin) Mr seventh property caused the death, at an appropriate time, will be functional reasons.

A good placement of the planet that makes the fish happy mother tongue is the presence of Jupiter in the fifth Leo, Venus in the eighth(Libra), Saturn in the ninth, Scorpio, Mars and the Moon in the eleventh. Significant in the sixth in Libra Venus in the eighth, setting up yoga Saral, get this beneficial natural exalted in his fish in the laboratory, the second house of accumulated wealth is the three planets in aspect to Jupiter, Mars and exalted is the eleventh appearance with other ram (home), the fifth house, cancer, and his bosom friend Jupiter is in his homeanother close friend of the sun. Here, Mars, the lord of (happiness) as is the eleventh and ninth in exaltation with the Lord fifth moon, which is home to the fifth aspect. Eleventh (gains) Mr. Saturn is in the ninth to eleventh of the eleventh house, sharing with the ninth lord Mars. When two planets swap places, they behave as if they were in their characters. In this case Saturn behaves when it is in his house. Sixth and eighth placeBenefics strengthens the ancestors, and the seventh house, which is also covered benefics between the two.

Presence of the Moon, Mars and Mercury in the eleventh house more wealth and means of transport because of this unique band combines the lords of the second (wealth), fourth (Comfort, real estate, etc.), etc.), fifth (TRINAL sudden gains ,; seventh (sex), ninth (happiness and general well-being). TRINAL Lords of two angular and two houses in the combinationeleventh (profits). The number of known planets in the eleventh as many sources of income, the more the better.

If Mercury, Jupiter, Moon and Mars in fourth house, as a native, as this planet to ascend the throne in time from above. The reason: men of all four legs and two stingrays corners in the second house is the fourth combination

The simple placement of Jupiter, lord of the ascendant and the tenth, the tenth house(Sagittarius) creates Hamsa (Swan) Yoga, which only gives you all the desired benefits for the natives.

A difficult combination for this alternative is as follows: The moon in the third (Toro - survey), and the sun in the sixth (Leo - a house) Mercury in the seventh (Virgo - increase), Venus in the eighth (Libra - character); Mars eleventh (Capricorn - increase), Saturn in the twelfth (Aquarius - character). The native will be extremely happy with these combinations and acquired immense andthe duration of world renown, even if one or two planets are out of place in this combination does not reduce the effects will be.

The powerful combination of the above will definitely luxury, wealth, waterfront property and the pleasures of the bed in much of the native fish.

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