Why should we still read and write poetry in the information age

The "why" of life are many, and some unanswered. Trips to movies and other forms of art make life more lively and exciting for all to see. We humans speak in different ways like poetry. And as if to show the many forms of creativity, poetry takes time, and speaks of the life of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

When I was younger, I was lucky enough to find words of scribble. I was not aware of how the rules of grammar because I am not a native were observedSpeakers of English. However, my earlier poems in the second language. I loved my mother tongue and my second language as well.

I remember that dialogue is in English and Filipino comics. I kept journals and magazines to read only and section titles. I did understand a text to all the others, at home (my aunts and uncles were all college students) to view the adult. I copied them and made me happy to read what I could not understandall. I was a "ready" students.

In this way, I learned that my little verses in mind absorbing to read. As no one spoke and chatted with me, I have books and papers - the interesting issues at home and school. In its early years, we talked about songs and poems and rhymes and ideas. Yesterday, loved people, when I gave them a short note to keep. At school we have. We exchanged messages and poems sweet old town.

During the production ofMy children have asked their teachers at school, they learn to recite poems and heart. This is one of the issues of language for young people to express themselves, both on life, love, religion, society and desire, among others.

In the culture - more songs, poems and other texts do not die. Change as the needs of the times and the way of life. Some are taken, and then passed. New literature written in the present and also in view of the future. Filmsand fiction are good and creative forms of entertainment. They use their brains.

Yes, we still read the poem in the information age, because poetry is life itself that speaks the heart and mind of man. Poetry is a gift from God that a gun and an experience that binds the meat.

There are many online sites such as poetry Poetry Hunter.com (classic, men's amateur and professional poets), Poetry Slam in You Tube (Andrea Gibson and Shane Hawley) and mentalPoetry (Robert Hass and others) to inform, entertain and get culture with fresh ideas, classic, and a great inspiration to the world. We must be wise, and your brain with a good book for all time. Please also read the "Psalms" (Bible, Old Testament), are one of the best forms of poetry. If you believe in love, life and connections, the poem is to define your needs. The poem is endless and will be composed of all ages and stages of life. Now is an important part of the informationAge. Seek deep thoughts. Check online!

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