The Prodigals - The House is not for sale

For years we have built,
And the more time we have collected,
The work gathered all of us,
To build what we built,
It leaves legacy for all
All our seeds are still.

The work of our heroes past
The agony of the victims of massacre
The good fight for freedom,
And the forge and conversion,
For now, the day for our precious?
This house is not for sale!

Although our house is light,
And we were in the darknight,
But we know things well,
Even if they say they have no power
But we are still their great joy,
Yes, this house is for sale!

Even if the water in our house
And in it we have many mice
The walls of our house are cracked,
And through him we are persecuted,
However, we believe in our house
That house is not selling this!

In our house there are many thieves,
The corrupt all hereLife
Although our house is painted evil
And we all seem really bad also
However, we hope that in our house,
And this house is for sale!

We know we have ripped the roofs,
And our doors are open for criminals
And our windows open for dumping,
With all sleep with one eye open
In our house, despite the lack of sincerity,
But it is not for sale!

In our house, sir, we ourselves,
Even if this is the survival ofStronger
And the search of sudden wealth,
With food for a thousand for one,
Although with a little fat and many dilutions
We do not know yet who is not for sale!

Although our house is old and shaky
And our colors, all nasty and disgusting
Our crack wide open in front of everyone,
And to open our doors and windows to shame,
With the struggles and pain in there every day,
But it is not for sale!

But in our house, we also
The brighter thebrightest
The winners and the great inventor,
Friends of God with a difference
The best natural resources,
And we are proud of our home!

The hope we have in our house
The basis for the new beginning,
The paint, repair and modification,
Running water, electricity continues
If all live so peacefully,
And justice will reign in our house.

mtdbassguitar blowingupthemoon

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