Who are the Smurfs?

The Smurfs is a Belgian comic book series in Brussels, officially by a man named "Peyo" in 1958. blue, Gnome, human creatures who live in these houses in a village called mushroom seeds Smurf village hidden in the forest. Are blue, three apples high, and speak a dialect known only to them. You can go and run both, but often move by skipping on both feet.

There are over 100 men in blue country, and almost all look the same: mostly male (though thereare also three women - Smurfette, Sassetti and Nanny), very short, with blue skin, white trousers with a hole for the short tail and a white hat in the style of a Phrygian cap Smurf. Today, a veritable industry has been established on the basis of their popularity, and people love to dress as a Smurf, especially for the benefit of wearing those hats look silly Smurf.

Those votes will be 543-year-old Papa Smurf, a good and powerful wizard, the experts of the "spells and potions run. You can easilyto distinguish it from his red suit and white beard and bushy is what the Smurfs when turning the anger in the country.

Each Smurf is assigned a task within the community, according to their abilities and needs of the community. In return, each Smurf appears on their need for existence, from his shelter and clothing to food without the use of money in return. In this view, there are the Smurfs called for them as personality Brainy, awkward or profession(Reporter or phone).

Brainy Smurf, who through his great spectacles like to think of themselves as the smartest Smurf in the village and an expert on everything, although it is often wrong. He Smurf is a student and assistant. Brainy best friend is clumsy. Clumsy Smurf has a good heart, to distinguish it from its loose clothing, adding to his clumsy appearance. It is through his hobby of collecting rocks known.

Reporter Smurf is the news reporter from the Village.He loves Smurfs several sensational articles and interviews for publication in his newspaper that he is with his printing press, that maintained by Handy Smurf write printed. Wearing a visor on the front hood, and a pencil on the ear, the phone handyman Smurf the Smurfs. It helps put things in the village and is known for its stunning technological breakthroughs, such as tele-Schlumpf, Weather Machine smurfing and Smurf-Mobile.

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