The houses in your horoscope

Our zodiac sign is known by the day and month of birth. The Rising Sign by the hour and minute of the day. Then we will look at where the planets are placed in the Houses of the diagram in the areas referred to.

A home is the name of the levels specified for each of the twelve divisions of 30 degrees in turn graph 360. As slices of a cake, serves to point to a part or area in the mapping of the sky and is used to adjust the position of the registrationhis birth on the planet. This is calculated using an Ephemeris. The information must be adapted to conditions existing at the time and the actual location of the place of birth.

If your horoscope and astrology for the information that appears, you have given your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth, as a large round disk with a smaller center, designed in any symbolicinserted. The larger circle or 360 ° is generally divided equally into 12 segments of 30 degrees. Each of the 12 segments horizon known as the "house" with the first is that the left and the sequence continues counterclockwise, the following buildings are numbered and named accordingly, housing 12 as a segment on the left side, directly in above. The Home Division remains constant, though there are two different schools of thought emerginglike the 360 should be split - with the same or different. For now, take the traditional position of the first house, when the first 30 degrees below the horizon of the graph on the left side of the circle.

Beginning of each house is one of the zodiac, the area has stated that, in particular. The ruling or dominant character for the first house, once detected by astronomical calculations by which the graphic placed onhorizontal left and this is your "Rising Sign." Your entry will occupy the house Rising first birth in whole or in part according to the degree shown to you. The Rising Sign is of great importance as a factor in a horoscope. It shows your physical condition and make your situation and material.

The houses are actually positions along the ecliptic where the planets can be found, the calculations on a date or time afterastronomer and registers ephemeris. During a single day there are few changes in placement, with the exception of the body in rapid motion of the sun and moon, which have a powerful effect on paper. Because the Earth's rotation and a new sign rises above the horizon Every two hours will, of course, know that accuracy is essential for the correct time and minutes, if possible, a "first breath".

Every house is constituted of 30 and foundto influence and provide a specific set of interests and human activities. The division of the horoscope of 12 homes is an important part of understanding how these energies are released probably psyche influences the personality and circumstances and the people. This knowledge through years of experience and observations over thousands of years of human culture and its study have been obtained to continue.

The interpretation should be done with the whole table in view,astrologer with the degradation of some of the complexity of factors for simple clarification of the affected person.

Planet A home was provided for in the first hours, that part of the sky and the house will have an impact on the traditional features of this. You can enhance or impair the light energy and events associated with this house. For example, if aggressive sign Aries is rising and there is a planet, and how pervasive Neptune is vague that the characters, they tend to be a factor, the individual shows a compassionate and sympathetic personality as external usually have much in Aries person. Or maybe the influence of Neptune, the pioneering and adventurous nature Arian was again examined for subtle aspects more nebulous or non-material life.

It 'important that the general data and the impact of planetary positions in the understanding of the variousHomes> or marks. There is also a factor in interpretation if most of the planets of birth falls into the homes of the northern hemisphere, or south, on the basis of the individual moment and place. It is expected that when the planets are in the situation in the table above the horizon, life becomes increasingly active extrovert, that if the majority of planets below the horizon. Some noted that if the planets are homes to the east, showsgreater self-sufficiency and to the west, a greater dependence on others. There are many clichés this problem and further investigation is being associated.

All natural energies that are represented in the horoscope, have an invisible "climate" in which the individual applies his intelligent understanding of life and free will. Although in many cases a wise astrologer to predict events, mainly because of the strong influence that are obvious, theywill be more willing to help, a person of confidence the equipment and talent that are supreme and their weaknesses to overcome.

The houses each have their importance in human affairs and regulate specific aspects, issues and activities, character and spirit. Their rule, and how the home affects the individual or be changed, and not a planet in this house. InterplanetaryReport that is described in terms of "aspects" is also important for the interpretation of signs. There are many factors that complexity, which describes the recipe individual horoscope of a person looking out. It requires great experience to be able to weigh and consider every factor of a power against the other. Specific aspects of the tests are easier for the interests and specific concerns of these individuals, for example, a commonStudy of the relationship and the issue of marriage. To answer this, the astrologer will tend to look at the homes of the indicators for the 5th, 7th and 8th. The signs on the cusps of these houses can give an indication of what to save.

Influence of the Twelve Houses

First home (This is the first segment of 30 ° upward over the eastern horizon to the left of the table, which represents'.) It affects the body, the site ofIn principle, the energies and motivations of identity-personality - ability - is external - the external talent - obvious qualities - personal ego-self - Beginnings - Early vital area of personal immediate environment.

According to House-Earnings and constructive possession and physical fate of business or karma - Powers - lucky for money - the emotions ambition - Requests - Suggestions - - Draft financial gain or prescribed investment pattern of fate -Currency.

Third close relatives house early-Home and Family - Writing - Speaking - Short trips Adaptability - Correspondence brothers and sisters - mentality, Travel subconscious - Activities - Reports - correspondence and communication, talent and literature, education, interests, mental activity.

Fourth house Home - Parent internal situations, homes and properties for home LIFE - Environment - Heritage Property - End of Life - Environment - residential area in the general living environment in later years - Mines - legacy - those assets.

Fifth-home entertainment pleasures - pleasures progeny creations - 'Children's Company - the risks - Sex - directions - the speculation friendships, disappointments in friendship or children - creative talent working for children - love - Liability - Dharma Education - Festival Teenager newspapers, gambling, risk.

SixthHome> Health Services of the disease and work-a sense of responsibility, means and ways - Employees - Health - Care - Medicine - Correction - Adjustments - Healing-aunts and uncles - (paternal) in women - Services.

Seventh-marital partnerships Spouse house - individuality - including birth - marriage - open enemies - Bonds sharing - karmic debt - husband (the graph of women) the general public - opponents in court - treaties and agreements.

House 8-DeathRegeneration payments for thin purpose - loss - Tote-Partner 's Money - occult - the mental consciousness - ends - end - Opinion - complete - legacy - spouses Finance - Occult - sex - the destiny of the soul-beginning and end of both borders.

Ninth house philosophy - Journey of Souls - Body Travel, philosophy and religion - Aspiration - Religion - Philosophy - Imagination - long journey - expansion - mind and bodyAdventure Religion - Philanthropy - Lawyers visionary science - spiritual things-worship.

world status - Career-achievement - a national society, sideline - --- Honor - Working house called 10 - standing in the community - his mother (female horoscope) authority and power in social order - Public Affairs.

11 Friends House ambitions, desires, hopes - altruism - self - Social - Clubs -companion vessels - sympathy - brotherhood-step-children - social - attitude toward human hopes and desires.

Limit influences on 12-Secrets solitude solitude arrest and even fatal - Failure - secret enemies - Restrictions - .- inhibitions for the indication of past life - inner self - to withdraw from the world - things spiritual - Meditation - Bonds negative - hates victims - negative karmic - Exile - out - trapped under abnormalHospitals - hidden - Prisons-trouble! It 's a sign of the end of their lives.

It is mainly due to the tradition of solid evidence on aspects of human life and human nature, that the detailed character analysis and prediction can be made of events.


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