The New Old Young Frankenstein at the Boston Opera House

In the beautifully restored Boston Opera House, at 19.30 watch us) were entertained by a troupe of talent, including Roger Bart (Dr. Frankenstein), Rye Mullis (the monster), Cory English (Igor), Brad Oscar (Cury Inspector Beth (Elizabeth), Joanna Glushak (Mrs. Blucher) and Ann Horak (Inga). For all those classic Mel Brooks cast, among which Gene Wilder, Teri Garr, Cloris Leachman, Marty Feldman, Peter Boyle, Madeline Kahn Kenneth MarsGene Hackman, to live up to this performance was not an easy task. Recall Mel Brooks shot the picture in black and white to recall the horror of the past. And most importantly, newly invented and has colored the stage version is very good.

The game was very enjoyable, with excellent performances by Bart (Frankenstein), Horak (Inga) English (Igor), further enhanced by Cury rich voice and ensemble dance pending. When Bart looks familiar to anyone who cansaw it as an intriguing pharmacist on Desperate Housewives, or the large number of Broadway shows performed over the years. The actors, however, were executed in part by staging an impressive and entertaining, well-tuned and perfectly cut, was the staging made it very beautiful. Act One, Scene Ten, laboratory, Frankenstein also increase the operating table sky full of lightning striking (or light) Economic Effects and Robert accompanied hisOrchestra.

Some of the best numbers of the evening included "The Brain", "Puttin 'On The Ritz, and one of my favorites, a wink delivery of" Deep Love "and the latter, which was anything but subtle but Mel Brooks' classic comedy anyway. Occasionally I found exaggerated, producing more and higher to be reached. Some of the characterization was so larger than life, the mood was telegraphed something, whether a more subtle approach would have identifieda better result. Overall, the new version of the classic Frankenstein of a must see for any fan of theater or Mel Brooks fans.

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