Importance of the transit of Saturn to the world

Analysis of the planet's powerful at international level can only be based on secular. No horoscopes for more detailed analysis of situations in the world. In the system of Vedic astrology, the horoscope of "Kaal purusha (Time personified) is often taken as the basis for astrological analysis. In this horoscope Aries is the first house and 5th house Leo. The area covered by the 5th House the heart of the Kaal Purusha ', which is the most importantOrgan of the body.

The fifth house is important for the conditions of equity markets, financial markets, speculative markets, entertainment, political situation and general economic conditions. The owner of this house is the sun planet is the ruler of the empire.

Saturn moved into the house, belonging to Sun about two and a half years and the 2009 transit of this house, Sept. 9. Stay of Saturn in Leo has not beenconvenient, because the relationship between the Sun and Saturn is not compatible. Both are powerful and fiery planet and the world experienced the fury of the stay uncomfortable Saturn in Leo during the last two and a half years.

We give some examples of the effects that were sustained for the duration of stay of Saturn in Leo, which are of particular importance.

a) The problems of the mortgage market in the United States slowly began emerging during this period. The offensiveMethods and arrogant functioning of financial markets and led banks to the collapse of global financial system, which was the main economic system in the world. The problem created by developed nations engulfed the entire globe. The world economy has fallen into recession. Many banks failed. The world is still reeling from the misdeeds and arrogant practices of banks and financial institutions in developed countries. It is the current status, a sanction from the divinefor arrogance?

b) After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States the only superpower in the world. Its actions in Iraq has invited criticism. The repressed feelings of the Muslim world was visible when the then U.S. President George W. Bush addressing a press conference in Baghdad December 14, 2008 and Muntadar al-Zaidi, a journalist shoes launched against the president. This was the first time in the history of American presidents. American action in Iraq has been arrogant and haveThe American president has gone through this trauma to the divine will?

c) During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Europeans dominated the world. It was usually white. All U.S. Presidents were also of white origin. But at the same powerful country could Barack Obama the first black president to be conducted on the basis of democratic elections. E 'was also the will of God?

d) America is strong spending in Iraq and Afghanistan for the controlthe threat posed by Taliban and other terrorist groups. Pakistan is his greatest ally in the war on terror. Fund is free flowing to Pakistan. The truth began to emerge that Pakistan used their grants for the treatment of terrorist activities and the activities of Taliban and other militant groups. The terrorists are targeting the areas in Pakistan. Pakistan is the crop?

The four issues mentioned above relate to the time when Saturn was in Leo remain. Saturn representsthe common man, common man may be in conflict with the king, the aristocratic arrogance and remain functional. Perhaps this was the situation in the world, Saturn was able to determine the penalties for such offenses.

Now, Saturn has moved into Virgo, and this house is owned by Mercury. Both Saturn and Mercury are compatible. Virgo is the sixth house in the horoscope of the Kaal Purusha. "This house is important forDisease, debt, enmity, etc. jobs Saturn years stay in this house for about two and a half years. Its impact in the coming years can be summarized as follows.

a) New types of diseases may occur, keep the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry on its toes.

b) The financial management will continue to be a big problem for almost every county in the next two and a half years. The world is not yet out of recession.

c) the provisions of financial debt canreworded so as to maintain the follies shown in the past. A global consensus for this to be necessary.

d) Saturn in sixth house enmity between some countries has improved. International relations can not stay warm for all.

e) People have lost jobs in the turmoil caused by the recession. The world economy will recover with the transit of Saturn in Virgo. However, the improvement is significant after the transit of Jupiter in Pisces in May 2010. PeopleLoss of jobs will benefit accordingly.

f) Saturn in sixth house can adversely affect industrial relations. Possibility of labor disputes and other breaks to increase the discontent among the workers.

The global economy will record positive growth during their stay at Saturn in Virgo. The food supply remains normal and the demand for industrial goods will also increase.

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