Sandwich Generation - Caring for both parties

The challenge for care of elderly parents can be difficult. This is one of the most difficult problems that many people face today. His father is old, the mother is often sick, and lived a quarter of an hour's drive from them. With all these, you must take care of your children. Situations like these are becoming more common as parents to take care of both sides to be taken. In the past, these workers work in progress and being done were similar or caregiver jobs CNA jobsout there. But now, people in this situation, pressed and that takes care of both sides of the "sandwich generation".

Gone are the days, or three-family house uses the same two to live in town or just one. Things are different now. Family members are scattered across the country, long distance and e-mails are just a few sources, in order to bind together. elderly parents are less likely to seek help in the current era, with the ideaa burden to their children. They believe that their children work hard, and something that they themselves do not become a burden. To avoid this, you can sandwich generation caregivers take care of some points to keep in touch and build a continuous network:

• You hold a weekly session to record all the important tasks to be held before the next meeting. You can see some mutual expectations and a list of all the opportunities that used to be able to reach the goal. If youhave a family to feed, care not related to the individual. The family reunion is to involve more space for each family member and their thoughts.

• allocation of roles of each family member. You can assign different roles for your children as screening or cleaning the garden, while others behave. This not only distributes your weight, but also helps the communication. It will also lessen the gap between generations and encourages familyThe members have a chat.

• Provide your parents with entertainment such as newspapers and magazines to come to events with alarm. If you have an interest in a particular area, make sure you subscribe to their interests in relation to magazines. Buy tickets for concerts and cultural events. Give them time to film a genre that interests them. Bring them to churches and malls, where you entertained and relaxed.

• IfVisit home of parents, a 360 degrees and see if something can be repaired or fixed. Write everything so that yourself or make a correct path by requiring professional help to repair.

Sandwich Generation months

Sandwich generation month is a month which is celebrated each year to individuals for their commitment, perseverance and dedication to give their parents to reward children. It takes place in July each year and with the support of variousOrganizations and NGOs, raises awareness and support for the sandwich generation family.

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