Shadows and Whispers

The short story borders on science fiction piece with roots in a single subject, the subject of the thesis topic, I went to the international level, published in a magazine published by Linus Pauling. Of serious fun, the story of Obama's election as president is expected that the first African-American: History is an eye to racism again. For the fears that haunt the racists, has become afraid of Obama's election in fact.

Shadows andWhispers

"You are the oath, you will not get Frank?"

Vice-Presidents have also sworn George, "I reminded him." Of course I'll be there! "For those of President-elect sputtered," You would not want to miss! "

He chose to take the oath outside the Capitol building on the west side as lemmings, he is rather than do what people had done more sensible: Calvin Coolidge asked His father, a notary, to administer the oath of officeHome in Plymouth. Ford, following the lead of President Eisenhower, used the East Room of the White House. Oh, one hand on the Bible put in some warm place WHERE the blessing of a first class made the heating system to control humidity and everything works perfectly!

The President-elect George Pritchard not only spoke by telephone in a way that mothers, who did not choose a version of "Let's freeze 'of office. As witnesses for his drastic change from electionsChrysalis Butterfly presidential elections, there would be cameras in the presidential election, the first wings to perpetuate. George would be to make history with a bang not a whimper.

We were milling, waiting for the ceremony to begin, when the snow began to fall. The snow turned into a moment in a slush of rain. It 'was the first on January 21 in memory, which was so unusual grew so fast, a fact that the experts took advantage of the heat, "Off to a muddy start," and so on. Those who watchedceremony wet mat - complete with pull regular haste and greed incoming President with the crazy look in their feathers are boiled snuff stallions mares in heat. The regulation leaves troubled barbed creatures of every kind. Caged stallions pants. They pace and wait.

Spectators, on the other hand, I wonder what the last vague reference resources office for them in particular and humanity in general for the comfort of your home, in their offices or bars, hot, dry, anation of hope, laid-back watch a new president for the oath of office in cool new flat screen TV, LCD, bright as a new set of pennies. Look is easier than taking the responsibility of Office.

At the White House at the end during the opening dinner of the post-meeting, consensus was, at least according to my wife: "It looks like Robert Redford!" Importance of the President.

"And I?" I asked them loudly, the car zipping goodHighway in Virginia - a recent afternoon, one last night in our bed home-sweet-home.

"Nobody noticed, the Vice-President of the opening," my wife answered truthfully.

'Well, it was nice for me to win the Northern states, which crackled that made the difference on Election Day! Basis, I felt the blood rising in my cheeks.

"I will always be another Gene Hackman, dear," she said, touching the point naked on top of my head to be. Their love was certainly true.I was still trying after all these years to discover what is in it when I compared it to the person on earth, at least I thought. "Gene Hackman, yes. Thank you, Irene."

Redford and Hackman! The next four years, pregnant with promise, the strangest four my life! What, I wondered, as one might expect, so that available from the strangest political office in the vicinity of human history has never been anyone? A law to himself, Genghis Khan was easy. A president caninfinitely more complex. But cutting all this was present reality: people in motion would come to our house early in the morning to remove everything. We would sleep in our bed again in a totally new Number One Observatory Circle.

The afternoon and evening we spent with family and friends who have come together to wish us good luck. Tired and happy as only friends you feel, I'm old-fashioned pre-bed peanut butter and jam sandwich, fresh milk in latein a glass. Irene was swimming, "the last time in my bathtub beautiful," she sniffed, and we agreed bed never felt better. The Late Night Talk Show, full of intelligent observations and sly insinuations, with the TV flickering Semi-Good Night Irene "to my darling, a sentence that had lost, do not have whispered, after all these years. Sometimes it was: "I will kill you in my dreams, memories and share a passion called Leadbelly, we go to sleep.

When we first met, what a beautiful girlwas a slip of a thing! "My name is Irene ..." and when you squeeze now, the trembling, delicate skeleton of a passionate young girl with whom I was in love there to hear inside the woman's body is now more mature, as if this was the first time we ever touched ...

"Good night, Frank," my dearest wish of a mobile breathing Tore cacophonous as shark teeth. Who could be this time of night? A feeling forgetful patrons give it a shot of whiskeyreleased suddenly? It 'was George. "We have problems," he shouted. "I need you in the Oval Office at 9! Cadwallader just called and says it is urgent. Caruthers and Stone will be there too. Between us Caruthers me crazy and Hyde is even worse.'m Counting on you, Frank, I have to get to a machine. ready for at 8:15.


"Give my best, Irene, please."

"What was that?" Irene asked a different kind of sigh, strangely empty and heavy.

"ABefore the morning meeting with the heads of the CIA, FBI and NSA. George wants me there to hold his hand. I had planned to begin, is Vice President in your company, with a breakfast for two at Ned, after passing the boys move the keys. "

"It would have been nice, Frank. Do you know what this is?"

"Plan of China, maybe, I do not own, but China is my first response. The Chinese army roar but you know how George is onPhone. His conversations are like telegrams. Perhaps the bird flu or infectious went to the Germans started World War III. It could be anything. We just have to wait and see, my dear. What are your new plans for tomorrow? "

"Just like the old. I promised a visit in January. You know, the child may be here any minute!"

"Yes, I know. He looked wonderful inauguration today, and it was so sweet that afternoon! Big, as he wanted to help with the dishes?" She's the sortThe pregnancy of the wife agrees with me noted. Some other women better and worse if they are in a family of Sun Attach the alarm, you darling? "

"Put when?"

"You Clock thirty, if you please."

George has served us coffee with a small cake begins to appreciate the full day. Caruthers, who spoke first theNSA. "Mr. President, we have reason to believe that your life is in danger." Hyde smiled weakly respond to this, a vision received punitivefrom his master. "No light, please, Gary was" command Caruthers cake 'for his subject so tired of people talking openly struggling with a new puppy up to speed. Hyde pulled the tie, something beautiful red stripes. He looked embarrassed, but only for a moment. Turning his face toward the mild CIA director whispered Caruthers, "Ira, you can fill up the President that the FBI knows?"

As Daffy Duck says, at the end of the cartoon, "This is allpeople! "

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