The planet Saturn is your teacher

To understand how Saturn is your teacher, we need to look
twelve houses of astrology.

Every house in astrology is one area of your life: first
House, the personality, the second home for personal finances
third house on thinking and learning, the fourth house of home and
Family, the fifth house of love and romance, the sixth home to work
health, the seventh house of relationshipsand partnerships
eighth house of sex and creditors, the ninth house of religion and
Higher education, the tenth house of career and ambition, eleventh,
Home for friends and companions, and the twelfth house
Meditation and the unconscious.

Regardless of Saturn in the house is in your chart, this is when
You must learn the greatest lesson. Saturn is our master,
But most of us try to avoid teaching, isteach.
Saturn shows our primary fear. That's why we do not want
learn to deal with what he has always tried to know. This
basically no way to avoid Saturn's lessons. So before we
embrace what we learn, the better we

For example, if Saturn falls in your birth chart in the second
House of personal finances, is the challenge and
The question, to do with your finances responsibly. IfYou
You will not be shocked by the consequences. This is
difficult for you because you do not want to be responsible
Your finances. This tendency is inherent in your evasion
Birth. Indeed, one might say that Saturn is always discover
what we are trying to avoid.

Here's another example. If Saturn in the seventh house, found
partners and relationships, not like the idea of
married, and attend allSkills that are
With this commitment. You can avoid even a nun or Monaco are
the request of a close relationship. But in the end
challenged to learn all about the marriage and probably the final result
several times only to ensure that the lessons. Once you
right - to find a true partner - has learned the
Lesson of Saturn, warmly embrace your partner is
and be happy.

Lessons Saturnnot easy, but if you are willing to
take the needs and responsibilities in this area of life
where it is, then you will overcome your fear main
and experienced a very profound lesson.

Finally, Saturn is your teacher.

© 2005 Randall Curtis

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