Donkey Land, Minnesota (Part One - Bizarre Years)

((Part one) (on the old painter,
Anton Evens and grandchildren)

The painter, an old, short shaved smooth, some had difficulty sleeping. The window next to his house where he lived, were low, and was able to look at his purple bushes when he awoke in the morning, afternoon, or was in the living room floor. Several workers were electricians to fix the Carpenter house he had just bought on Cayuga Street (1958), APlasterers and a furnace man, serious, and Manning, a neighbor, friend and daughter.

A lot of fuss was made history in the house ready to live on the old, the daughter and two grandchildren. The old man, Anton, was a soldier in World War had arrived in the country in 1916, Russia has raised a family, his wife died aged 33 in 1933, was now sixty-three. The painter had around a pipe and cigar smokingwell.

For a time the two men Anton and Ernst, said outside the house painted inside and then, and then talked about other things. The old man was about the war. Ernest, in fact, led him to this topic. His son, Wally, was once a prisoner in a German prisoner of war was called then, during the Second World War, and had a son who died in this war, France, Italy, in 1945. The son died in an explosion, and if this part of history, camehis eyes were moist.

Earnest liked the old painter, had a broad face, and he smiled when he lifted his eyelids and forehead and face off up and down. The sad old man with a pipe in his mouth was, perhaps, seriously funny at times. The plan was for the house was mostly done in his way, the adolescent nephew, was his bedroom in the attic, and her and her daughter at the first level.

In his bed, the painter often rolled this way and that way, but moreas is often very quiet on most evenings. For years he had weighed the ideas about his relationship with a younger woman (though he was a widower and she is not married). He was alone, sometimes difficult to get along with her, and had three children of a young woman, her heart fluttered for them.

The idea had never occurred to her grandson would find this affair, there was never even in the sense, and he died suddenly, and ignorance, who knew a nephew,and his nephew knew every time he came to bed, he thought, that man, he also found the photo of her naked pictures hidden in the side of his chair. There was no need of the boys. The result was all really be something unique, and knew that it was not so easily be explained by his grandfather, opposite, in fact, but was not really his thing, and then he, but her mother said. Maybe it's because more energy, thought the boy, younger at heart, because he met the woman, andchildren, invited into their kitchen one afternoon when she was fifteen. There he stood motionless as he listened and learned more about his grandfather, who would have thought that anyone could have thought this old man, his body was too old and not much more to Him something used was very young. It was as a teenager, the only thing he was not really a teenager but an old lonely No, he was a young man, was that he needed a woman,Young, beautiful and slender, with her, his knights. It seems odd, you see, to try to say what was inside the old man was in bed every night, lonely and sometimes a bit 'tipsy, her heart fluttered about them. The thing to get that old thing for her was in his young heart, he bought that she lived in the house to pay the bills and support his children, and no one knew, no one EXCEPT grandchildren.

The old painter, as most people aroundthe world was during his long life, many ideas in my head. It 'was once very beautiful and has been married twice and had another woman attracted to him. And then, of course, he divorced his first wife, who drank too much, and the second died of an illness. It has a restaurant, and get, had to know the people, a lot of people, especially in this young woman, deeply, and perhaps another secret that different from the way and I was tooPeople know. At least that is what many have thought that the old and the thought kept him like a secret to his six daughters and one son. Why argue with them his money on his deathbed, if done on that day? And he knew that this must have been the case.

In the old bed had a dream that does not necessarily comply with a dream, perhaps even a vision. When he was sleepy, a bit ', for several weeks, often unconscious, forms began to appear beforeEyes, demonic characters. It was introduced and said to his nephew, is also nearby, others said, and few of them saying these things in themselves are just nightmares, unreal what people get old (especially now with eighty-three ), but a long tunnel dug in his cellar from far-off, "said the old man in a procession, and these forms were waiting for him. And he added:" True or not, I see. "

You see the interest in all theseis in form, which went under the eyes of the old painter. They were all demonic. Most of the children, the painter was concerned for his health, and where you hide your money, and some even threatened him.

The picture was a little grotesque and seemingly boring terrible, compared with the young nephew, said relatives of all new, non-threatening to the old, or They should deal with him. The old man did not know this was his mother. Some were even funnytoday 27 years karate expert, and Vietnam Veteran (now 1974), and did not want someone who has violated the old, not the forms. When he spoke, he asked the boy a few times to get a couple of eggs, and his nephew would have done for him. He felt perhaps the old man, with all its unpleasant dreams, the food was not right, and it was probably indigestion.

In the last days before his death, for hours, the procession of grotesque shapes under the eyes of the pastthe old man, and then, although his heart was throbbing, his hands quivering, he crept out of bed and went to the bathroom, it was late afternoon. Someone within the group of the shapes and shadows had made a deep notion on his mind and he wanted to avoid it, perhaps wake himself up more.

Sitting on the edge of his bed the old painter thought for an hour. In the end he knew his time was short "The shapes have busted through the wall in the basement" he told his grandson, Chick. It was is never mentioned, other than this moment, but I heard once and made a lasting impression in my mind. The old man had a central idea in recent days, which is very strange and has always stayed with me. As I recall happened, many people and things I could never understand before understanding them. The reasoning is involved simply said that something similar could be:

That beginning, when we were young, and the worldwas young, our minds, and we had many ideas and very little excuse, but no such thing as illegal. And part of that truth, that around the man made himself the reality around him, and all reality was that a fuse leading to a lot more, not in some vague ideas. Everything about his world were, these new facts, facts that were implicit, and they were all beautiful, if not some strange beginning, during the formal grounds and beyond, when our mind is still. Impress

Now that is an old man who had performed spiritual and was listed these facts and the truth and reality, as a sort of unwritten book, which he kept in his secret chamber threw away the excuse that his spirit had so long forever He also questioned what was true and what is not. I do not try to tell you about all this, there was a truth of God for him, but only in nature, and now this new truth, reality, obsession haunts him, the truth of this demonic and Formsmust be shadow if they were, who they were, then even on nature, there is the opposite, a real God, is the opposite, such as wealth and poverty, black and white, truth and lies, thrift and extravagance. Maybe there would be a message here, and if it was for him, this was the message, the last message he would ever receive from God himself. So he opened the door for him to see his demons before they dragged him: Who says?

And then the family came together, sisters and his son. Howappeared grabbed everything they could, which was also a fact, a truth, a reality that a dozen times in the last days of his land.

It 'was the fact that the reality is that it has made all forms as real people to the old. Had not developed enough or theory on this issue. It was his opinion that the moment the demonic figures discovered the last piece of land, would take him to the tunnels and seal them up again, this was reality for all ITS, ITSThe truth for me, even to himself, What is called, can not be other ways of life was embraced a slave of his soul before the mind and soul forms and shapes.

It is not to look for her one hour as the old man who had spent all the years of his life, a way of thinking, now filled with doubt WAS would be difficult to access by the masses of new opportunities to others to start thinking about what was and what is not reality in his world, his spirit. The subject wouldbe so large in his mind that he threatened a form of being. He did not suppose I always think that a reality, for the same reason he never took the time to consider his opinion for a total of Appeal hidden content, what WAS his wife says Christian HIM from time to time after the 'hour when Christ was real, not a fact, as now, were the real forms and shadows, a fact both truth and that he had learned, were the truth, when he was ten years old, but new facts assumed hisMinded. If something was to save the old man, was to shed light on the page to go back when she was very young, put it in again, that part he threw Himself, could save the old man.

What other people this story, I just told them to pass, because like the old, ordinary people are called a lot, and then, as the old, the next thing, what is desirable and lovable of all shapes and shadow demon-GodCreation.

No: 571 (1-17 and 18-2010)

Records Music daddylittlegirls

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