The Edge of Black Jack Casino Regulation

In my many years as a professional player, I with many people who have taken as a player, but unfortunately the reality is different. One of the most talked about topics, such as one to gain an advantage in winning blackjack.

I estimate that over 90% of all blackjack players know exactly where the casino has the edge in this wonderful game. The fact is that this also applies to the dealer blackjack! Try to ask your dealer Black Jack, what and where the house edge is in the game and the majority of them do not know the answer.

I have seen many "strategies" of players in their quest for the board since they figure that all the advantages. After all the players can choose what to do, not the dealer. The player can "Double Down", insurance, surrender, split, and above all a player gets 3-2, if you get a blackjack.

All of the above options can of course be beneficial for the players and in this article refer to> House board, not gambling strategies, but let me make just a little trick:

The absolute worst strategy you choose, the distributor, which say more, the 16 strike and down and stopped on 17 and follow the top!

So where exactly are the rules of blackjack, the casino makes money?

The reason they went through all this before you say is the answer, why do you tease I Should do some 'the same to others if you want some fun. KeepGuess' before telling them the answer.

The solution of the problem can be found by two questions:

What happens when you have 18 years and the dealer has 18? Simple - it is a stand-off, and keep the money.

And now the magic question:

What happens if you and the bond dealer at 22, 23, 24, 25 or 26?

The answer to the question above is the solution of the problem over the edge in blackjack casino. Since the rules of blackjackstates that the player's hand is dealt first, wins the casino when they bind their hands on the chest.

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