Maybe it's love (Chapter # 13: The House)

Tommy is back after everything is ready for work, a white shirt, blacks pants, a vest, and his coat was on his arm.

"I tried everything I can do in life, and I was able to do it are," said Tasma as he approached the door. His parents - of which he knew nothing Tasma - both are dead. His father died of cancer and his mother a heart attack in his sleep, both within the last few years. She had money, and he has done for the school, was what he hadwanted. And so, in its way, had all he could for them and for himself now, and it seemed for some reason the time was right to let you know Tasma, even though he does not know everything.

Tasma smiled and said. "Yes, you see" privately to the back of the head, he felt that he needed to get himself to start, but not the observation, as suggested, dass

Tommy hesitated before reaching the door on the left, "I know Tasma, has just arrived, no jokemeaning. "

"It is not regarded as a ..." Tasma said.

"You look Tasma, we are a bit like the other ', a hand at this time -. The opportunity and I came here, and it was very brave of you," Tasma to this note with exposed beams.

"I like the name I chose for my double, I mean the author's name?"

"It fits." She said with a chuckle.

The conversation stopped abruptly, Tasma had nothing more to say, for the most part, and it should be noted at this point in his life, he neverhave much to say anyway, so it was a natural reaction for them. For Tommy, it felt a bit 'awkward, as if there was something on the table - can not say, for his ego, most likely. So it was high and wanted their opinion of him, his food. Tommy stood there as if frozen, like a frozen fish will be waiting unthawed, like a child who does not want friends, but people in his mind, so that their figures in their brains. And here he stopped, looked blank. Did he guessDuring his fault? Who could tell? However, they simply opened the book, as if you continue to read how to influence or not concerned with a plate at the moment, smiled, it seemed the right effect for him because he took off his impassive face to the front, and back to his charming film with all its functions.

In their own way, so here it is found that the confidence placed skeptical, though, and for some reason, both brokenThe monotony of the day dull and boring. A sex drive is not from his two behalve, energy is required for both parties, and she was mentally drained, it seemed, to me not a whit the eye, or conduct, or his, as was his warning vision unreceptively interior to the point of moving only in the basic movements at work.


Tasma was sitting on the picnic table outside the house in the backyard when Tommy went to work, the sun wascome with its warm rays of radiation has been absorbed in areas rich bone in his body. It was nice and fresh and youthful.

The house was enormous, he remembered a little 'story of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The House of Seven Gables," but the house was only five, a gray-tone blue color in its wooden frame and seventies, with trees ee front on the north side of the house, picnic table, looking rested in the courtsgrass green (the color of the table adapted house), so there she sat on the table, the day to calm down.

Tasma yet his book in his hands, he has invested four hours in his reading. She liked the characters, was persistent, probably thought Tommy, another was a treasure, and again, like Tommy, he said, to derive the second part of his personality, if it could be a person with many faces. So he had two sides of himself in their bookthought that a play off another, as ordered.

- Jill, now Tasma seen in the backyard, and swam with a nice friendly smile to remember her back in a little girl prance as casual way, like them, I have taken so many years want to go back, back when had come and visit them in Minnesota in the summers during school holidays. Said Jill, Tasma looked like a turtle on the door and out of its shell ready to listen (Jill thought, how cute, then starts laughing): "My dear cousin,How did Tommy's books? "

"Just swell, they are really cool, I like the characters."

"I wonder if I am one," said Jill, "it said 'Hurry,' Are not you?" "With a high laugh rustic boy.

"Yes," said Tasma.

"He is working on an epic poetic, I see now, and is a fantastic story from the dark side of life, should be interesting not just his old style, but perhaps it could be in the future .."

Tasma then stood up and gave Jill a hug,said: "I'm always a bit 'cold, we go home when something is wrong." But she was still Tommy.

[Thinking Tasma.] I think I've seen Tommy's reaction to my reading of his book, he was creative content, but on the other hand, he is dogging it with his new book, slow as molasses. He must be under pressure, perhaps his publisher, after it is done should be comforting. Once I got to Seattle, the only relief for me. Dad once said:"To truly love is to distinguish and choose only what would be tolerable, which would be the best." I can tolerate Tommy. But it may not seem like Jill ago. I think that's what daddy said: [?] What can we tolerate

[Two weeks later.] Tommy finished the one hand, and sales began in his new book, from the brief, his other books were compared handwriting, then it would up and take away his typewriter and go Typo control him and go on itagain. When Tommy has worked like this in a bustle, had three stairs, and the whole house could hear him, accordingly, knowing it was him. But as I said, it was written in pen and ink. It was Sunday, and Jill had entered the house door, Tommy hours sitting on the couch in the living room, he was just behind. In a way it gets used to leave the chair for Tasma. Mr. Belmont will be used to use it, but now he was in his room a lot more, orthe bar, infrequently in the area on the ground floor.

"How yah?" Tommy looked up, he wrote, they could see that their eyes bulge.

"Oh," said Tommy settlement.

"Close your actions and Let 's talk," said Jill, as she hesitated, then sat down next to him when he left in his mid-verse of a section of his epic attempt, and said impatiently: "It' s been a crazy week at the bar. Tasma cut simply for his first interview, remained on the bar to get me. Know "

(Tasma was at the bar, while Jill was the work done and I noticed that almost every patron had the glazed surfaces pathetic, made generalizations, with little lies. The character of the people do not impress her, as she had thought to greet Jill Easy out of the bar and out quickly).

Tommy said he was not surprised because Tasma seen this morning, thought it was in her room, "Where to find work on Sunday?" eyebrows moved up and shoved in hisFront.

"This is exactly what I said until she said she was at church, the Baptist One Down [pause for reflection] Oh somewhere, somewhere, I can not put my finger on it, but I think on the showcase.

"Fen-laps, you mean?"

"Something like that."

"Doing what?"

"Man, I do not know, perhaps accounting, it's pretty good with numbers, which I believe can be used."

"Two birds with one stone has to go to church and find a job, I have a bit 'like this."

"Theycan work at the bar, "said Jill, as if added, is good enough for both.

"Yes, I suppose you could," he thought for a moment, he wanted his thoughts on the verse that has seen Jill, "... what was I wanted to talk about in particular?"

"I'm not sure, I think I feel a little Tasma 'resentment; .. I mean, you have to work"

"You will find a job, do not worry, and you know she really thinks the world of you."

"You thinkso? "

"Absolutely ...!"

"But I still feel like I feel, but not so much to buy. I mean, I could not ask them if they leave, they left a brave House, that you, but I know you will like." She saw Tommy for the confirmation.

"No more than you, I mean, this is good or bad?" Tommy smiled and put his pen to his paper, it was jealousy, it was remote sensing.

"Well, how can you be jealous if you like you want to talk about Johnny before and Tasmame? "

He hesitated a little, "I do not know, but I know I know, and Johnny is never to be in some way. 'Only old dreams." The mention of Johnny has a new face of Jill opens, so Tommy says.

"Life has always been sweet to her, I do not mean hard, and now she is 2000 miles and expect everyone to jump (Jill with alcohol on her breath trying to influence a bit 'Tommy away from her)."

"Believe it or not Jill, I think they took a number of concerns in the process andhad the inspiration for more assistance. Without you, who should return to Minnesota in the same way they came to have confused. She was very good for them. "Then he tried to change the subject:" Should I rake the leaves in early autumn, I love the colors and hundreds of trees in silence as they shed. "

"Yaw, yaw, stop, listen to poetry and I like, I mean, I think I love her, she is always a light in a sort of vague possibility was for me."

"I think she is not sure what can be done toLabour, with eighteen years, who knows, but the bar seems appropriate for a few weeks or months. We can not make some changes, "said Tommy.

[The doctor] "I told the doctor Patricia Sewell, asked how you were with your gout Tommy, and he gave me my medicine, a tranquilizer, I get up at times, mood swings, I had to see her hurt."

"So they asked about me, haw?"

"This is what I said, she has an eye on them or something, everything that I ever crushed on Doctors? Hear "

"Now is the Dr. Patricia, before it was Tasma, and you - please three friends, not haw girls crushing consultants and psychologists, I saw a film in which she made one."

"I'm just kidding, I think my cousin for a while ', I suppose, maintained, and the damn film you say, was a man falls in love with the psychologist, I was with you when you saw the film, Gregory Peck, I think." Tommy is back in writing and Tasma was upstairs in his room. "Why do not you goProceed go to a male doctor? "Asked Jill.

"Because I have assigned to you, and I like a good doctor said it was her, and she asked for it, now we both have them."

"Yes, I think it was something."

"You like?" asked Tommy.

"Oh yes, indeed, if I was bisexual, I would love more."

"You mean, like your parents?" Jill sat down and looked at Tommy, now has always been in the danger zone.

"War should be the one to knock on them, aInsult? "

"No, but I see it, is that what you are talking about in his little sanctuary," I mean, people have a go in and out all the time, strangers. "

"No, not entirely alien, meet at the bar, and get to know each other, and sometimes go a triangle, you know. Anyway, we alter, or sell is safe." Tommy took a deep breath: it seemed that thought for a moment, then began writing again, did not think it was worth it, and often whenJill has a few drinks in her that she was jealous.

"I kind of thought it would come at some point, sooner or later," said Jill disappointed.

"Yes, I Tasma is too naive to know what is going on there. Even if you've seen the parade of new faces and out of her bedroom"

"I liked Mary at the hospital also think that I saw today she is Italian, you know, olive skin and you want to girl like me."

"You're right about what I do, or haveonce when I was in hospital for a few weeks before I knew you. "

"You're damned honest." He bent down and kissed her cheek Tommy, "I miss him today." Tommy smiled, knowing that she would like. It 'was his approach cat licks my face, and then click the button, and then in the bedroom, and then the zipper.

"You always see them up and down when we go to the hospital."

"I think that's you, my dear, that their eyes up and down, I look at it." YouHit Tommy affectionately on the shoulder. "Perhaps," said a voice sly. "I do not really think so, I digress and kind of dream, or a feeling that if you have any logic in your head college?"

"No, it makes no sense to me, but then at me."

"Well, I'm glad you'm like girls," laughed Tommy, his finger ready to go up and down the leg like a cat with its paw, scratch out his eyes.

- "As Johnny," said Thomas.

"You want to know?" Thought,Tommy: None really, but no one can stop thinking about when he brought up, or somehow have not integrated into their lives.

"I think it bothers me a bit 'that the legs open to him."

"And you," he added.

"Let me alone, he goes too far. Tasma Sometimes I think we listen and talk to us."

"So, perhaps it would be good for them." Tommy does not look at this comment Jill is watching TV alone in a blank.

"By the way, theyhelped clean the house yesterday was nice of her. I think it is for them to be here, it's always my way, things go well, I do not know what, good luck charm. "

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