And 'Sock' Em In: The Sock Doll Revolution

I recently noticed that I had an odd number of socks in my sock drawer. And I do not think I was twelve socks, even though twelve is an odd number. In fact, the number of socks, so that a sock does not belong to a couple. My first thought was to throw him out. My second inclination was found, however, where:

R. I would wear two socks on one foot and a sock on the other. This would prove very useful if you want to take a walkJealousy in winter.

B. I would like a sock on one foot, and take others. This would prove very useful when I have a bubble, or do not take it too literally, that a person will want to sock me.

In addition, there are many other purposes for a lost sock. So many, in fact, that people now start to lose your socks on purpose, just a reason to use the following suggestions:

Before Everyone knows that fits perfectly with sock puppets with some adjustments and some are onof the eyeballs (not real). Few know that sock puppets can be turned back into his socks. This means that you take the sock puppet from your old wardrobe in an emergency, if you need more than a sock. Do not have a wardrobe? Then check under the bed. Do not have a bed? Then look to your wardrobe. Do not have a sock puppet? This is impossible ...

According addition to everything that does nothing better than a sock potholders. But this should not be just any sock. Rather, this sockshould have the holes. Never has the food from the oven is so exciting ...

Use the third fits like a boxing glove filled with two socks and your other hand. Although this may seem a waste of three socks, it is more a waste of hand ...

Use the fourth fits like a bracelet tying it in a loop. Decorate further by hanging her from one or all of the following: a Slim Jim, Slim Jims two grapes, a pencil or another sock ...

Fifth Hosting a sockhop. Simply upload the local kangaroos and Joeys, each of which will be very attractive wearing socks that give them the time of entry. In case of failure, the end of the party immediately. After all, they delivered the stockings ...

But I digress.


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