We Can't Afford The House And A Divorce - The Impact Of The Housing Crisis On Separation

Its becoming a sadly familiar scenario. A couple can barely pay the mortgage and expenses every month with their joint incomes. Divorce is on the horizon. The parties want to separate but cannot afford to live apart. What is there to do?

Unfortunately, there is no magic solution. Neither judges nor lawyers can make a house sell or create more money than that which exists. We can only deal with what is there. Mortgages and expenses must be paid. And, if there isn't enough money to go around, those who desire to separate may have to continue living together. Needless to say, this is far easier said than done. The stresses which may have caused the parties to split up are now keeping them under the same roof. The tension, which has already escalated reaches an all time high and there is no immediate out.

But this doesn't mean that the situation must escalate into a scene from "War of the Roses". Here are a couple of ground rules which can, and should be followed in these situations:

1. Sell, even if it means selling out: If it simply isn't financially feasible to maintain the house, it needs to be sold. Yes, the housing market is a dreary place for sellers these days, but there are situations where parties must simply cut their losses. Engage the services of a trusted realtor, accept their suggestions as to listing and selling prices and be willing to lower the price even further. The goal in these situations is to get the house sold as soon as possible, not to realize maximum profit on the investment. Sell at whatever price a buyer is willing to buy (and cross your fingers that the buyer can obtain financing).

2. Separate as much as possible: You still need to live with your spouse during this time, but it is crucial that both of you create as much personal space as possible and respect each other's boundaries. One of you remains in possession of the master bedroom and the other takes over a spare room. Each of you is permitted to lock the door on your new "residence" and neither enters the space of the other. While this may be painfully reminiscent of your college dorm room days, keep in mind the situation is temporary and it's the best you can do under the circumstances.

3. Communicate, as little as possible: Keep your communications limited to matters concerning children, if you have any and/or bills and expenses that need to be paid. Avoid any other topics- divorce and the reasons behind it, what your lawyer said to you today, what your friends/family think of your spouse, etc. If a discussion becomes heated, you both (or one of you if the other is unwilling) need to each go to your own rooms. If communication becomes impossible without strain or shouting, limit your communication to email only.

4. Respect your neighbor: If you were living with a roommate, you would be courteous and not play music too loud, be unnecessarily noisy in the early morning or late evening hours or question the activities of your roommate. The same rules apply to the present situation. Do not use this situation as an opportunity to goad your spouse into an argument or you will only make the situation worse.

The above is clearly not a good situation, but one that is becoming more common in the current housing market. In pending divorce cases, I have incorporated the above groundrules into agreed orders which was signed by a judge, which forces the parties to comply under penalty of sanctions. Sometimes it even works, although no one is particularly happy about it. It has, in some instances though, encouraged parties to aggressively market their homes for sale.

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Daily Lives Depend Upon Fifth House of the Vedic Astrology

Fifth House

Rajanka (soverign's mark); kara (tax or toll); Buddhi (intellect); Tanaya(children); Putra (son); jartara(belly); Smriti (traditional law) poorvapunya (virtuous act preciously sone).

The fifth house of Vedic astrology is the house of progeny. It denotes whether one will have children or not. Benefic or the moon in the fifth house increases the strength and number of the progeny. Fruitful signs (cancer-Kataka, Scorpio- vrischika and pisces- Meena) on the cusp of the 5th or the 11th promise children, if the other testimonies also lend support. Barren signs (Aries- Mesha, Leo-simha and Virgo-Kanya) on the cusps of the 5or 11th houses (11th house being 5th to the 7th, representing the wife) and the lords of 5 or 11 not in fruitful signs, Moon not in a fruitful signs, the lord of the lagna not occupying a fruitful sign and no fruitful planet in the 5th or the 11th house, are indications of no children, The fifth house signifies the first conception or pregnancy; the seventh shows the second; the ninth the third and so on.The fifth house presides over pleasure, pleasure, society and social inclinations. It deals with tastes and fancies artistic talents and property derived through wife or business partner's luck. The type of recreation, entertainment, amusements, sports, luck, the type of recreation, entertainment, amusements, sports, romance and similar interest that appeal to a person is denoted by this house. It is connected with all material and physical pleasures, merriment and amusements of all sorts. . It indicates places of entertainment.

The fifth house of Vedic astrology being a trine house, indicating 'poorva punya sthana' shows what meritorious deeds one could have done in the previous birth. It is also concerned with speculative affairs and all matters of enterprise prompted by the desire nature. All games of chance like cards, crossword puzzles, dice horse, shares etc., lottery, gambling of the fifth house.The native's love affairs, the degree of success or failure achieves in love affairs, courtship, courtship and licentiousness, the legitimate and illegitimate attraction and social intercourse between sexes prior to wedlock after, marriage come under this house; also kidnap, rape, and what not it may be said to represent the seat of the physical and magnetic attractions between the opposite sexes.In questions relating to national affairs, the 5th house indicates envoys, ambassadors, banquets, etc.The following according to Uttara kalamritam, have also to be determined from the 5th house in Vedic astrology.

Good morals, mechanical art, discretion (weighing merits and demerits of a thing ), discrimination between virtue and sin, prayer by incantations, chanting of Vedic hymns, religious mindedness deep pondering profound learning and wisdom, enormous richest hereditary post, festive occasion, intense action paternal property, liaisons with courtesans and gift of cooked rice. Bhattotpala has mentioned that chanting of mantras of sacred hymns, spiritual practices, intelligence and literary compositions are influenced by this house.The author of Jataka parijatham makes it clear that a person's tutelary deity, intelligence, son, religious merit and ruler or sovereign are to be ascertained from the 5t house. According to him pilgrimage has to be predicted taking the 2nd 5th, 7th and 11th bhavas, visits to far-off places being found out with reference to the 12th bhava.(Malefic in the second house show separation from family. It may include, therefore, a journey .5th house connected with malefic will bring in separation from children and benefices in 5 indicate visit to holy places to fulfill one's; the house is to make a journey and to have some breaks on the journey while proceeding or while returning home. The 10th house shows pilgrimage to holy places or journey on duty).

In Vedic astrology 5th house shows that one will be inclined to take risks and speculate. One may speculate. His gains or loss is shown by the planet with which lord of 5 is conjoined or by which it is expected. Also the bad aspects to 5th cusp from the lord of 5 or 8 or 12 show gains in speculation. (This is my unfailing finding. Research students can verify.) 5th house indicates short journeys. publications lf the nest younger brother ,mother's bank position, one's own child's or the second younger brother's (younger to the next younger brother ) health, success or failure, their characteristics, fortune etc. ,changes in maternal uncle's position his loss or hospitalization of pet animals. 6th house is the 12th to the 6th). Gains to partner, profit to the opponent, friends of the partner, father's father, long journey made by father, his higher academic qualification, his contacts with strangers and foreigners, marriage to elder brother or sister, elder brother's partner in business or maraca (death).

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The Secret Behind the House of Gucci

A woman's handbag is not just an accessory. It is an extension of her wardrobe. Today millions of women are the proud owner of handbags. In most cases, females prefer to carry handbags made by recognized designers. There are many reasons for this. The first is the attention which such bags carry. Another is the style and creativity that are found with such bags. However, although females undoubtedly love handbags, not every woman is able to afford the high prices needed to purchase one. The price of a handbag can vary depending on the season of its release and the designer who makes it. Some people either visit stores that offer Discount Designer Handbags or buy quality copies. Replica handbags are designed to look like the original and most people usually have a hard time telling them apart from the real copies. Women who own Gucci Replica Handbags, for example will look just as elegant when seen with the handbags.

One of the reasons behind this is that as a fashion label, the name Gucci has grown in popularity and acceptance all over the world.

The fashion house was founded as early as 1921 by the Italian Fashion designer. By 1938 he had expanded his business to several boutiques including one on Rome. Under the creative leadership of Gucci, the company became famed for its bold and ingenious styles. The bamboo handle which was included in their female handbags, the striped webbing and the suede moccasin found with a metal horse bit were all introduced during his period at the helm of the fashion house.

After his death in 1953, the role of leadership was taken over by his son Aldo. It is Aldo who drew international recognition and awareness of the fashion label with the expansion of the fashion house outside the borders of Italy.

Stores were opened in the United States, Japan and China. During this period the company began use of the logo for which it is now identified with. Jackie Kennedy, the wife of US President John Kennedy, also increased the reputation of the fashion company with her Jackie O shoulder bag which was made by them.

Today, the signature GG is a standard that few fashion skeptics would sneer at. Gucci bags are chic and classy, increasing the overall appeal of a woman's wardrobe. Available in different colors, these bags can be carried to different occasions depending on the style and type of the bag. Bags can be carried to work, school, movies, parties or a simple walk in the parks. There are different styles as well ranging from small clasps to tote bags.

Well made copies of these bags allow people to still retain the grace of carrying a Gucci signature bag, without having to suffer from the overwhelming price an original bag might have cost. The wardrobe of a woman is designed to improve the way she looks. With a classy bag hanging from her shoulder, her appearance will be boosted even more. It is an enhancement that very few women will complain about.

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Buy That House - The Fix-up Loan

Have you been looking for a house for some time now, but you have not found the one that is just right for you?

It could be for any number of reasons that the houses that you are seeing do not meet your requirements.

The layout is all wrong; The kitchen cabinets and counters are old and warped; The baths were in style back in 1945; You would be embarrassed to bring your friends and family to the place; The windows are of the old and energy wasting single pane variety; The furnace looks like the space capsule; The hardwood floors would be nice if they were sanded and buffed; The walls need to be painted after you scrub off years worth of cigarette deposits; The basement is dark, damp, and downright spooky;... And, yes, unfortunately, the list can go on and on. Certainly, you do not want to buy someone else's problems related to their lack of maintenance or a house styled to their preferences in design. Who has the time or the money to deal with these issues?

But wait. There may be a solution. You may be able to get a house, which meets your wants, needs, and desires. You may be able to have a house that is within your budget. You may be able to overcome the problems, which were created by these neglectful homeowners.

Indeed, you may be able to meet your objectives and at the same time actually purchase one of these homes, which have just left you disappointed and wanting for more.

The solution: The FHA 203K loan. Basically, this loan will allow you to purchase one of these less than desirable homes, fix it up, and still stay within the values for homes in that particular neighborhood within which you are looking.

Here are some general statements about using this type of loan:

First, if you purchase one of these homes, then you can expect the price to be lower, than if the house were in good condition. The appraiser will definitely consider the value to be lower than the better houses. So a house that has the potential to be worth $200,000, for example, could be purchased for let's say $100,000 or a number, which reflects the amount of work, which is needed. Second, the work which needs to be done, in order to actually qualify for an FHA loan, plus the work, which you would like to have done to make the home your own is determined. Let us say for our example that the cost of this work would be $75,000. Notice that the total of the purchase price and the fix up cost are $175,000 rather than $200,000. Typically, one can expect to pay less than the nice house price, because there are very few buyers if any who will want to take on this endeavor without some profit or equity involved. However, even if there were no equity at the completion of the project, remember that your other objective was to have a house, which meets your requirements. The basic steps to purchase a home by this method are as follows:

· Work with your lender to determine the amount of house that you can afford and payments, which would be in your comfort range. With this information, you can determine the price range for homes that you can afford;

· Work with your Real Estate Agent to find a property. Even if you are using a FHA 203K loan, you will still want to look in the neighborhood of your choice, look for houses, which have sufficient living area for your needs, and are within the cost and value parameters, which were established with you and your lender. It is important that your Real Estate Agent have some knowledge, although they do not have to be an expert, of the cost of various home improvement projects;

· When you find a house that will meet your requirements, prepare an offer to purchase. The offer must state that you will be using an FHA 203K loan. There should be a feasibility contingency which is to determine the full scope and cost of the repairs;

· Once, you have a ratified contract, you will start your feasibility study. This step may require several experts. These experts will be perform the following activities:

- 203K HUD Consultant: Walk-through with a visual inspection to determine if the property has any chance of meeting the cost requirements. If the numbers do not work, then the contract should be terminated at that point.

- Home Inspector: An inspector will look at things in more detail than, the 203K Consultant. For instance, the inspector will pull the electric panel and examine for any not to code, unsafe, or outdated wiring. If the inspection uncovers problems, which were beyond your original repair estimates, then you may need to recalculate to determine if the numbers can still be managed. If not, then the contract should be terminated;

- 203K HUD Consultant / General Contractor: Return to the property for a more detailed examination. At this time, he will prepare a report, which itemizes, with costs, those things, which will be done. It may be worthwhile to bring your Contractor with you for this visit. It is your Contractor who will need to agree to the pricing that goes onto the 203K HUD Consultant's report;

- FHA Appraiser: The appraiser will look at value in two ways, one the value of the property in its current condition, and two, the value of the property in its fixed up condition. Also, the appraiser will make certain that the report from the 203K HUD Consultant includes conditions related to Minimum Property Condition Standards;

- Termite Inspector: FHA will probably require a termite certification, but the termite inspection is not necessarily needed upfront. Between the FHA 203K HUD consultant and the Home Inspector, you should get a good idea as to whether this should be done upfront or not.

- Lender: The Lender will review the report from the FHA 203K HUD Consultant to assure that all of the numbers still work. If so they will process the paperwork.

· If everything is still within budget after all of the inspections and appraisals, then the deal will go to settlement and the Buyer will take over ownership of the property. Notice that it is still the house, which needs work.

· Per the terms of the 203K Loan, the work must be completed within 6 months and should be overseen by a General Contractor. Also, it is preferable that any work that is to be done be by licensed contractors, however, it is possible for the Buyer to perform some work such as painting, although it is under the eye of the General Contractor.

· The General Contractor should understand that he does not get paid upfront. He gets paid in phases after various stages of the work are completed. As each stage is completed, The FHA 203K HUD Consultant and the Buyer examine it and then sign off if it is okay before the General Contractor gets his money.

The Buyer cannot move into the house until the house meets occupancy requirements. It is possible that, depending upon the improvements, the Buyer can move in from the start or possibly not until the project is complete.

The loan amount is based upon the purchase price plus the cost of the estimated repair costs, as prepared by the FHA 203K HUD Consultant. If the actual cost is less than estimated, then it increases the equity, but does not reduce the payment.

Since some degrees of repair will preclude the Buyer from moving in to the property right away, the FHA 203K Loan has a provision, whereby up to 6 months of payments can be financed right into the loan. With this feature, a Buyer is not paying for rent and a mortgage payment at the same time.

This is the basic procedure for a FHA 203K Loan. Of course, there are other details and the procedure could deviate on any given deal.

That's it. You can get the home of your dreams and in your price range and all from someone else's mess.

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The Princeton Elm Near the White House

In 2003, the mall across from the world's most famous address, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, was being redesigned. The landscape architect contacted the groundskeepers of the White House to ask them what tree they thought should be the one that was viewed when going to or leaving the White House. The tree that was chosen was the Princeton American Elm.

The suggestion of the American elm by the National Park Service was probably a surprise for the people who are still mourning over the loss of nearly 100 million American elm to DED, or Dutch Elm Disease. The last 75 years have been difficult for the elm, a favorite shade tree for many in America. The tree chosen to grace the White House view is amazingly Dutch Elm Disease resistant. This shade tree is extremely adaptable, and is loved by millions.

Among some pure elms, it has been scientifically proven that a DED resistant tree not only exists, but can thrive in places where DED has destroyed the trees that are not as Dutch Elm Disease resistant. This is great news for people who love this shade tree, both for its long life and grace. The tree is perfect to line streets, and as it grows, the Princeton Elm arches over and gives a cathedral appearance to any street. Being Dutch Elm Disease resistant, there is no worry about the trees dying on the walk to the White House.

The beautiful trees that were planted in view of the White House in 2005 are doing wonderfully. The trees have already grown an inch in diameter and there are many that are over 20 feet high. They were planted in both single and double rows along the avenue, and are already arching to make the cathedral ceiling that is so known and loved throughout America. An elm tree is the perfect addition to your backyard, and as a shade tree, there is no equal. Since they are DED resistant, you don't have to worry about a dying tree in your yard. DED resistant trees are perfect for small towns who want to line the streets with trees, and these are well worth the investment.

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Easy Ways to Go Green Around the House

You don't have to be a complete tree hugger to want to go green. But now that it's becoming increasingly clear that global warming is a very real problem, why wouldn't you want to reduce your impact on the environment?

If the threat of global warming doesn't spur you into action, perhaps this fact will: Most of the actions you can take to green your home are easy. And while they save energy and other valuable resources, they also save you a little or even a lot of green (read: money). I'm not expecting you to go off the grid, start raising all your own food, or anything that extreme. These are just easy changes that can be made around your house now to make a big difference.

So, without further ado, I present to you The Home Know-It-All's Top 15 Ways to Go Green Around Your Home (in order from easiest to accomplish to hardest-although I'd say they're all pretty darn easy).

Unplug household appliances and electronics (like the coffee maker, toaster, and cell phone charger) when they're not in use. Even if they're not on, appliances that are plugged in use energy. In fact, as much as 40 percent of all electricity is used to power home appliances that are turned off!

Get the most out of your appliances by only washing full loads of laundry and dishes. Minimize how often you open the refrigerator too. And keep the fridge full-an empty fridge has to work harder to stay cool than a full one.

Turn down the thermostat in cold weather and kick it up higher in warm weather. For each degree below 68 degrees Fahrenheit you set your thermostat during cold weather (or above 78 degrees Fahrenheit in warm weather), you'll save 3 to 5 percent more heating energy. A programmable thermostat makes this step easy. And using ceiling fans can keep you comfortable even when the thermostat is set higher or lower than you're used to.

Bring your own (reusable) grocery bags to the store. Paper and plastic grocery bags are no good for the environment-in fact, according to Ideal Bite, about 12 millions barrels of oil and 14 million trees go into producing plastic and paper bags each year. Plus, reusable bags hold more than flimsy plastic sacks and are easier to carry around.

Replace burned out lightbulbs with CFLs. These fluorescent bulbs use about 75 percent less energy than standard incandescents and last up to 10 times longer. You can save $30 or more in electricity costs for each bulb over its lifetime!

Remember the three Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle!). Note that recycling comes at the end of the list. The most important step toward going green is to reduce your consumption-buy less, and you'll have less to recycle. In the home, that means buying materials, furnishings, and other items that are well-made, durable, and long-lasting (in other words, go for quality, not quantity).

Then, of course, there's recycling. Recycle everything you possibly can-plastic, paper, bottles, cans, you name it. It's important to recycle electronics, batteries, toxic household items, and more as well. Learn where to recycle at Earth911.org. Oh, and buy recycled too-all sorts of household items from carpeting to dog beds to paper products are available with recycled content.

Use green cleaning supplies or homemade cleaning concoctions rather than chemical ones.

Paint with no- or low-VOC paints the next time you want to repaint rooms in your home.

Insulate your hot water heater to save energy. Placing an insulative jacket around your hot water heater costs as little as $10 to $20, and pipe insulation is less than $1 per six feet. While you're at it, turn the water heater down to 120 degrees for more money savings-and to ensure no one gets burned by water that's too hot.

Plug air leaks around your house. Air leaks waste tons of energy, but they're easy and inexpensive to take care of. Simply install weatherstripping and caulk around windows, doors, electrical outlets, and plumbing penetrations to stop drafts. Check the attic for leaks too.

Stop using chemicals on your lawn and in your garden. One way to reduce the need for chemicals (and lots of watering) is to try xeriscaping. And while you're in the garden, check out natural ways to get rid of garden pests too.

Save water by installing low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets.

Select Energy Star appliances when it's time to purchase new ones. Clothes washers, dishwashers, refrigerators and freezers, dehumidifiers, and more with the Energy Star label incorporate advanced technologies that use 10 to 50 percent less energy and water than standard models-and they work well too!

Replace single-pane windows with double-pane ones to reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in the summer. An added bonus: they'll reduce noise pollution too.

Purchase sustainable materials for flooring, furnishings, and other home items. Flooring materials such as cork and bamboo are growing in popularity because they're attractive, durable, and better for the environment than other options. Wood that bears the Forest Stewardship Council has been harvested using environmentally friendly methods-look for sustainably harvested wood furnishings, decking, and more. And check out TreeHugger's guide to green furniture for more environmentally friendly furniture options.

So there you have it. Ways big and small to go green. This barely scratches the surface, of course. So if you want to learn more about these and other ways to lessen the impact you, your family, and your home have on the environment, check out some of my favorite online resources: Green Home Guide, Lime, The Green Guide, and TreeHugger.


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Crafts and Fun With Things Around the House

Cannot find anything fun for your children to do today? There's always something to make with the simplest stuff lying around your house. You just have to use your imagination to find out what and how to make things.

Empty soda pop cans may be used for several things; they aren't just trash. Gather the cans and some glue and you are on your way to making a robot. All you need is two cans for each leg, four cans for the body, two cans for the arms, one can for the neck, and 2 more cans for the head. Clue them all together and make your robots come to life. Also, you can make some games out of empty pop cans. You could line them up and let your children throw balls at them to see who knocks the most down, or set them up like bowling pins.

With empty milk jugs, your children can make and decorate their very own piggy bank. Cut a hole big enough for every coin under the lip of the milk jug so they can slip their money in. Let them decorate it however they desire. If your child thinks a piggy bank is not a good enough idea, they could also make a planter. Cut the top off of the milk jug, fill it with soil, and let them plant seeds of their choice in them. Make sure they keep up with the plant and water it. They can watch their creation grow and enjoy it too!

Can kids really have more fun with the box than the toy? Do they really need to have the toys that come with them? Get a big empty box, draw wheels and headlights on it! You could cut holes in the bottom of the box for their legs and get a paper plate for the steering wheel. To keep the box up and off the floor punch holes in the front and back of the box. Tie one side of the string to the front of the box and the other to the back. Do this on both sides of the box and the strings become almost like suspenders for the car. If the basic drawings on the box aren't good enough to the child let them design their own car. This could be fun for the whole family. With more than one of these cars they can have races, their own car shows, and anything else that comes to their imagination.

You and your children can put on a puppet show. All you need is a couple of old socks. Draw some faces on them and make them say what you want. You can get more elaborate and sew or glue on yarn hair, button eyes, or any other kinds of notions you can think of. Make the puppets come to life and hang an old sheet to create a background or stage. There are many ways to create crafts and games for kids with stuff around the house. Use your imagination and let your children explore the different ways to recycle "trash."

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The Absolute Easiest Way to House Train a Pup

You may assume that house breaking your new puppy is a challenging process and certainly nothing to look forward to. However, by using the proper techniques, this can become a rewarding experience where you establish a closer bond with your pup that can last a lifetime. These methods can also make the training process way less difficult than you were expecting it to be.

Before you start you need to understand how long the process could take. Puppies can learn very quickly but, especially if you are not consistent, they also can get confused about just what you want them to do. Because of this, completely house breaking your pup could take as long as six months. There are even some dogs that can take a full year before they are completely trained.

Two things make this process a long one. First is the fact that the pups are not fully developed so they don't have total control of their body functions. Secondly, because they are growing rapidly they eat a great deal of food and this causes them to have to go as much as every two hours. Knowing this, you should plan on being around the pup as much as possible the the first couple days and nights you have them.

To begin training spread newspaper on the floor near to the pup's sleeping area. The goal is to have the pup go on the newspaper so you should consistently praise him when he does this properly. If the pup forgets to use the paper, definitely do NOT scold him since it will probably just confuse the dog. Instead just disregard the incident and do not react to it at all. By consistently using praise when they go on the paper your pup will make the connection eventually and you will have taken your first step to house breaking him!

Make sure that you are very attentive to the pup during this time so you will see what the pup does when he needs to go. The pup might walk around in circles or put their nose to the ground and start sniffing around for a place to go. Once you learn the signals you can quickly carry them to the paper when you see them. In addition, you should do this first thing when wake up and last thing each evening. You should also place them on the paper after play sessions and after a meal.

Once this first step of connection the paper and peeing has been made in the dog's mind, occasionally move the paper closer to the door. Just do this a little bit at a time until the papers is right next to the door. After the paper has been next to the door awhile, move it outside, but try to find a place where the pup can still see the paper. Since the connection with the newspaper has been made, the pup will want to go outside to use it. After you have done this for awhile and let them use the paper outside, you will find that you can stop using the paper altogether. The pup will just ask to go outside when they need to go. During all of these steps you need to remember to consistently praise your puppy when he does what you want him to do.

You can also train a dog to use a crate during this time. Many people thing that dogs feel captive inside a crate while just the opposite is true. Using a crate for dog to sleep and relax in. Almost all dogs will like the idea of having their own, familiar crate to relax in. This is natural and even dog relatives like wolves or foxes have enclosed dens that they use as a safe spot to nap and feel safe.

You can leave the dog in his crate with a pan of water outside when you have to leave the house. It is natural for the dog to want to go to the bathroom where they sleep so you should also set some newspaper not far from their crate in case they need to go. If you have an enclosed yard or outside space you may want to consider a dog door to allow them to continue to pee outside even when you are gone.


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Choosing an Exterior Color Scheme For Your Home

Painting a house can be a long process, especially when you factor in the amount of time spent on deciding on a color scheme. There are limitless possibilities to choose from and narrowing down and deciding on one particular color can be overwhelming. You certainly won't want to choose a color that you won't like after seeing it on your house. Therefore, it is important to take into account some necessary issues before you start painting.

First, be sure to compare what parts of your house are being painted with the parts that are not. For example, your roof is not going to be painted. Make sure the colors you choose will match the color of the roof. The same goes for any brick or stone exteriors. Use the natural colors of the roof and masonry as a starting point for comparing potential color schemes.

Next, pick three colors for each of these areas: the field (the main exterior walls); the trim (window trim, fascias, etc.); and the accent (doors, shutters, etc.). The field color is the main color that will be seen when looking at your entire house. Choosing a darker field color can make your house look smaller, while lighter colors can make it appear larger. The trim color must work in conjunction with the field color to bring the overall look of the house together. If you choose a dark trim color, the windows may appear too prominent. Choosing a color that is lighter than the field color will highlight the trim without making them too drastic. Accent items are the ones you want to be prominent, so choosing a vibrant color for these is recommended. You see many red doors and shutters for precisely this reason.

Be sure to take into account the architecture of your house and how it fits into your neighborhood. If you live in a Victorian-style home, colors can be a little more vibrant. Colonial style homes are often more muted with a three-color scheme. Craftsman style homes are usually more neutral or earth-toned in color. Look around your neighborhood and get a sense of how your house should fit in. You won't want to be the only bright colored home on the block, but you also won't want sink into the background.

If you're not comfortable picking out a color scheme, many paint stores and manufacturers can help with pre-selected color palettes that are available for your perusal. Many of these color palettes are specifically designed for each architectural style and can be very helpful when narrowing down your color choices. Furthermore, there are many online resources that you can use to see the colors painted on houses. Some websites even will allow you to upload a picture of your house and will colorize the photo with any color combination you desire. Using these resources is a great way to have confidence in your color choices before the painting begins.

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How To Turn Your Bathroom Into The Most Relaxing Room In The House

Revamping a tired bathroom or ripping the whole thing out and starting afresh is very popular. With so many television programmes and magazines concentrating on making your home look beautiful, the time has come to make your bathroom match the high levels you expect in the rest of the house.

Simple ideas for when you are on a budget can include adding plants, candles and a new blind or even tile stick ons. Replacing bath panels can make a real change or simply buy some new bathroom mats and of course a quick redecorating paint job can make it feel fresher and cleaner. Just getting rid of lots of bottles and potions that are lying around - a general de-clutter can make a big difference.

Next up would be to replace taps - adding some stylish, classic or ultra modern ones. Changing the lighting or fitting a towel warmer and there is a huge choice of these that will suit everyones tastes and budgets.

Of course you could rip out the whole bathroom suite and replace it with a new one. There are so many good deals available. Look in magazines and brochures to get some ideas of what you would really like. Maybe you would like to replace the bath with a corner one or you could indulge in a Jacuzzi bath.

However, if you are really fed up with your bathroom you could take it all out and rearrange the whole room. This takes some planning and I would hate to go to the time, trouble and expense of starting again and then when its all finished wishing something had been done differently.

Whether rebuilding your bathroom or putting a new one in an extension please think and plan carefully. Your bathroom can be the most luxurious room the whole house with a little advance planning.

Starting with the floor I think having underfloor heating is a must. No more cold tiled floors to walk on in bare feet. Imagine stepping from your landing carpet onto a beautiful warm bathroom floor. Move on to plan where you want your china. Planning this can be difficult as most bathrooms are small and its hard to work out if things will fit - many bathroom stores will help you with the planning. Ask a plumber to come in to help with those tricky plumbing problems.

How about cabinets around the sink unit - this adds lots of storage and can cover any unsightly pipes.

What about tiles? Take your time, look around, and get some ideas. Once you have seen the perfect tile - look again. I have found that many of the more expensive tiles are replicated in other stores for a fraction of the price. Sometime if you have spent quite a lot of money on your bathroom you also want your tiles to look like you haven't spared the pennies either.

Heating needs to be well planned. If you have gone for the underfloor heating option then only simple heating, if any, will be required. However, on looking around you may well be tempted by some of the stunning towel warmers that are available. These can range from traditional and conventional to modern, stylish and contemporary.

So the sum up, check your budget and what is available. Take time to plan and ask for advice if you need help. Then when all the hard work is over all that is left is to enjoy your new relaxing bathroom.

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Getting Ready To Move House The Right Way

Moving house is as stressful as a bereavement or divorce. No one really likes moving. It is like being uprooted from one place and transported to another. The home you live in grows on you and becomes a part of you. You realize your attachment to your home only when you are about to make a move. But, often it is too late and you have to abide by your decision to move.

However, things have changed and most of us these days make the move many times in their lifetime. Knowing the steps involved in moving a house, can make the move absolutely stress-free. Here are some tips that can help you do that:

First of all, sort out your stuff and get rid of all the items you do not want to take with you. You should look at each and every item and decide whether you want to carry it or you would rather replace it with a new one in the new house. Of course, the redundant things can be thrown without a thought. There is no need to pile up only because of sentimental attachment.

Once you are clear about the things you want to take with you, it is time to organize. Start packing the items that are not of immediate use like all decorative items. Put them in boxes and label the boxes clearly on all four sides. This seemingly superfluous effort will save you a lot of trouble at the time of unpacking. You will know exactly which box to open when you are looking for something. If you know that a particular box is meant for a particular room, specify this too on the label, so that your removalist can put it at the right place and you do not have to shift them again in the new house.

There are all sorts of boxes available in the market. You need to choose them judiciously. As a rule of the thumb, always buy letter/legal file boxes that have lids and handles for your heavier items, such as books, files, DVDs and CDs, and anything else relatively small and heavy. And, buy big moving boxes for clothes, pots and pans, and the lighter, bulkier objects. Of course, you may find the uniformly-sized boxes with handles and lids so convenient that you may not want anything else.

Pack all the items that you will need immediately after you shift in boxes that are kept separately from all other stuff, so they do not get uploaded on the mover's truck by mistake. This will include necessary items like food, toiletries, dishes, medicine, linens and clothes for everyone for at least two days and pet food and bowls.

Regarding your pets, it is better to get them into carriers before the removalist arrives. You can even board them for a short time to reduce stress on both you and them.

Most importantly, don't leave tasks for the last minute. Start cleaning and packing at least six weeks before your move. You will soon realize that there is a lot more to resolve that you ever thought. Remember, preparation is the key to a successful and stress-free move.

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The House of Chanel

Another popular fashion house would be the house of Chanel which is more commonly known as simply Chanel. It was founded in Paris, France by Coco Chanel. According to the report written by Forbes, Gerard Wertheimer and Alain Wertheimer now privately hold House of Chanel as joint owners. They are the grandchildren of Pierre Wertheimer, the early Chanel partner.

Chanel revolutionized haute couture fashion through replacing the traditional and conventional corseted silhouette with comfortable and simple suits along with long and lean dresses. It introduced its signature cardigan jacket back in 1925.

Chanel had many other major successes which have radically changed the fashion industry. This includes the popular "Chanel suit", which was made up of a knee-length skirt along with a trim and boxy jacket that were traditionally made using woven wool and black sewing trim with gold buttons. It was also worn traditionally with large costume-pearl necklaces. Wealthy women from all over the world would flock to her boutique on 31 Rue Cambon just so they would be able to commission couture outfits. The House of Chanel later on became synonymous with wealth, elegance and elitism. It was also considered to be the ultimate sign of the French high class.

When Coco Chanel's perfume, No. 5, achieved phenomenal success, her fashions became even more popular and began to be purchased by London's and Paris' society's high flyers.

Chanel is also famous for its quilted fabric that had a "secret" quilting pattern which was sewn at the back so that the material would be kept strong. This was actually inspired by jackets of jockeys. The material has been used for clothing as well as for accessories. The Chanel brand is now being headed by Karl Lagerfeld, a German-born designer. He also designs for the Fendi house, as well as for his namesake label.

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Don't Forget to Pay Attention to the Ceilings in Your Luxury Home Floor Plan

In any new home you think what meets the eye is the most important. But with this thought you leave out approximately 1/6 of all interior space - the ceiling. Ceiling treatments can set the stage for any room of the house, and have grown from the Traditional "popcorn" effect to exquisite architectural masterpieces to add luxury and style to every room of the house. In addition to being decorative, ceiling treatments can also be used for functional effects as well, such as providing acoustic value and to define functions of the room. When building a new home, the sky is the limit when choosing a ceiling treatment.

The shape of the ceiling offers the most dramatic detail, and provides room definition and controls acoustic values. Most ceiling shapes fall within one of five categories. Cathedral, named after the steep pitches of old-time cathedrals, angle upward following the pitch of the roof and connect at a central peak. Consider cathedral ceilings in your luxury home floor plan to dramatically increase the room's volume, making it ideal for gathering spaces such as the living and dining rooms. Similar to the cathedral shape, vaulted ceilings are open and airy. The edges roll upward to a half-barrel shape, and have variations including arched, domed or barrel ceilings. These ceilings require additional budget and planning in order to obtain the most dramatic effect. For a superb artistic effect, coffered ceilings are a great addition.

These ceilings are made with recessed rectilinear panels, often formed of hardwood, and arranged in an interesting grid pattern with regular intervals. Coffered ceilings are well suited for many home styles especially English country house plans. Exposed beams add a touch of rustic style to any open space. Usually placed along with a vaulted ceiling, beams will add warmth and comfort while also increasing the luxurious feeling of log home house plans or even a more traditional home plan. Tray ceilings are constructed with an inverted indentation and sides angling at 45 degrees up to a flat top. A variation of this is the stepped ceiling which features an inverted indentation and sides in a stair-step fashion leading up to a flat top.

No matter what ceiling shape you choose, any type can be modified with accents to further add your personal style to each space. Adding warmth and scope while remaining out of the way, skylights are quickly growing in popularity among homeowners. These additions create clean lines and support minimalist decorating concepts. Both decorative and functional, trim and molding, create extra style while hiding joints. Crown molding is the most commonly placed trim to connect the walls and the ceiling. Trim is available in numerous materials, shapes and sizes to fit all types of décor. Don't stop at the walls when painting - continue on up to cover the ceiling as well. Different colors will allow for different effects, whether going for a monochrome scheme with the ceiling the same color as the walls, or going a bit further for a bold complimentary color.


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Factors That Affect Property Value

When we try to determine property value for your home, we compare your home with old listings and active listings on the Charleston MLS. No two properties are completely alike, but some properties are similar enough to compare prices. So, we look at comparable homes that have recently sold in your area (sold listings), homes that were for sale on the market but never successfully sold (expired listings), and homes that are currently for sale (active listings). Aside from these comparisons, we also take other factors into consideration when determining a home's value.

1. One of the most important factors that affect value is location. Homes that are closer to the beach or to downtown Charleston sell at a higher price. You can install all of the Brazilian cherry flooring and stainless appliances you want, but you cannot change the location of a home!

2. While we're on the topic of upgrades, another major factor is what improvements the owners have made to the house. Updating kitchens, replacing flooring, repainting walls, and adding landscaping can add to the value of a home. However, sometimes homeowners can spend too much on a house and not get all of their money back when it comes time to sell the house. Before making drastic improvements to your house, be sure to talk with your real estate agent so that you use your money wisely on your investment.

3. The neighborhood or general area surrounding your home can greatly affect your home's value. Some neighborhoods are more desirable than others. Also, some areas are avoided because of major traffic, large roads, or flooding.

4. If a seller needs to sell the house quickly, he or she may be willing to take a slightly lower asking price for the house. For this reason we talk with our clients to find out why they are selling their home and by what date they need to move.

5. The time of year also can affect a home's current market value. People generally tend to avoid major holidays when it comes time to buying a house and moving. The most active time of the year is probably March to August. So, if you are trying to sell your house in late November, you will be in a less active market and may have to wait longer or accept a lower price for it.

So, location, improvements, general area, the seller's time frame, and the time of year can affect property value.


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The House of Astrology - Fourth House

This has to be the most important 'house' of all for when the Sun enters this house every year there's always thoughts of moving, renovating, decorating or just wanting a change of life-style. Some of the keywords for this sector of your chart are: security: Parent (opposite sex). Home: Heritage (roots). Endings: Real Estate. In order to understand this house more fully check out the 8th and 12th houses. Any planets or aspects to these houses can help understand this very important angle on any chart.

Your life-style and the life you create for yourself is shown here, for example: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn usually indicate a life-style of change taking place as a result of personal desire. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius often indicate a life-style or changes to life-style as a result of something unexpected (even catastrophic). Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces create or experience a life-style in relationship to family conditions.

When we look at the closing years of life this house helps to understand these years. The FIRE signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius usually indicate the closing years of life will be very active. Aries will invariably want to keep creating something new. Sagittarians travel and Leo wants to live forever. The EARTH signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn seek security for their end of life. Taurus seeks a pension, Virgo can mean serving or depending on others. Capricorn survives.

The AIR signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra seek companionship in their closing years. Aquarius on the cusp of the 4th usually brings a dream come true. Gemini usually means doing what you want to do. Libra could end up lonely if no partnerships were formed earlier. The Water signs of Pisces: Cancer and Scorpio (in the closing years), depends on a variety of circumstances. Pisces on the cusp of the 4th can mean having others depend on you (or vice-versa). Cancer indicates family matters or concerns to make or mar the closing years. Scorpio usually outlives everyone else, benefiting from wills, legacies, insurances etc...

When you start to examine your relationship with your parents it's the opposite sex parent that is shown here and any planets in the 4th or aspects to the fourth will help you understand this 'relationship.' This is one of my secrets of Astrology for you will discover your 'roots' when you look at your opposite sex parents, opposite sex parent and so on...

Another way to understand this house is to analyse your past and the people you've known or been involved with. Did they encourage you onward and upward or 'held you back?' You can even look at your opposite sex parent in this light. Just remember our sense of value and worth comes from within, not the outside world and the challenges you face from the life-style you create or endure are happening to in order that you find an inner sense of value, a sense of belonging, a sense of security. If you discover this then the outside world can never take it away from you.

Did you grow up with a nagging sense of guilt that you were never good enough? Do you harbor any suppressed anger and resentment directed at those whom you feel were unappreciative and judging of you? If so, get over it... this is your life and its time to build upon the foundations of the 4th STUDY IT. This is the house of nourishment and nurturing, of traditions and loyalties. How you nourish and nurture others and how you respond to their nurturing of you is shown here. Your traditions and loyalties (as well as others) are also shown here. This is also the house of tenacity and resourcefulness (ask yourself how tenacious and resourceful you are), remembering, it's the sign on the cusp of the 4th that tells you how resourceful you are.

Being the house of real estate it offers information about what kind of house (or life-style) you need in order to feel secure. The element of the sign and any planets contained here will guide you to what makes you feel secure (or, insecure). This house represents your private world, where you enter for inner nourishment, where you nurture your SELF. Talking of heritage, this house can point towards your genetic background or family tree (opposite sex parent to opposite sex parent, etc.)

Until next time - enjoy your 'digging.'


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Cleaning the House - Most Hated Job of All

What is the most hated job that you have to do around your home? It is definitely cleaning the house. At least that is what surveys shows. And I have to agree. Because it is never ending story. Whenever you are finished with one part of the house, the next one is already waiting for cleaning. It is almost like full time job. So is there a way to make it easier? Well, yes. You just have to organize yourself.

First, you need to make a weekly plan of cleaning. Put on a peace of paper what is that that needs to be done during next week. Now you can spread cleaning jobs throughout the week. It is a good start, because you not going to leave all the hard work just for a one day.

Now, you need to split cleaning jobs in categories. Every day jobs, twice a week jobs and weekly jobs. You can put cleaning jobs like doing the dishes, cleaning counters and tidying up in daily routine. Dusting and vacuum cleaning in twice per week jobs, and mopping and bathroom cleaning you can put in weekly jobs.

Therefore, you can leave weekly jobs for a weekend, because they are most time consuming. And for the rest, you can organize that how it best suits you.

In addition, most important thing is that you should involve your whole family. So, when you making a cleaning plan for the next week, you should assign jobs by day and family member. If you split the jobs between all of you, it's going to be much easier.

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Out With the Old Means Hiring the Best House Clearing Service You Can Find

There are many reasons to require cleaning out an old home, including change of residence, tenants in a rental, and death of relatives. Under most circumstances this is a task that involves at least some emotional ties and that can complicate the procedure. Leaving the task up to a qualified professional house clearing service assures you it will be done speedily and thoroughly, saving you time and money. Often people who wish to remove old furniture and personal items are handicapped by emotion and tend to save items they later regret and do not have space for. Check the contents of the property in case there are heirlooms, valuables, or keepsakes you wish to hold onto, then let qualified professionals take care of the rest for you.

When looking for a capable company specializing in house clearance, keep the following in mind:

Discuss fees and other costs before making a commitment to a specific company. The cheapest may not always be the best choice when it comes to details of exactly what constitutes a house "clearance", so make sure details such as where items will be disposed of and how much can be recycled are put down in writing before they begin the job.
Assuring the business you hire for the task is licensed as well as fully covered with liability insurance. If there are damages to your building or any items you have designated to be kept, they should be covered by their insurance policy.
If there are bulky or dangerous items that need removal, make sure the clearing service knows what to do with them, and where to take them for disposal. Items like old gas stoves and furnaces may require special handling when detaching them from the home or building.
Determine if there is enough clearance for the house clearing crew and their trucks to access the property without disturbing the neighbors.
Do present the supervisor of the house clearing crew with keys and any special instructions before they proceed on the date set for the job to begin.
Any good clearing company must be registered with the Environment Agency and items such as carpeting, appliances, and furniture should be taken to the proper areas for recycling.
Grounds around the house (or the entire lot if the house is to be torn down) must be cleared and all materials taken away safely.
The services provided by a qualified house clearing company will most likely be charged for based on cubic foot of area to be cleared, plus any extra instruction such as removal of harmful or toxic materials and recyclable items. Houses that will be renovated may need to be cleared of mold, mildew, lead based paint, or asbestos and this should be put down in the contract as to any additional payments for those extra services. If selling the house and property, there will be building inspectors and realtors to satisfy as far as the house being up to code and ready to be sold or rented out. A qualified house clearing service will know exactly what to expect when they take on your job.

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5 Top Tips For About the House

This article is about household items, moving things and moving house. In short the sorts of things that everyone has to do frequently in their adult lives.

Moving House: moving house is such a busy and exciting time. It is also a very stressful time, third only to the death of a loved one and divorce, so the experts say. This is a very nice tip because not only does it help you to help your fellow man for next to nothing but it reduces your own potential problems too. When you move out, leave behind a list of all the building contractors you have used, what they did for you and the expiry dates of any guarantees still outstanding. Leave also a list of reliable tradesmen such as milkman, taxis, decorators, window-cleaners. Ask the previous occupiers of your future house for a similar list too.

Leave The Lightest Till Last: when you are moving house, it is best to get someone in to do it for you. However, if you have to do it for yourself, always shift the heaviest stuff first.  The wardrobes, the tables, the bed etc. Not only will you get more in the van that way, but you will also know that your job will become easier as you become progressively more and more tired.

Made To Measure: when you want to go shopping for furniture, first make a sketch of the rooms you are buying for and mark in the dimensions. Then take a tape measure with you. If you have any unusual colours in that room, try to take a swatch of it with you, or a photo or the colour on paper. Things always look different in a large store than in your smaller house. They say never to buy a bed when you are tired either as any bed will seem comfortable then.

Turning The Tables: some times you need an extra dining table. For example when you give a children's birthday party. Card tables or square garden tables can double up for this purpose. Cover them with an almost floor-length table cloth and no one will ever know. This is so a handy tip for a newly-wed couple or people living in a small apartment, in fact anywhere where space is limited.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall: a mirror can make a tremendous difference to a room. A bad or cheap one can spoil it even, but really good mirrors are extremely expensive. A good alternative is to make your own or rather, have your own assembled. Scour the junk shops and flea markets for an antique picture frame, discard the picture or hang elsewhere. Then take the frame to a glaziers and get him to cut a piece of mirrored glass to fit. The result is a great-looking mirror in a beautiful frame for a quarter of the cost and a free picture for the spare bedroom, top of the stairs or bathroom to boot.


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How Much Solar Power? Determining How Many Watts Your House Needs

Once you've decided to add a system of solar photovoltaic power panels to your house or business or determined that it's time to expand an existing system, the next question is: how much wattage do I need?

To find this out, you will need to know how much power you consume (or how much you plan to consume, for new buildings or for additions that will require lots of power - like a woodworking shop or a hot tub) and how much sunlight you receive throughout the year.

Assuming that you've been at your location for at least a year (so that you have a good feel for your electric needs for each season), take each electricity bill and write down the number of kilowatt-hours (kw-h) that were billed and the number of days in the billing cycle. Then, divide the number of kw-h by the number of billing days to get the average kw-h per day. To make things simpler, some people just assume 30 days for each billing cycle (and not all power companies report the billing days). That's how many kw-h your system will need to generate each day to meet your power needs. Once you've done this for the entire year's worth of bills, you'll know both your average daily consumption and your peak consumption. You may choose to size your system based on either value. If you use the average value (and assuming your power company allows you to sell power back to them, you should definitely check on this first!), then some days you'll make extra power and sell it back to the power company and some days you'll be buying power, but over the course of a year, your net electric bill should be close to $0. If you use the peak number, then you should be selling power back to the power company almost every day, but your system will cost more than if you sized the system based on the average power consumption.

Now, to get the wattage of solar panels that you need, you'll need to know how many hours of direct sunlight that your system will receive. If you've been at your location for several years already, you might have a good idea how many hours of direct sunlight your building receives, either seasonally or on average throughout the year. One way to determine how many hours of sunlight you receive is to take observations several times a day as to whether the portion of your roof where the solar panels are to be installed is sunlit. If you do this every day for a year, you'll have a good idea of how many hours of sunlight your solar panel will receive on a seasonal basis. There are a few problems with this approach: it's very time consuming as it requires you to take measurements throughout the day nearly every day; there will be some days when you just can't take the measurements (you're out of town, working and cannot get to the house to observe the roof, clouds are obscuring the sun, etc.); and, unless you have a solar panel system that tracks the sun, the number of hours of sunlight your roof receives is not the same as the hours of direct sunlight, since much of that light will probably not be coming in at right angles to your roof throughout the year.

Another way to estimate the number of hours of direct sunlight you receive is to assume a value or to use a rule-of-thumb. Often, 5 hours direct sunlight on average throughout the year is assumed. Although this is a fairly common assumption, you might end up disappointed if your solar system generates less power than you anticipated because you get fewer average hours of sunlight than this.

A third method is to look up an average regional value. The Florida Solar Energy Center presented a study in August 2004 at the ACEEE 2004 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings titled "Geographic Variation in Potential of Rooftop Residential Photovoltaic Electric Power Production in the United States." This study simulated the power generation of a 2 kilowatt (kw) photovoltaic rooftop system for 236 locations throughout the US. Depending on the location, they found that this 2 kw rooftop system would generate between 5 and 8.5 kw-h per day on average throughout the year.

Using the rule-of-thumb, a 2-kw system receiving direct sunlight for 5 hours per day would expect to generate 10 kw-h per day on average throughout the year. From the Florida study, the same system would be expected to generate only 5 - 8.5 kw-h per day throughout the year.

How you proceed depends on your goals. If your goals are to offset your electricity cost, then any of the approaches will provide an estimate of the number of hours of direct sunlight that you receive. However, if your goal is to become energy independent, then using the results of the Florida simulation would provide a more conservative value that would be more likely to provide a system sized for your needs. Take the results of the simulation and a few of your own observations (whether you have a lot of tall evergreen trees on the south side of your house that block a majority of the winter sun, etc.) and you should be able to estimate the number of hours of direct sunlight that you receive.

For example, if you've decided to use the average power consumption value and you use 600 kw-h per month and your billing company doesn't report the number of days per billing cycle (assume 30 days per month), then you consume 20 kw-h per day of electricity (600 kw-h divided by 30 days per month). Using the Florida simulation data and assuming you live in Western Kentucky, you receive approximately 3.5 hours of direct sunlight per day (from the graphic, estimate a value of 7.0 kw-h divided by 2 kw - the study is based on a 2 kw system). Then, your system would need to be sized for approximately 5,700 watts.

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The Cost of Selling Your House

Just because you list your home for $200,000 dollars doesn't mean you will put $200,000 in your pocket. The fact is that selling your home will cost you a pretty penny. It never ceases to amaze me when I talk to a home seller who believes they will receive the asking price for their home.

Selling your home will cost you dearly. Let's look at the figures. Let's assume that you are listing your home for $200,000 dollars with a real estate agent. The first thing most sellers don't realize is that they will generally sell their home for 95% of the asking price. So now the seller is down to $190,000 dollars. The second thing most sellers don't understand is that they will be asked to pay a portion of the closing cost. This figure is negotiable but usually ranges between 1 to 3 percent of the selling price. So we will assume 2 percent. So now the seller is down to $186,200 dollars. Sometimes the seller will be asked to provide a home warranty which usually cost around $600 dollars.

In addition to the home warranty the seller will be asked to make repairs on the house. This obviously could vary greatly. Typically the amount will be around $2,000 dollars. So now the seller is down to $183,600 dollars. So what other cost could be included? Well in order to sell your home you will need to fix it up. This means landscaping and paint. These two items could cost $1,000 to $10,000 dollars. So for our example we will estimate $3,000 dollars. So now we are down to $180,000 dollars. Of course if you have already moved out of your house then you are paying two house payments. This could get expensive. For our example we will assume the seller is still in the home. The last big cost to selling your home is the agent's fee. This is between 5% and 7% of the selling price. So for our example we will use 6%. Therefore the grand total the seller will receive at closing will be $168,600 dollars. That is a big difference!

So why don't more home sellers consider alternative ways to sell their homes? I don't know. I always recommend trying to sell your home to a home investor. Investors are in the business of buying homes. An investor typically doesn't care what the home looks like. They will be able to pay cash and close quickly. Best of all there is no agent involved. Think about it. Before I showed you the cost of selling your home using an agent you would have laughed at an offer of $168,000 dollars. But knowing what you know now, what if an investor offered you $175,000 dollars. Would you consider this offer? Before you sell your home think about the true cost involved and then consider selling to an investor.

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The House You Live, the Where You Live, is All About You

Numerology for the 21st Century - Your house or apartment - Number Three

 I'll be continuing this series of articles giving you insight into where you live, in the meantime consider this: the house or apartment of where you live, even the block of land - chose you! That's right, even though you might think you chose where you live I have news for you, it chose you...Developing this a little further, how many times have you heard (it may've even happened to you) of someone falling in love with a house but unable to afford it, yet - the finances became available. And, of those who had all their finances organised unable to proceed to the sale for one reason or another. It's happened to me and I'm sure it's happened to you - it's all about the where you live being where you're meant to be - lessons to be learnt - Karma to unfold or a journey to begin.

We looked at House Number Two in a previous article now we'll be looking at House Number Three (or reducing to the Number 3) and if you live at this address consider this:  Travel and adventure are the keywords for this number. Ambitious people are drawn here as well as people who take risks, gamblers in particular! Everything has a place in this household and when visiting expect to be told the cost of every new purchase! People who live here are seen as a winner which often leads to jealousy and gossip.

Sagittarians and pets are attracted to this address as well as those connected to the legal profession along with people who wear a uniform as part of their work or profession - think army, navy, police, fire brigade, airline personnel.  Interests or connections with the church or religious matters will become more apparent as will an interest in philosophy! This is a good number for those interested in writing. Remember, you can work out the meaning of any house or apartment by adding the digits together to end up with a single number between 1 & 9 in this example if you lived at a number 12 you would add the 1+2 = 3 and all that's said here applies to you and anyone living with you. However, if you lived in a block that 'reduced' to a 3 the meanings given apply to everyone who lives in the building (including you!) look  at your neighbours and see what I mean...

On the flip side alcohol consumption might increase and your 'rowdy' parties may upset the neighbours or be encountered from a neighbour or two! There could even be a few visits from the law and when those living under this number find themselves living on their 'nerves' you can expect a few domestic disputes - even violent ones! 

In my next article we'll look at House Number Four and what it means according to Numerology.

Catch you next time.


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If Your Landlord is in Foreclosure, Do You Still Need to Pay Rent?

Finding out that you are renting a house that is facing foreclosure can be deeply worrisome. And the worst part is that there are so many questions that you may never receive a response to from your landlord and have to begin researching on your own.

How far along is the process? Has the house already been sold at sheriff sale? Who is the current owner of the property? Which bank is the foreclosing lender? Can you get more time to move out? Or has the landlord been working on a solution?

But the most common question that tenants seem to have when they discover their apartment or rental house is in foreclosure is if they still have to pay rent or not. Of course, this is a serious question, but it is more important to know who should be paid, rather than if a payment should me made at all.

The short answer is that you are still required to pay rent since you are still living in the property and using the space you are leasing from the current owners. You have a contractual obligation to pay rent in exchange for the living space, and foreclosure does not change that until ownership is transferred through a public property auction.

If you are concerned about the foreclosure, then you have two options, both of which you should work on. First you can either move out as soon as possible to avoid potentially being evicted later on, or, second, you should talk to the landlord about what he is doing about the situation and any possible solutions to foreclosure.

Some landlords are able to stop the foreclosure process before the house is auctioned off, and then you would just be behind on rent if you stopped paying now and they saved the home. You would probably end up losing your deposit in that case, since nonpayment is one reason you had to put down the deposit in the first place, and you may open yourself up to lawsuits for back rent payments.

You can also move out of the house claiming constructive eviction, which means the conditions made it so unlivable that there was no other choice than to break the lease and leave. If the owner does not give you your deposit back, you can try to sue for it later on. You would just have to convince the small claims court that a pending foreclosure was a reason to move out prematurely.

A final aspect of the process to be aware of is after the sheriff sale, the bank may become the owner of the property and rent payments will need to be made either to a trustee or the lender's attorneys. Most often, banks will attempt to evict anyone still living in the house after the auction, but if there is a chance to continue renting, it may be best to consider the circumstances.

But you do not just want to stop paying rent unless you have the correct information about the foreclosure proceedings, what the owner is doing about it, or a game plan for moving out and claiming constructive eviction. Otherwise, refusing to pay rent because of a pending foreclosure may have negative unintended consequences, depending on how the rest of the legal process plays out.


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Increase the Selling Price of Your House with House Painting

Bob Vila of This Old House fame tells people to "...be kind to their neighbors when picking a color scheme." His house painting advice is echoed by realtors and builders across the country. The color that you paint your house, they say, can affect the value of all the other houses in your neighborhood. That's one of the reasons that many homeowner associations limit house painting color choices for homes in their communities.

While you might feel that house painting is a personal choice, there's a good deal of sense to the painting restrictions that some homeowners face. A garish purple house with Halloween orange shutters on the block can effectively make it almost impossible for anyone else in the neighborhood to get full value for their home if they choose to sell. A cohesive house painting color scheme that's carried on from property to property adds enormously to the appeal of a neighborhood.

In some cases, the house painting restrictions are based on more than just owner preference. On the West Side of one New England town, for instance, is a neighborhood of historic period houses all built in a similar Edwardian style. Owners who purchase houses in the Tatnuck community usually sign an agreement upon purchase that they will maintain a white or gray exterior with shutters in black, green or red - and that they will only use white Christmas lights at the holidays.

So what colors are good choices for exterior house painting?

According to Realty Time magazine, the choices are, in order, white, gray, blue, tan or brown, cream, beige, green, yellow and red. Of those, the overwhelmingly most popular house painting color is white, with over 37 percent of all homeowners stating that if they were repainting a house, they would choose white. While gray is the second most popular color, most realtors would recommend painting your house a pale shade if that's your choice. The reason? Lighter colors brighten a house and make it seem more spacious.

Among the other colors, the favored shades tend to be muted tones, often in 'historical' themes. House paint manufacturers like Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams often name their paint colors to cater to that trend. Thousands of houses across the country are painted Williamsburg blue or Colonial green.

If you do want brighter accents in your exterior house painting scheme, advise Realtors, confine yourself to the front door and shutters. A front door that's painted a friendly blue or warm red, they say, puts buyers in a good mood as they enter your house. And who'd know better than the guys that sell houses?

daddy little girls

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3 Rules of the House For Training Young Children

When children are young, it is easy to set up some basic "rules" that will help them to understand their role in the home and their role towards others if you take the time to craft your rules in simple, easy to follow terms. Then as they grow, children will be able to see how these rules expand to fit their growing situations. The challenge is in thinking of the big picture as parents and determining a set of definable standards that will fit most every situation you might encounter. As a Christian, we found it fairly easy to adapt three rules for our children, and each was easy to remember for our kids. We began to train and teach our children these rules when they were very young, and as a result, the tone has been set for years to come.

Our first rule, and I might add that all of them come from the Bible, was taken from Matthew 22:37. It states, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the foundation of how we act and live in our home. This says that we belong to God, and we are to act in love towards Him. When we do that, we will also learn obedience to God's Word. That takes a lifetime of application, so we continually work in this area, both for our children and ourselves, but setting the tone for study of God's Word and His expectations begins the process.

Our next rule of the house is from Deuteronomy 5:16, and we shortened it when our children were young to this part, "Honor your father and mother." That was very simple for young children. We could show it to them in children's Bibles as they got a little older and then even later, they could read it for themselves to see the rest of it, but the idea was clear that mom and dad were to be honored, treated with respect, and trusted to lead in godliness since they could trust that everyone in the family was already obeying the first rule, to love God. Clearly, this rule got some challenging from our children over the years, but it was easy to come back to the rules of the house discussion if they had learned this foundational piece early on. It also covered many, many issues without being too specific allowing this rule to be flexible for many parenting issues, again, assuming that the parents too, are following the first rule and seeking to mentally and spiritually follow God in love.

The final rule, and this one covers a lot of ground so it was a favorite for my husband and me, was from Ephesians 4:32. It says, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you." When our children were very young, we had them memorize the first part only, but we always said the entire verse. Over time, they learned the whole verse and it was amazing how many of life's issues were covered by this single verse, and still are! How we treat others is truly learned in the home, both by what is said and by what is done, so this verse taught us to be kind and considerate, to be forgiving because we were going to need forgiveness ourselves, and to remember that it all starts at home. We had to model patience, kindness, forgiveness, and compassion to each other and by doing that, we learned to think that way all of the time, even outside of our home.

My children are getting older now, but we still live by these rules. We may not address them specifically as rules now, but we certainly hold them as the standard in our home. Because of that, our home is a refuge and pleasure to be in for all of us. I encourage you to consider the essential rules for your home, and begin to train your children in your rules of the house from an early age.

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Small Dog Breeds That Make Excellent House Dogs and Companions

Small dog breeds are becoming increasingly popular as companion dogs because they are extremely portable, adaptable to nearly any living environment, easier to take care of and cheaper to upkeep. With an overwhelming number of small dog breeds available, this may makes finding the perfect small companion a difficult task.

Breeds of small dogs have a reputation for being excellent companion pets for someone living alone or for an older couple. This is because these types of small house dogs are happy and energetic, making them a great pet for a family, but are also small enough to do well in a small apartment because they don't require much exercise.

Another benefit of small dog breeds is that they have an average life expectancy of 14-16 years. While some are prone to ailments simply because of their size, many experience less health problems than large breeds that deal with hip dysplasia, arthritis, or joint problems. Before selecting a small dog breed, you will want to do some research regarding potential breed specific health issues.

Often small dogs, usually less than 15 pounds or so, are considered part of the "toy" or "miniature" group. Some small breeds like the Poodle, are actually a tiny version of the Standard Poodle. You may find some small dog breeds available in weighs as little as 4-6 pounds at full growth, while others will weigh closer to 14-16 pounds.

Although there are great benefits to owning a small dog, you will need to be especially careful with some of the smallest breeds outdoors in the cold, as well as around other large dogs, as they are more vulnerable to injury. If you live in a cold climate zone and are interested in a small dog, you might want to consider small fluffy dog breeds, like a Shih Tzu or a Pomeranian.

As well, just because these dogs are small does not always mean that they are instantly cute and sweet. Many small dog breeds, like the Chihuahua and Pomeranian, have a reputation for being temperamental, jealous and downright spoiled at times. Depending on the breed, some may also be difficult to train and housebreak, as they are often known for being headstrong to make up for their small stature. Before deciding on a small dog, you will also want to do some research, as some are better suited with children or other pets, while others may not be suited in these homes.

Their benefits as pets far outweigh any downfalls and this shows as they continue to rise in popularity. They are wonderful family dogs, as well as easy going companions that are usually content doing whatever their owners do. Most just enjoy snuggling up while their owners watch a movie and many are content with a little romp in the backyard.

Some of the most popular breeds of small dogs include...

Chihuahuas: This pup is known for being fiercely loyal, as well as having a big dog attitude. Although this works well for couples looking for a little watch dog, Chihuahuas may not do well with children because of this loyalty and attitude. Because of their short hair, they will do best in a warm climate zone or where they can be kept indoors unless they are of the long-haired variety.

Dachshunds: Most recognize the "wiener dog" right away and this has helped to make them one of the most popular small dog breeds in America. They are popular because of their fun and fearless attitude, a happy personality as well as being a great companion dog. Owners need to regularly exercise them and be careful of overfeeding because they are short and long.

Pomeranians: This breed loves to be spoiled, so will do well with a companion that wants to make their pet the center of attention.They don't mind sitting on their companion's lap all day long, although they are known for being jealous. Poms are one of the most popular small fluffy breeds that have more bite than its bark, making it a great watchdog.

Pugs: A sweet and lovable small dog with lots of energy, Pugs fit well with any type of family, although they will need regular exercise because of their tendency towards being overweight.

Shih Tzus: Often referred to as the little lion because of their lion face and big personality,this breed commands attention and respect. Surprisingly, although they are long-haired and require regular grooming, Shih Tzus are actually considered hypoallergenic.

Yorkshire Terriers: One of the smallest of the small breeds, Yorkies are actually pretty hardy and can stand up to a little rough housing. These dogs are extremely loyal companion dog that will usually pick their favorite owner, and have a tendency towards being jealous.

These are just a few of the many small dog breeds out there, and if chosen carefully, both you and your pup will benefit with years of love and companionship.


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The House or Apartment Where You Live - Numerology For the 21st Century Reveals ALL

Continuing with this series of articles giving you insight into where you live, in the meantime consider this: the house or apartment of where you live, even the block of land - chose you! That's right, even though you might think you chose where you live I have news for you, it chose you...

Developing this a little further, how many times have you heard (it may've even happened to you) of someone falling in love with a house but unable to afford it, yet - the finances became available. And, of those who had all their finances organised unable to proceed to the sale for one reason or another. It's happened to me and I'm sure it's happened to you - it's all about the where you live being where you're meant to be - lessons to be learnt - Karma to unfold or a journey to begin.

House Number Five: Living here is like living in a hotel - expect all sorts of comings and goings at all hours of the day and night. Forget having a security door, what you need is a revolving one! Running a business from home is ideal and people who travel for a living often live here. Investors also like this number as it offers one of the best returns for minimal outlay.

Gemini's and Virgos are attracted to this number and if you are one of these signs you'll feel at home whilst living here yet - you must look after your skin and make sure all food is prepared in the cleanest of environments. Keep insurance policies up-to-date and all cash under lock and key.

When purchasing or moving into this address there's often a biscuit tin full of money or a safe hidden behind a picture, so if buying this house you should look everywhere! Some personal comments: Whenever the planet mercury goes retrograde (and he/she does once or twice a year) all sorts of things go wrong in the areas of communication, from letters being lost to the phone breaking down or being cut off, computers crashing and strange callers knocking on your front door. Check this out whenever Mercury turns retro and see what I mean...

Another observation I have to offer you is the cyclic nature of this number where every 5 years of so the wheel turns upwards or downwards bringing good or bad 'luck' along the way. I've found that when you purchase on the upward cycle you make a profit but, when you purchase on the downward cycle you make a loss. Regarding cycles you have to understand Numerology and there's only nine years to a cycle but it's not as simple as counting 1-9 no way. The mathematics have all changed since we entered the years beginning with 2 (the year 2000) and no matter what you read elsewhere Numerology has changed and having been involved with Numbers for as long as some you of have been alive let me tell you - numbers are different now and the effect they have on each and every one of us is different to when it was during the 20th Century (1900 - 1999).

When we conclude the meanings (simple yet, comprehensive in nature given to House Numbers 1-9 and those reducing to these numbers we'll explore the sexuality of Numerology for like it or not we are sexual as well as spiritual beings and Numbers give a clue to both. I'm looking forward to giving the meanings of your sexual potential using numbers - stay tuned. RSS and be kept up to date.

Until next time- follow me on twitter or visit: www.thomasmuldoon.spaces.live.com for my monthly musings...


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List of Recreational Activities - Things to Do Outside of Your House

People Today have really busy lifestyles. When you actually do get a day off you should make it count. In this text I will compose for you a suggested list of recreational activities. Some you may like, some you may not like. I hope that it will help narrow down fun thing for you to enjoy.

A nice quiet day of fishing is always nice durring the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Some people do enjoy ice fishing in the Winter as well. That is far too cold for me though. Another enjoyable afternoon can be spent hiking. You may not even have to travel far to do this. Usually you can check on line for near by trails. If you find yourself enjoying the trails you may also want to try trail riding. It is a great workout for you legs. Believe it or not I really enjoy mall walking when the weather is not so nice.

My list of recreational activities is not all physical. I believe in recreation for the mind and soul as well. I enjoy going to rhythmic breathing classes. These classes help you to slow down in these fast paced days that we live in. There is soft music for meditation, and aromatherepy candles. I feel so relaxed after class. Shopping is always a great activity. I feel mentally uplifted when I get together with my friends and go to the mall hit the sales. After we go to the local coffee shop and enjoy a great cup of java as well as the company and chit-chat.

There is a great coffee spot right in the bookstore near my house. I love to unwind in a good book. Reading is definately on my list as well. There is something magical about books. I always find myself lost in the story. I can picture the charecters, scenery, if the author is good I sometimes feel like I'm there watching the story unfold.

I would have to say that my faveorite thing on my list of recreational activities would have to say a good old day at the movie theater. I try to go durring the matine hours. This will save you some money. Usually matine movie tickets are at least $3.00 cheaper. When I have a tighter budget I close all the blinds in my house, pop pocorn, put a movie in and walla a movie theater in my home. Alot of times you can buy the previously viewed dvds from Blockbuster 3 for $20.00. This way you can get something you haven't seen.

Well, I hope you found something on this list that looks recreational to you. I also find myself enjoying the many games on th internet. There are many websites where you can play games for free. Pogo.com is a great example of this. My faveorite are the on line puzzle websites like puzzlebee. I could spen hours just playing around.

Well I hope you enjoy your next day off with a great activity. Just try something new everytime. This way you can start a list recreational activities of your own some day.

Fast And The Furious

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Cat urinating in the house? What to do before your home is one Giant Litterbox

Let's face it. It is unpleasant to say the least, the home to have your cat urinating in. Sometimes cats seem to completely ignore their litter box and urinate in the most appropriate places like the kitchen sink. If you prevent casinos and get the smell to want to control, it is important to address the underlying cause of the problem.

You are probably wondering, "Why is my cat urinating in the house?" Your cat is urinating in the house because he did notwant to urinate in the litter box. It combines the litter box to urinate. That's right ... Cats avoid their litter box if it is painful to urinate because they think somehow that the litter is the problem. Usually, the underlying cause of painful urination is an infection of the urinary tract.

Note If your cat urinates in the house, it is important to take him to the vet to take her test. More often than not, urinary tract infections in dogs are caused by E. coli bacteria. Ifnot treated in time, the infection can travel up to the kidneys and life-threatening.

Why is my cat urinating in the house and what can I do about it? Although it is important to bring your cat to the vet, you have to find that your vet will probably prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics work but they do little more than suppressing the symptoms of the problem. Many cats have recurrent infections, until the cause of the problem addressed.

Treatment ofProblem, it is important to make some lifestyle changes. First, you give your cat only fresh, filtered water. Make sure he always has a lot on your plate. Dehydration can cause urinary tract infections and drinking filtered water helps flush the toxins that accumulate in your cat's body. You're probably asking: "Why is my cat urinating in the house?" They want to change their usual diet to also look for, because dry, commercial cat food is often the cause of the infection.

Dry,commercial cat food contains many minerals and it is very grainy. It can change the pH of your cat's urine and it makes it easier for the bacteria to thrive in your cat's urinary tract. Even before you see your cat urinating in house, you will probably want to start him only raw, unprocessed food and home cooked food. These natural foods will help your cat to inner balance and health in general.

If you ask, "Why is my cat urinating in the house, and why I can do about it? "There is one more thing you should know. A homeopathic remedy, combined with sufficient water supply and a healthy diet can effectively treat and prevent urinary problems in cats. Homeopathy is about the suppression of the symptoms only. It helps your to achieve a permanent cure cat by restoring the health of your cat's bladder, urinary tract and immune system.

Now that you are armed with this information, remember the next time you see your cat urinating in> Home. Do not wait until the problem gets out of control. Hinder you progress, by making the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes and give your cat a homeopathic remedy. Believe me. You will be a huge difference in the way your cat behaves, and you will help him to achieve a permanent cure.

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