Astrological Choices - Chart wheels - fixed or floating homes Tropical

At the beginning of this series on the choices astrological I wrote about the use of systems of equal or unequal tropical house. The choice of a wheel style is a choice that is made early in the study of astrology Might be a time when student does not understand what they choose. There are many options for the style. Some of you may feel with well enough, but there are those formed to create a vague uneasiness, if you can try a reading table. Usually, discomfortProduced by the emotions generated by the layout unknown. This has completely changed, you should do. Astrologers are creatures of habit, like all human beings. Changing what is familiar, and can be unpleasant. Spending a few days away with a new format with complaints.

The most common arrangement in the West, the rigid format, 12 equal segments shaped cake distributed around the wheel. The Ascendant is always placed to the left of the central position on the bike, at 09:00Position on a clock. The houses are then numbered sequentially clockwise around the wheel, starting with the Ascendant, the house is known as the first head. The next line sets, which appears in the counter-effect is the cusp of the second house, and so the whole wheel for a total of 12 houses. The spire of the house began opening (running clockwise from the bottom) and extends to every house untilMeet the next house cusp.

If you have a system like house, hard house format is very convenient as 01:12 segments of the wheel body of a different zodiac sign. Given homes tips to maintain the same degree and minute of rising to the chart, just change the character symbols from peak to peak. These in turn are placed one after the other counterclockwise. The difference between the layout of the house was in my previousAstrological article on gender choices of homes and equity. This particular provision is the same house. All other layouts may be unequal in the category described a.

While the segments are drawn the same size for convenience, the houses vary in size, if you use an unequal system elements described as above, That I have. Not repeat, but my previous article, the systems house disparities reflect the differentDivisions of time and space. Their common factor is that the houses may or may not contain each 30 degrees and can be very different from that of the birth of Latitude is part of the equation. As the birthplace of the equator, plus various sizes of homes and interceptions can be made.

This rigid model, emerge other uses. If you do not know at the time of birth is common to the wheel with the sun directly on the ascending or rising set point.If you are wide birth and longitude, you can create a whole wheel with unequal houses, especially North and South High latitudes away. The sun has spread to all those born on this day to read, but for me it is not as specific as birthchart precise timing.

Again with the rigid schedule, you can also build noonmark wheel, with the Sun Midheaven is in the house 10 or cusps. The houses are of different sizes, but can stillbe placed on the wheel rigid format with the starting point in the noon position on the clock. This provision is particularly useful for companies to countries, states, IPO stocks, etc., because the focus of this wheel is for business. This is also something more general, but tends to center the reading on the business explained, instead of a more personal approach of solar cycle before.

There is a third party to use the format wheel drive called Aries rising. The wheel isBuilt in 2000 on the ascendant Aries and can) use the same items in the house (sharing) or the unequal distribution common house determined by the use of the width of birth (.

The tropical float format is common in Europe and has its own value. The rigidity is removed, but your backs on the degree markers on the outer rim of the wheel, pull, 360 small tick marks. Of course, if the diagram is computer-generatedThis is done for you. Just select the format if you prefer the European wheel based Ascendant or Midheaven. The same basic information is in every election, including fixed or floating, but the layout looks different to the eye and may be preferable to find some decisions. That is the purpose of this series. You have choices. I'm trying to enlighten you on ways to help you make a good choice for yourself.

The key to the European model, is that the table floats free(No system disk) again based on two decisions. One choice might be to graph from the perspective of Midheaven and balance to allow the table to collect flow from that point. The other option would be Set to the highest point of departure, and then the balance of the flow chart to be there. Reason for this choice are contained in the preceding paragraphs.

This is an advantage, free-floating house cusps. If the wheel is easily seen, the size of the differencehouses, and that can help give your reading, look into the Midheaven (the position watch the clock), if this format is fixed or variable, are you a visual reference for the culmination of a planet growth has created, the point at which it moves in order of increasing recruitment. This could conceivably sustain you in your reading, in particular the goals, ambition, power and position in the world.

Looking at the 9:00 clock position on the AscendantNow if you have the rigid format or floating reacts a visual reference for how the individual in the world, their coping strategies, and how others can see that individual creates.

Regardless of what a layout of the house you choose, you're never locked in an election that before such a choice were informed. Once you try the desirability of these opportunities, contact a few examples to help you evaluate your decisions. The system you chooseis always negotiable. A few days of practice will be supported by the natural resistance that we have the new and inexperienced compared to known and get comfortable. Some appeal to you, either because it is easier, requires less effort, or simply feels right. Ignorance is not your friend. Experiment, allowing them to take personal astrological informed choice.

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