Astrology - Signs and the Planet - Part 1

chart: a chart is divided into 12 parts called Planet 12 houses and the signs are placed in these homes. Every planet in a different house and different characters means something else. birth charts are very precise because it is very difficult to get exactly the same pattern of someone else, but remember that they are not perfect, as there are things about science and calculations, and no one can explain.

While analyzing your birth chartYou must consider the houses, planets and zodiac signs in all. Before you ever thought that a virgin or a need or a Gemini Leo. But now you see that all the characters have an important role in your horoscope and all contribute to your personality and your future. Here I talk about what Sun and the Moon.

Sun has the largest planet in our solar system (we all know that there is nothing new..) It helps in the nourishment of life in thisWorld. Provides us with warmth, energy and food, which is indispensable for our life. Although Sun is a star, but in astrology is called a planet. The position of the Sun in a natal chart governs your personality, how you react to things in life, your goals in life, your individuality and style. Your zodiac sign will tell you about your general characteristics, which can be viewed by others. Save the other trains, not people, but you can see, are those caused by the influence of different planetsin different characters in your birth horoscope. Do you understand your score will help you understand yourself better and help you grow as a person too.

Moon is once again a planet, but in the context of astrology is called a planet. Moon is the second largest planet to the sun, while understanding your personality. The moon makes your inner self and helps you understand your feelings and instinct. The moon personality is that part of you that are hidden, keeping the party willI feel anger, jealousy, fantasies spontaneous joy. The moon has power over the emotions, to feel your susceptibility to other influences and how other people get to you. Sometimes you may feel that you are always in conflict, then what to do Should know more about your Sun sign and Moon and learn both the positive and negative characteristics and application of positive things in your life and try to avoid reading sections negative.

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