Learn how to DJ

The first, and take particular decision, you need to do is "I love music?" Of course everyone seems stupid, but I really like the music, not only to your needs - you can listen to house, rock, alternative, rap, 60, etc. you may not need other kinds of love, but you must appreciate the music!

Become a DJ can be a lengthy process, but also expensive. The rewards of his successor will be worth it, but it is hard work, lots of exercise and take strangeHours!

To use your new career as a DJ requires access to audio devices, preferably alone. When we started, I kidnapped my stereo and fathers have their hands on a DJ mixer. Maybe not a good idea since I took and destroyed a whole world of trouble! But the truth is, had we started. Thus, the ground has a decent DJ mixer, a power amplifier and speakers need to get the amp to play. I do not mean spending your money only onsystem is only possible because it does not take long before trying to offer a new system. Need decent system! People do not know or top-heavy distorted sound, it will ruin your reputation before you all. You will also need a source media when using CD's / MP3 players, then Dual Pitch Control, you can also type disk player, computer, etc. There are usually Ctrl more vinyl or CD while it is still the favorite. For vinyl, maybe some Technic SL1200 turntables, butare not cheap! At least, decks have pitch (speed control). Focus on the sound decent, before investing in lighting, the sound will take over the light! If you're not really sure what to play, get help from experts. There are contact details on our website which can help with the selection

What kind of DJ are you going? Again, it seems obvious ... "A DJ! It is really just that simple, the selection of music mobile DJ is veryvarious dj music club selection. If you only RAP in your music collection, you expand your base of music to do for the mobile DJ. I think it's fair to say in words, you learn the most as a mobile DJ and gain experience from the latest rankings of all 60 house music / rap / modern etc. If your music collection music collection is a kind of right, you could be Club need to check now, but the reality is that many clubs on Let the bridges therewithout showing a degree of experience! A test mobile will teach music, why? Consider - you play music at a birthday party for 50 years, will be against the 18 Birthday. They are completely different types of music is generally more rock n 'roll on one side and the latest rankings, other ... but you never what's going on, check for people at the party that makes it so interesting. If everyone goes home, before you, you entered! If too close and most ofPeople are still on the dance floor ... They feel good because you are!

You must learn to mix! In general, a good starting point is the mix between two songs, not trying to pull the mixture for a minute, is not fast enough smooth 5 to 15 seconds or so. You have to play the songs, both fully to all learning, whether it was wrong, it sounds terrible! Practice beat for beat mixing long before the house. You have to learn to play 8-to count every stroke counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ... Startagain. Practice, practice, practice makes perfect with a DJ mixing.

Beat Beat mixing is not easy, but when you start it, is rapidly. If you learn to try not to use the pitch controls than (the speed of music), by adding music rhythms with very similar. Change of tone at the point of music is just sounds stupid, selecting the right mix is the challenge! If you just want to go from fast to slow cutting, but when you mix a song ends, another beginsimmediately .. It also takes practice, but easy to get.

Start playing for free at the party of a friend. So if things go wrong, and no expectations, no money ... next! How to start better, people will start asking for you! If they start to ask, you can earn with the Stock and money. Remember, this is not an exact science, or to solve quickly. It could take months to get here, but persist and go for it and you could be sooner than you know.

DJ is a rewarding career andAt least, it can certainly make some decent pocket money. Many end in a full-time career in music one way or another.

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