Your Front Door - Designing The Entry To Your Home

Here's a subject that's rarely given enough thought in custom home design...the way you enter and leave your house. We're just talking about a door, right? A hole in the wall, a way in and a way out; what more is there to consider?

It's easy to overlook the design of the entrance to our houses. We spend our time working on the design of the exterior and creating the spaces inside the house. But the front door and the spaces connected to it occupy an important middle ground between indoors and out and set the stage for the success of the entire custom home design. The entry begins to establish your home's personality and suggests how the rest of the house should be. The entry is a symbolic passage from the public realm of the street to the private realm of the family and tells the world something about the people within.

If Walls Could Speak

It's a cliché to say that the front of a house "makes a statement", but clichés usually have some basis in truth. The entry can be a barrier or an invitation, obvious or concealed, pompous or humble; it can welcome you in or it can keep you at arm's length. The front door and the area around it can be a message board for the neighborhood - hung with wreaths and ivy during the holidays, festooned with red, white, and blue on the Fourth of July, and decorated with pumpkins and corn shocks at Halloween.

Each element that makes up the home's entry has something to say. The classic American front porch is a good example; it's the outdoor social center, a place to watch the activity of the street, a place to meet and greet neighbors and friends. A front porch is an outdoor room, neither completely public nor private and easing the transition into and out of the house. A house with a big, broad front porch tells the world that the family inside values the social fabric of the street, welcoming neighbors and friends and inviting them to stop and visit.

The Entry Sequence

But the front porch is just one part of a sequence of spaces and elements creating a transition from the public realm (the street) to the private realm (the house). That sequence includes walks, landscaping, steps, porches, overhangs, lights, doors, and interior entry spaces. A successful entry sequence considers the placement and design of all of these elements and their relationship to each other.

The entry to a home begins long before you've stepped onto the property. It starts in the street with the initial visual cues -- where the entrance to the property is, and where the entrance to the house is.

At first glance from the street, the entry to the house should be seen or at least hinted at to provide a clear destination for our guests. Our old friend the front porch is a great way to indicate clearly where the entrance is to be found. A porch or overhang at the entry also keeps your guests out of the weather while they're waiting for you to answer the door.

A path from the street or driveway to the front door should be direct - people look ahead subconsciously as they approach a building, searching for the shortest path to the entrance. The beginning of the path should be well lit so that it can be found in the dark, and should be wide enough for two people to walk comfortably abreast. This is also a great place for colorful landscaping. In temperate and cold climates, leave areas open where shoveled snow can be piled alongside the walk without burying the planting beds.

A little mystery isn't a bad idea here either - vary the direction of the path a bit so the scenery changes and the front door moves in and out of view.

It's A House, Not A Greek Temple

Historically, the design of a home's entry gave the public an indication of the wealth and status of its owners. The entrances to grand homes are often flanked by huge classical columns, their doors framed by elaborately carved surrounds. But when more modest homes take up these motifs, they often feel out of place and forced. An entry can be too easily seen from the street, announcing itself too boldly (as if it were an entrance to an office building), and draining all of the warmth from the entry sequence.

Better to design the entry on a human scale, using familiar elements that don't overwhelm the visitor. Benches, small windows, potted plants, brick paths and porch railings all contribute to the comfort we want our guests to feel as they are welcomed into our homes.

The human scale should continue on the other side of the door. Although some larger homes are appropriately fitted with double curved stairs and four hundred square foot entry halls, these features overwhelm a typical family home. Entry halls and foyers should welcome guests, allow them to get oriented to the house, provide a place to hang their coats, and direct them efficiently to the "public" rooms of the house. There's a place for splendor and majesty of course, but that's best left to the grand homes.

Hey, I didn't invent this stuff...

Other cultures also place a high value on the design of a home's entry. The Ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui dictates exactly where a home's front door should be to attract good Chi (energy flow) and block harmful Chi. It's a complex relationship between compass position, proximity to other structures, roads and paths, access to sunlight, and views to the outside. According to Feng Shui, a well-placed and well-designed front door can enhance luck, promote business success, and increase the health of the occupants. Although deeply rooted in ancient culture, much of Feng Shui is simply good design practice that we can apply to the design of the ways that we enter and exit our own homes.

Welcome Home To... Your Laundry Room?

Although the introduction of the automobile has had a profound impact on the way we enter our houses, it was the popularization of the attached garage in the mid 20th century that eventually relegated the traditional front door and porch to ceremonial status. Ironically, we rarely use the impressive entries we build in our homes. We're content to enter our own house through the garage - often through a laundry room or mudroom. Is that what we've worked so hard for? Providing grand entry experiences for our few visitors or the annual holiday gatherings while we trudge daily through the dirty laundry? The owners of the house should be welcomed into their sanctuary through a space designed to greet them, to acknowledge them, and to recognize them as the reason it exists.

On a recent pre-design tour through a remodeling client's home, the client and I entered through the garage and laundry room, moving aside bicycles, toys, and baskets of dirty clothes to get into the kitchen. She hadn't thought about it, but I suggested we consider reworking the way she enters her house as a part of the remodeling. She agreed, and the result is a small but well appointed "owner's entry hall" directly off of the garage and connecting to the kitchen and breakfast room. The laundry and mudrooms are adjacent to but closed off from this entry. She's already told me how much she enjoys the new space and how it brightens her spirits at the end of the day.

Knock, knock...

But what about the front door itself? The front door is at once a bridge and a barrier. Should it be big, small, opaque, transparent, rectangular or arched? I prefer a big door wide enough to make the furniture movers happy - at least 42 inches wide. Because the front door will be used every day, durability and resistance to weather damage are important. A bit of glass in the door allows permits residents to see someone outside without allowing the stranger a view of the interior. A lot of glass in the door is less private, but brings in more light from the outside.

Although a wood door is susceptible to damage from the elements, it always looks better than metal or fiberglass imitations. And if properly protected with an overhanging roof, a quality wood door should last the life of the house.

An Open And Shut Case

The front door is one part of many elements that make up an entry design. A successful entry sequence starts in the public realm of the street and moves through a sequence of spaces on its way to the private realm of the house. The design of the entry communicates with the neighborhood and is scaled appropriately to the rest of the house.

That "hole-in-the-wall" is much more than just a way in and a way out.

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The House of Night Series

The House of night series is written by a mother and daughter team. P.C.Cast and Kristin Cast. The main character is Zoey Redbird and she's 16 years old. The first book, Marked. Tells of Zoey getting marked and the things she goes through. Heath her ex-boyfriend and Zoey become imprinted to each other after her strange thing concerning human blood. Aphrodite isn't a very nice girl and tries to play a very deadly game, when she summons spirits of past vampires. But, those spirits aren't what she had thought and they attact Heath and Erik.

Zoey had found out that she can control the elements, fire, wind, water, spirit and earth. It was something that the vampire Goddess Nyx gave her. When she first got to the school she met Neferet the high Preistess of Nyx. Too, Zoey's eyes, Neferet is one of the most beautiful vampire she has seen yet.

Because Zoey saves Heath and Erik from the vampire spirits her mark becomes darker and bigger. In the second book, Betrayed. Zoey still has to deal with a lot. Now, she's head of the Dark Daughters and has to do her first ritual. She has know idea how to do it. She also meets a very handsome male vampire. A poet by the name of Loren Blake. He starts to make Zoey feel like he's wanting more then just wanting to be friends.

Zoey goes and does some research to help her with her first ritual. When it's time, Loren Blake asked her if he can introduce her by resiting a poem. Just before the start of her first ritual Neferet shows up to talk to everyone. In doing so, Zoey notices that Neferet is trying to take control over the ideas she has for the Dark Daughters. Zoey also has a bad feeling in her stomach that there is something wrong with Neferet. Her new best friend Stevie Ray ends up dying. But, something ends up happening to make Zoey see her alive.

In the third book, Chosen. Zoey starts getting closer to Erik. But, because of Loren Blake and what ends up happening between them. Erik and her end up getting into a fight. Zoey starts having feelings for Loren and him and her end up making love. Which is the first time Zoey has ever had sex. A little time passes and something ends up happening and Zoey runs looking for Loren but only ends up finding him with Neferet. She finds out that she was being used by him to inform Neferet about what she's up to.

Too, make things worse, Loren and her had imprinted with one another which caused Heath pain because Zoey's and Heath's imprinting bacame no more. Now, to Zoey she feels really alone and she can't tell anyone about it. During the ritual that is for everyone in the school Neferet tells everyone that Loren Blake was found dead. Zoey knew there was going to be pain but, she never knew that the pain was going to hurt this much. Not even her friends can help her. Plus, they end up loosing trust in her.

Damien, Erin and Shaunee are her three friends that each have a special gift of one of the elements. Stevie Ray becomes an undead dead vampire with a red mark on her forehead.

In the fourth book, Untamed. Zoey finds out exactly how evil Neferet has become. Going up against a high Priestess like she is won't be easy. Though first, she needs to get her friends to trust her again. Zoey knows that it won't be easy. Zoey had made an attempt and for the moment it worked. She needed to come clean with everything that is going on. She also needs to worn them that Neferet is evil and that they need to try to figure out what is going on.

There is so much going on in these books that it would be easier if you pick them up and read them yourself. Too me, this series about vampires, and high school, finishing school for vampires is more then worth it. I will say that the time line in the books are slow. But, the story line is great.

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The Open House and the Realtor

There was once a time in real estate when the open house was a real ta-DOO! The events were marketed heavily, catered and the home was pristine, often selling within hours. As time passed and the Internet boomed, the marketing prowess of the open house faded, but realtors continued to use this tactic in order to "SHOW" the home owners they were really trying to land a deal on the house.

While it is more than likely that the open house will not disappear out of sight just quite yet, once must ask who is really benefiting from this played down version of a once glamorous affair?

The Home Seller and the Open House

The home seller wants to ultimately sell the home. The open house seems like the logical choice and the seller often feels excited about the chance of hundreds of people storming through their home and just falling to pieces over the low asking price. In all reality, the realtor is the one who uses the open house to list prospective buyers.

The Real Estate Agent and the Open House

The agent used to be able to market an open house and see floods of people storm through the doors hoping to buy. But, that was when the market had fewer homes for sale and more people looking to buy. Today, with inventories through the roof, homebuyers are more savvy than ever with their money and often take their time looking through hundreds of homes before choosing one to underbid on. The real estate agent may get a few leads from the open house, but nothing that will pan out to much in the future.

The Home Buyer and the Open House

Buyers are looking to save money and frugally choose open houses as a means to cut the agent costs out of the equation. When they find a home they like, they feel if they haggle with the selling agent they will lower their commission and become the buying agent as well. This is simply not the case all the time. AND, how is the buyer to really know if the home is a good deal. If the home buyer enters the home with an agent of their own, the game is on. The selling agent will show this perk and the buying agent will point out that flaw.

All-in-all the open house is a deflating marketing tool. When home buyers have tens of thousands of homes to choose from in some markets, they are not in the mood nor do they feel the need to roam from house to house. They want to hit the ground running and see many homes before choosing one to look into further. Real estate agents need to look deep in their hearts and decide why they are still planning those open houses. Are the home owners apt to feel better if the open house exists or is the real estate agent really trying to produce a sale?


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Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure - Can I Give My House Back to the Bank?

Foreclosure rates are continuing to climb. Nevada and California have posted the highest foreclosures, based on per capita and total, respectively. Other statistics show that in Detroit, there is one foreclosure for every 51 households. Such a startling number is five times the national average. In times like these, many people resort to asking the obvious question: can I simply give my home back to the bank? Such a return is called a "Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure." While it sounds like an excellent get-out-of-debt-free card, most banks have a tendency to say, "No give backs!"

If you do have equity in your house, it would be wise to list the property and go for the quick sale. Across the country, houses are being listed well below market price and many are not selling. Depending on your situation, you may have a "long winded" quick sale. This is the case for a California couple who listed their home $100,000 below appraisal price. They then lowered it three times to $200,000 below appraisal. Six months later, they are still waiting for their first bite.

Before you say all of your farewells to the neighborhood, look into a "Deed in Lieu Foreclosure." And though a lender will most likely decline if the property is worth less than what is owed, it's worth a shot.

In terms of the technicalities, there must be a total consideration equal to or exceeding the fair market value of the property being returned to the lender when any settlement agreement is entered into to. Again, most lenders are not interested in a property that is worth less than what is owed-or if more is owed on the property than the actual fair market value of it.

A "Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure" can be slightly beneficial on a credit report, depending on your point of view. The status of the loan will be closed and the "deed" will be identified. Compared to the credit score torpedo of a foreclosure, a "Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure" is less damaging than a foreclosure to credit reports.

One major upside to the whole process is that it will be over sooner than later. It will be done and dealt with and the foreclosure will be behind you. Your credit report will have fewer late payments listed. With all of this in mind, it will easier for you to bounce back from this trying experience.

If a foreclosure is all but inevitable, giving the house back to the bank is an idea that should definitely be considered. The house is practically out of your hands anyways; why not place yourself in a better position to recover emotionally and financially. The idea is to make the damage as minimal as possible.

Two Advantages Are:
1)You are released from some, if not all, of the debt of your defaulted loan.
2)You avoid the public scrutiny involving newspaper listings, legal notices posted on your front door for all to see, an intimidating court appearance and a formal sheriff eviction.

The Down Side Of Foreclosure

Giving your house back to the bank to effectively stop the foreclosure process is a means to an unfortunate end.

1099C Cancellation of Debt

Here is some fine print for you. If you borrow money from a lender for a home and you give that home back as a "Deed in lieu of a Foreclosure," the lender may cancel some or all of your debt. If that occurs, you may have to claim that amount as income for tax purposes.

When you initially borrowed the money from the lender, you were obligated to claim the given amount as income because you agreed to pay that amount back. However, you are no longer contractually bound to repay the amount and the original loan sum is reportable as you are no longer making payments. The lender is also obligated to report the forgiven loan amount to both you and the IRS in what is called a 1099C form, or a Cancellation of Debt.

Here's a straightforward illustration of a situation involving a 1099C. You borrow $15,000 from a lender and you default after paying $5,000. If your lender cannot collect the remaining $10,000 from you and it is cancelled, it becomes your taxable income.
There is an exception to every rule. Cancellation of debt income is not always taxable.

Debts forgiven due to bankruptcy are not considered taxable income to the financial circumstances.

Also, you cannot deduct the loss if from the foreclosure or sale or sale of your property you lose money.

A "Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure" will not save your home but it will help you move on and rebuild your life. It's not the end of the world; rather, it's both an end and a new beginning. And the "deed" is less damaging than a foreclosure to your credit report.

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Cat Spraying All Around the House?

Cats are much more trainable than many owners realize and if behavior problems do arise they can often be dealt with quite simply so long as you take the time to see the world from your cats point of view.

Cats of both sexes sometimes spray when they feel insecure. By establishing a sense of their own smell their confidence is boosted.

Spraying can become a problem if you cat starts to spray furniture and curtains. The first thing to look at is the reasons why cats spray .Both sexes spray and neutered males are just as likely to spray as un-neutered. Normally cats do not spray indoors as they feel secure and there is no need to protect their territory. When several share a house they may feel the need to mark their territory. If the spraying has suddenly started look for some changes in the house hold that could have caused stress.

For some cats this could be the installation of a cat flap. This blurs the distinction between the indoors and outdoors and the cat needs to mark its smell.

Some owners spray pepper or chili or wipe the areas with vinegar but this does not really work. You can try to place a tray of marbles below the favourite spraying places but if you cat is determined he will just stand further away.A good idea that can work is to put a sheet of household foil around the spot as cats do not like the sound of urine hitting the foil.

The psychological approach may be more successful.

If you have more than two cats try giving each a separate place to sleep in. If a neighbour's cat is always lurking outside then chase it away.if you have installed a cat flap try boarding it up and see if the behavior stops.

In difficult cases confine the cat to one room and make sure it has a cosy bed under a radiator and its toys. Make sure you do not leave it for too long and its sense of security will increase. as you see the situation improve let is use more rooms of the house and keep an eye on it. Lastly if none of these strategies work then see your vet about hormone treatment.

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The Burnt House by Faye Kellerman Book Review

Is it possible that a terrorist attack has taken place?

This is the first thought of many as a commuter plane carrying 47 passengers crashes into an apartment building in Granada Hills, California.

Lt. Peter Decker was eating breakfast when the first sign of trouble appeared. The power flickered and then went completely out. He figured it was just a transformer but the phone line was also dead. Decker's captain never contacted him on his cell phone and when he got a call on it from him, he knew something had to be terribly wrong. The captain told him about a plane crashing into an apartment building and ordered him to go directly to the scene. One of Decker's main jobs was to try and calm the fears of the people who feared a terrorist attack. Decker and his wife were also concerned because the crash was very close to their daughter's school.

As the investigation gets underway, something very strange has been discovered. There were only 47 names on the passenger list but inside the plane's charred wreckage, four more identified bodies were also found. How did they get there? If that wasn't enough, they cannot locate an airline employee who was supposed to be on the flight.

Decker is under pressure from the department to find answers. As the investigation continues, Decker discovers some very interesting things. Is he successful at solving this case?

I have read several of Faye Kellerman's books. In my opinion, The Burnt House has to be one of her best novels. If you have read any of Faye's books, you know that she is a very detailed writer. This book is written in the same manner. The book begins with a plane crashing into an apartment building at the very beginning and the suspense continues to build from there. There are several mysteries going on at the same time and it certainly keeps the reader guessing at all times. Kellerman fans will be delighted with the return of Lt. Peter Decker of the LAPD and wife Rina Lazarus. The author does an excellent job of setting the stage for this novel and it will leave the reading audience in awe of what is going to happen next. I highly recommend this book.

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Wedding Ceremony Humorous Readings - Bring the House Down


Have you ever been to one of those boring weddings where there seems to be absolutely no atmosphere and the speeches, one of the most memorable aspects of a wedding, just seem to waffle on and on until people start falling asleep. The difference between a good wedding and a truly memorable one is the wedding ceremony readings and speeches as something humorous will always stick in peoples minds longer that something that was'nt.

What you are about to read will help you on the path to having the funniest, most humorous readings and speeches at your wedding making it an event to remember for many years to come.


When the time comes to scribe the speeches just use your imagination a little and look at the bride and grooms life for material that you can use. Say for example the groom and his best man have played football together for some time you could say something like... Best man to Bride during speeches: We are all quite glad that you have taken (John) on, we found him to be useless in every position possible so we hope that you have better luck. See what I mean it just takes some imagination.

Another funny reading example in the situation where the man is marrying a woman who is quite headstrong is... Best man to Bride during speeches: John, told me when he first met you that he had just met Miss Right. About a week ago he told me that he had never realized your first name was Always. There are literally thousands of different ways you can put little snippets of peoples lives on paper and blend them with some pre written comic humor. You just have to know where to look.

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Home Business Management With Kids In The House

I am been so fortunate to have over 15 years of online working experience. All of these years were with kids in the house and homeschooling. Now before you get some kind of delusion in your head of perfection let me just say that while things have never been perfect in our home, they are quite profitable.

I have homeschooled for 15 years, and the success that we have had in homeschooling our kids and running a home based business has even formed their career choices. My 19 year old just secured a full time career with one of my clients, heading up a Media division of their company. At 15 he did his first bid in that field, something that might not ever have happened if he wasn't homeschooled and given the chance. When he was 12 he was actually running my shipping dept from our basement and while he might have made some mistakes , he learned alot about the realities of business. His boss recently said that his ability to shift gears on a project and not have a bad attitude was one of his best assets to the company. Where did he learn that? You try raising three boys under 10 and you'll learn as well how to shift gears and keep a good attitude. I remember training my son, "If your attitude stinks and you get an A+ in Chemistry I won't give you a diploma." Since attitude determines his future more than anything that was one of the biggest lessons I have trained my kids with.

I recently shared at a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting a technique I learned early on in business that I still practice after all these years. Learn to be production focused. Look at what you have gotten done rather than all the things you didn't get accomplished. Reward yourself for the small things and you'll be amazed at how much you accomplish. If you are constantly walking around with an attitude of 'things are never done' you'll most likely be depressed. Life as a mother, a business owner and a homeschooler means things are never done, but if you can learn how to grow personally thru the demands of each season of life, you'll create results that amaze you.

Learn to block out family time in your schedule where even if a client calls with a multi-million dollar deal you won't answer the phone. Train your children to respect your business hours and empower them to know what to do should an accident occur that doesn't necessarily demand your care. You might think you are simple surviving the chaos but as the example I stated with my 19 year old demonstrates, you might be actually grooming a future business owner for success!

Running a home based business, homeschooling and learning to live in the process rather than struggle has been one of the greatest accomplishments I have ever personally experienced. It can be for you as well!

(c) Sandi Krakowski. Author gives permission to forward and reprint as long as all content is left in it's original state.

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Give the Bank a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure or Give Up on the House?

Knowing when to give up on a house in foreclosure can be a tough decision for homeowners to make. Although many would rather keep their home and are quite willing to make affordable payments to the mortgage company, this is not always an option. Selling to avoid foreclosure may not even be an available method if property values have declined and the homeowners owe far more than their homes are worth. This leaves them with only two options, both of which will end up in their losing the home. These two methods are offering the bank a deed in lieu of foreclosure or giving up and abandoning the property.

Despite the widespread fear of calling the lender to inform them of a financial hardship or ask for help, homeowners should just call the bank and ask them what the lender can do to start the process of reviewing an offer for a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Mortgage companies are not allowed to request their clients give them a deed in lieu, because it must be offered voluntarily. In fact, many mortgage companies will not even suggest this option to homeowners in default, because they do not want to be viewed as persuading the clients to give up their home, and because they would rather have the money to pay off the mortgage or get it back on track.

Thus, it will be up to the homeowners themselves to begin the process of speaking to the bank about deed in lieu of foreclosure. Furthermore, this should be done as soon as they know they will be unable to stop foreclosure any other way. It does not matter one bit what horror stories they may read about their mortgage company from other clients in similar situations -- some deeds in lieu they will accept, others they will not. But the foreclosure victims will not know what they bank will decide about their specific property until they try this option.

The deed in lieu will look bad on the homeowners' credit after foreclosure, but not as bad as having a large number of late mortgage payments leading up to a foreclosure where the property is sold at a county auction. Avoiding a full foreclosure will do a little to help preserve the former owners' credit after losing the home and will allow them to start the process of financial recovery sooner than if they just gave up on the house. This may seem like only a minuscule benefit to using a deed in lieu, but even a few months to begin recovery and a few extra points higher of a credit score may mean all the difference if another home is to be purchased in a few years.

One of the benefits of giving a deed in lieu is not having to worry about a deficiency judgment after foreclosure. If the bank accepts the deed in lieu of foreclosure, they can not stick the homeowners with any more debt after accepting. The bank accepts the deed to the house (DEED) instead of (IN LIEU OF) taking the bank through the legal process of foreclosure (FORECLOSURE). This method is considered payment in full of the mortgage obligation. The owners will not owe anything else after giving their mortgage company the deed in lieu and there will be no danger of ending up with a judgment or the bank trying garnish wages.

The real danger in using a deed in lieu, though, is when the homeowners wait too long. The bank will not accept this if they are days away from selling the house at a sheriff sale; it will take less time and effort just to have the property auctioned off. Furthermore, if the homeowners wait and wait and the house goes into foreclosure and they do not do anything to save it and the property sells for much less than what is owed, then the bank will have an opportunity to sue them again after foreclosure for a deficiency judgment. Thankfully, the vast majority of banks hardly ever do this in practice because they know that foreclosure victims do not have the money to pay tens of thousands of dollars in judgments, and it will cost the bank more in legal fees than they will ever collect.

Homeowners who are unable to afford their home any longer, or would just like to unload their current house and have the best opportunity for quick financial recovery, would do well to consider offering their bank a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Remember, banks will not present this a solution to foreclosure victims, because it must be given voluntarily. But for those who know they will not be able to afford a payment plan or find a lender to refinance with, using a deed in lieu to stop foreclosure is several steps better than giving up on a house, and will not result in the possibility of longer-term negative credit effects, such as a deficiency judgment.

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Sitting an Open House - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I'm on the board of directors at our broker's office and we recently had a meeting about open houses. Our office usually has between 60 and 70 open houses sat each month. However, last month we only had 37 sat. There were a couple of reasons for this.

The first reason is that our broker decided to start cutting down on newspaper ads and promote everything at our company website. Now instead of advertising open houses 4 times per month in the local paper, we only advertise 2 (and eventually none). This has a lot of the "old timer" agents upset and they refuse to sit at an open house that isn't advertised in the paper. On one hand I can see their point, but on the other hand, based on my experience, only about 1 out of every 50 people that come to open houses say they found out about it through the newspaper. Most say they saw an ad online or they simply saw the directional signs I put up.

Now, as one of the board of directors, I'm in charge of boosting moral and try to get agents to sit at open houses with or without local paper ads. This is what prompted me to writing this article.

I've talked to a lot of agents in our office and there isn't one that actually likes to sit an open house. Sure, they'll do it, but they don't like it. The main reasoning is because they feel that nobody will show up and it's a complete waste of time. Although it may be true that nobody will show up, it doesn't have to be a waste of time.

For instance, I'm sitting at an open house right now as I'm writing this article. So for me, this isn't a "waste" of time. I'm actually using the time in a productive manner. And that's what I think everyone needs to realize. Think of it as 3 or 4 hours where you can do something productive for your business instead of agonizing over having to just sit there.

Here's a list of some of the things I've done while waiting for a customer to show up at an open house.

Write my blog articles
Fold and label mailers
Practice taking listing photos
Research listings for current customers
Update my website
Enhance my listing photos in Photoshop
Write thank you notes
Design upcoming postcards

These are just the few that I can think of right now. I'm sure there are other things I did (or can do) in that timeframe.

Ok. But what happens when you do get the customer to arrive. How can you latch on to them (if they don't already have an agent) instead of the other open house sitter? I have a couple of weapons in my arsenal that seem to work well and have gotten me clients.

First I have my Homebuyers Kit. This kit consists of brochures, flyers, and my Home Buyers Survival Guide. I give it to any customer that I feel could become a client. When speaking to them, I watch their body language and I also ask them questions to get a feel if they are true buyers or just shopping around. If they seem like true buyers, then I'll give them my kit. They are usually surprised with it mainly because none of the agents at the last 5 or 6 open houses gave them anything but their business cards.

My second weapon is my laptop and my cell phone. These two things allow me to access the internet and the MLS. Sometimes I'm lucky and the home has wireless internet access which I can hook in to. If not, my Treo cell phone gives me access since I have the broadband data plan. I just plug it into my laptop and I'm ready to go. It's similar to the air-cards that you can purchase, but saves me money since I can just use my phone instead.

So a typical scenario would be a customer comes through the home. Kinda likes it but it doesn't fit their needs. So I tell them, no problem. Let me look up some others for you right now. I jump on the MLS and put in their search criteria. We look at what comes up and if something is nearby, I'll either set up the appointment to see it after the open house, or set it up to see it at the client's convenience. I'll then hand them my homebuyers kit and away they go. Happy and confident that they just found an agent that cares about them.

So basically, yes, open houses can be a pain, especially when it's gorgeous outside and you're stuck inside. But with the right attitude and the right tools, you can make them productive and possibly get new clients....which is why you're there in the first place.


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In House Maids - The Ultimate In House Help

Many people have maids who come in once a week, or at some other arranged interval, to help clean their home. Others prefer to have a in house maid available every day.

A lot of people feel that it is impossible to have a live-in maid because of the huge expense that comes along with having one. This is simply not true. If you have a large enough home to accommodate an extra person, then a live-in maid could actually reduce your cleaning costs. Half, if not more, of a live-in maid's salary is paid not monetarily, but by providing them a room, paying utilities, and sometimes providing food.

There is an increased amount of flexibility in having a live-in maid as opposed to one who lives out. A live-in maid can handle a lot of the daily tasks, such as picking up around the house or cooking meals for the family. You can also choose to assign additional projects as needed, such as polishing silverware or re-arranging kitchen cabinets. Plus the fact that they are available every single day, not just on certain occasions.

Being a live-in maid is an ideal situation for a lot of people who are moving to a new area. Becoming a live-in maid provides them with a place to stay which they otherwise may not be able to afford. Often, the family will become very close to the maid and keep in touch even if they move on to other things. Single parents are especially amicable to this type of situation because it can be very difficult to afford room and board for two people (the parent and child) on one person's salary alone. In addition, this type of situation can allow them to stay at home with their own child while earning a living.

There are disadvantages to live-in maids, both for the maid and the employer. For the maid, it is often long hours. There are usually no benefits like health insurance. Some families can be unbearable to work for, treating the maid as more of a servant, and this can be difficult to get away from if you are counting on them for your living situation. For the employer, they must be wary of untrustworthy people who may try to steal from them. Also, if the maid gets hurt during their employ, the homeowner can be held liable for medical bills and other expenses related to the injury.

Anyone considering becoming or hiring a live-in maid should do research to educate themselves on the topic. Consider speaking to others in similar situations that have been or used a live-in maid. That way you can be prepared for whatever may come your way.

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Teens in the House Again - A Grandparent's Blessing

My grandkids are fraternal twins, 16 years old, and orphans. They became orphans when both parents died from injuries they received in separate car accidents. After 50 years of marriage my husband and I are raising teens again.

The house is filled with teenage sounds: beeping alarm clocks, guitar chords, rock music, running feet, and occasional laughter. (I hope to hear more laughter soon.) The four of us are trying to get along. While we disagree on some things, we agree on one -- grief stinks.

"Grief Stinks" is a chapter title in Lynne B. Hughs' book, "You Are Not Alone: Teens Talk About Life and the Loss of a Parent." Hughs lost both parents at an early age and understands kids' grief. In 1998 she founded Comfort Zone Camp for grieving kids. According to Hughs, talking about happier times helps kids cope with grief.

Though I often talk about happier times, inside I am still grieving for multiple losses, the death of my daughter, father-in-law, brother, and former son-in-law. Staying upbeat for the kids is a challenge. I have smiled when I wanted to weep. I have comforted when I needed comfort. I have kept quiet when I wanted to scream.

As Lynne Hughs observes, "Sometimes you have to walk through that 'wall of pain' to get to the other side of healing." Yet having teens in the house is helping me to heal. How has my life changed?

I'm learning new things. My grandson is a computer whiz and I'm learning about wireless networks, gigabytes, and thumb drives. My granddaughter is a gymnast and I'm learning about "burns," the importance of pointing your toes, and dismounting properly.

I'm moving constantly. After four deaths in the family I pigged out on comfort food and gained five pounds. Though I thought about joining the health club again, I didn't get around to it. Forget the health club. I'm up at 5:15 a.m. and don't stop moving until my head hits the pillow at night. The extra pounds are gone.

I'm laughing again. When I called the twins for supper the other night my granddaughter said, "Coming." But my grandson didn't reply so I asked his sister to find him. She emailed her brother and, within seconds, he was sitting at the table and asking, "What's for dinner?" The twins' conversations also make me laugh.

I'm planning a future. Eight years ago we took our family to the Isle of Man, birthplace of our ancestors. After the twins finish 11th grade we plan to take them back to the Isle of Man. The trip will be an early graduation present. Planning the trip is half the fun and we are talking about our plans now.

I'm feeling younger. I look my age and, while I'm not young in years, I'm young in spirit. Bob Deits discusses the importance of attitude in his book, "Life After Loss: A Practical Guide to Renewing Your Life After Experiencing Major Loss." He asks readers how old they are and if they think of themselves as old.

"Personally, some days I feel quite young whereas on other days I feel older than dirt," admits Deits. Multiple losses made me feel older than dirt. Indeed, I felt I was mired in the muck of grief. No more. I'm blessed to have teens in the house again. When my grandkids have teens of their own they will understand their blessings.

Copyright 2008 by Harriet Hodgson

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Cleaning the House With a Toddler

Many people wonder how to take of all their household's needs with a little inquisitive toddler underfoot. Well it's not easy and I'm not an expert but this is what works for me.

All children are not the same and dealing with your own particular sweet baby might be different but listed below are some of the ways I get the job done with a toddler around. It may just give you some ideas.

I do most of my deep cleaning during nap time. I don't clean my bathrooms or anything that requires my full attention until my toddler is down for a nap. As is natural her little inquiring mind wants to know what mommy is doing and with all of my nice pretty bottles around this is no playground for a young child.

I vacuum wile my toddler eats her meals. While she's safely ensconced in her high chair I can vacuum up all the dirt and debris without worrying about little fingers and toes.

When I cook my toddler goes into the playpen. She's just too inquisitive and a little mischievous. Hot ovens and burners just have no place in her life right now.

You may look at all this and wonder well when is she free to play? All day! I say. While this looks like a lot of time for her to be sleeping, locked in her highchair or sequestered in what we call "happy camper" I have my routines streamlined to take very little time. My bathrooms take 15 minutes each, 20 on a bad day. Dinner is planned in advance and she actually gets a kick out of watching me cook from the safety of her camper. And believe it or not she cheers mommy on while she vacuums.

There is also the option of safely placing baby in her high chair and rolling her to wherever you are working. Children are little sponges and constantly learning, she will enjoy watching mommy and may pick up some life long skills from watching you work.

Backpacks and carriers are another option for those who would like to hold their children close while getting things done. Be extra careful with cooking and cleaning but basic chores like laundry and dishwashing are not so bad with an extra 20 pounds on your back or hip.

Hopefully these tips will give you some ideas for getting through the daily chores with your teeny one beside you. And remember these days pass all to quickly so if you have a sink of dirty dishes but your toddler wants mommy time? Opt for the mommy time.

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The White House - Visit the Legendary Epitome of Power and Supremacy

The White House is the official home and work place of the American president and stands out as an epitome of power and supremacy. The White House was built of white painted Aquia sandstone during the 1792-1800, its architecture resembling the late Georgian style. Since its first inauguration the white house has undergone many renovation projects and had to be resurrected after the British troops destroyed it during 1814.

The architect of the White House, James Hobban was selected by George Washington after considering many submissions. James Hobban's design of the white house was influenced by Leinster House, a palace in Dublin, Ireland. Prior to naming it as the White House in Theodore Roosevelt's time it was been referred to as the President's Palace, Presidential Mansion or President's House.

At present it is known as the White House Complex and consists of the Executive Residence, East wings and West wings. It has six stories, the ground floor, state flow, second flow, third flow and two story underground basement. The garden is also an impressive site and it was redesigned during the time of the Kennedy Administration, where the Rose Garden borders the West colonnade and the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden borders the East colonnade.

The North Portico was also constructed for the convenience of entering public events. Since its establishment The White House has offered tours for visitors and each year thousands flock to get a glimpse of this legendary building. Many Washington DC hotels are in close proximity giving convenient access to this prominent attraction.

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The Top 3 House Hunting Resources - Other Than Your Realtor - To Help You Find Your Dream Home!

If you're ready to start house hunting, it's a good idea to come up with a plan for finding your dream home.

The first step is to find a good realtor to help you through the house buying process. There are lots of little details, and having someone to help you remember all of them is a great idea.

Your realtor should be able to provide you with the most up-to-date house listings. But, your realtor should not be your only resource to find houses for sale.

When buying our first house, we decided to look everywhere possible, and not just rely on our realtors. And boy, are we glad we took matters into our own hands! While we checked our email daily for more listings from our realtors, we also did our own searching - and luckily, we found our dream home!

Where else can you look to find houses for sale in your area?


The best place to look online is This is the official sire of the National Association of Realtors, and contains most of the MLS listings (Multiple Listing Service, which most realtors use to list the houses they are selling). You can search different states, cities, and towns throughout the U.S., to find houses in your price range, your size range, and compare what is available.

There are dozens of other house listing sites out there - but is considered the best (but feel free to look through the others, you never know where you might find your dream house!) Keep in mind, some of the houses may have been listed for a while, so if you find one you like, don't wait - contact your realtor to visit the property as soon as possible!

2) For sale by owner

Typically, there are two places to look for houses being sold directly by the owner (without help from a realtor, which means they probably won't be listed on

First, you should look at several "for sale by owner" websites. Some of the most popular are,,, and you can search for more on the Internet.

Second, you should drive through the town you want to buy your house in, and look for yard signs. These days most people selling their own house will likely place an ad on the one of the "for sale by owner websites" - but not everyone has a lot of money to spend on advertising. So if you have the time, drive through some of the neighborhoods you want to live in, and look for houses that might be for sale. If nothing else, you'll get a good idea of exactly where you want to live.

3) Your local newspaper and homes magazines

These are two more great places to look for houses to buy. Smaller local realtors sometimes rely on newspaper ads to sell houses. You can also look for "homes for sale" magazines inside your local supermarket or restaurants (sometimes located outside a shopping area in the display stands).

It can be time consuming to find the right house. And it is definitely easier to find a realtor, and rely on their expertise. But if want to give yourself the best possible chance to find your dream home, look in as many places as possible. You never know where you'll find the right match. Hopefully, these strategies will help you find your dream home.

Happy house hunting!


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Mr. Clean - The House Cleaning Man

Is your kitchen floor muddy or sticky all the time? Does your bathroom stink? Is the kitchen sink slimy day and night? Do you need a handy man around the house? Pick up the phone and call Mr. Clean, the house cleaning man. Mr. Clean is the name of a popular brand of cleaning products from Procter & Gamble. It is also the name of the brand's unforgettable mascot with the bald head. It only takes a flashy grin from Mr. Clean to drive all your germ troubles away.

Here are some cleaning and usage tips for each Mr. Clean product:

Mr. Clean Power Surface Wipes:

* Power Wipes work well on glossy surfaces like porcelain, cultured marble, chrome, brass and glass stove tops.

* Use it to remove kitchen stains like grease and spilled sauces on the front of microwave doors.

Mr. Clean Multi Spray with Febreze Freshness:

* Febreze Freshness is safe to use on appliances such as microwaves, dishwashers, stoves, and refrigerators. You can also use it on other appliances with similar finishes.

* This product is great on coffee makers. Having trouble with coffee stains ruining the look on your expensive coffee maker? Use Febreze Freshness to bring sheen back to the machine.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser with Fresh Scent:

* Magic Eraser is the brand's landmark product. It is safe to use on most tiles and ceramics around the house, adept at removing even the toughest scum and grime.

* Use the Magic Eraser in the bathroom and watch it make an easy job of cleaning soap scum on showers and tubs.

Procter & Gamble ought to be truly proud of their mascot: a bald, well-built, middle-aged man with one earring who is always wearing a white shirt. These days, Mr. Clean has become a symbol for ethereal cleanliness, his presence almost divine in every sense of the word.

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Betrayed - House of Night Book 2 by PC Cast and Kristin Cast

"Marked," the first book in the "House of Night" series reeled me in, hook, line and sinker. I loved it. I was anxious to read "Betrayed" and hoped it would be just as good. I wasn't disappointed. P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast created an awesome follow up that starts right where "Marked" leaves off.

Zoey Redbird, fledgling vampyre, is starting to feel like she really fits in at the House of Night Academy. She's settled into school. She has friends - and a boyfriend or two. Of course Aphrodite is still her biggest rival at school but Zoey has more important things to think about. She's now the new leader of the Dark Daughters, an elitist clique that she's trying to change. Her power has increased and she's been singled out as special by the Vampyre Goddess Nyx who has marked her with a unique sign. But things go bad when human teens, boys that Zoey knew, are killed and drained of blood. All signs point to the vampyres and the House of Night as the culprits. To make matters worse Zoey faces a betrayal from someone close to her that could change everything.

In the adolescent vampire genre this series is a stand out. The premise is refreshingly original and the vampires are unique. Zoey is a strong adolescent heroine who grows in personality and abilities. The secondary characters are well developed as well. This book is darker, sexier and more emotional than the first. The conflicts are more intense and complicated and the plot takes some interesting twists and turns. You can read this as a stand alone but it works better if you start with "Marked." Question remain that will have you anticipating book three.
Reading Level: Young Adult
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin (October 2, 2007)
ISBN: 978-0312360283
Paperback: 320 Pages
Price: $8.95

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Is There A Ghostwriter In The House - How To Break Into He Ghostwriting Business

The job of a ghost writer is far from boring and everyday the job is presented a different topic to write about. I know as I am one of those ghostwriters. I would like to tell you a bit about the trade and then you can decide if you really want to be part of this profession.

Technology has provided us with the means of generating articles and stories by way of software however I have found the software method to be simply "Trash". I have tried several different software and all do the same thing. It slaughters the original article. Take it from me it is better to create your own article. The quality is better and in the long run it is faster. Your client will also appreciate your dedication to writing the article as opposed to the software version.

First off let me explain why people would employ the services of a ghostwriter. Perhaps they wish to break into a new market and their English may not be up to par. They may not appreciate the difference between a noun and a pronoun. These people have impressive ideas but simply lack the skills necessary to write an article or possibly a book. The best they can do is providing an outline and necessary notes to the ghostwriter and let him take over from there.

Once you have accepted an assignment as a ghostwriter for an article or book you never really know just what you will be writing about. I have received assignments ranging from vacation articles catering to specific countries to articles on increasing the length of ones private parts. I have received a position to write an e-book on real estate as well as proofreading one on raising a child. The ghost writer receives his name from the fact that he is paid for his labors and as a result the completed work belongs to another. This entitles the owner to place their name upon the article as if he wrote it. No mention is usually made of the ghostwriter's name.

I have had the opportunity to ghost write a series of reviews on plays and operas as well as celebrity singers and bands. The assortment of assignments is endless. Although you rarely meet face to face with the celebrities you tend to associate with them from your research. Usually the promoter will provide you a rough set of notes and you must rewrite them and arrange them in some sort of logical manner.

As I had previously mentioned it is not unusual for a ghostwriter to ghost a book for a client. Generally these books are of a non fiction variety which makes the research a bit easier on the ghostwriter. Freelance ghostwriters with a good grasp of the English language are in popular demand on the internet these days. They are used for writing SEO articles that enable the search engines to elevate a website to a higher position in the search results. Research often times plays a large part in a ghostwriting project so you must have sufficient skills in researching your subject. The ability to type may be useful however it is not absolutely necessary. Hen and Pecking of the keys can accomplish the same thing just a bit slower.

There are several ways that a ghostwriter can get the desired ghosting jobs. First they can create their own website. This site would be used as their base of advertising to not only draw new clients but also to convince the casual visitor that the writer can do the job. There are several online sites that allow you to bid for assignments in the writing field, foremost of these are "Get a Freelancer". This site allows you to review and place bids on the various jobs listed. I highly recommend checking it out as that is how I started out.

One of the hardest problems that a ghostwriter has is keeping up with the amount of work that is dropped off to them. It doesn't seem like much but to be required to turn out 10 to 20 quality articles daily can quickly take its toll. I try to turn out perhaps 5 to 10 per day according to the subject. I find travel related articles much easier to draft and as such can turn those out at a faster pace. You will eventually find the types that you can turn out at a pace to make a living. The key is to keep writing. The more you write the better you get.

Copyright @2008 Joseph Parish


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The Glorious House Of Prada

The house of Prada is another well-known Italian fashion label that has a lot of retail outlets worldwide. The company was originally known as "Prada Brothers" in Italy was founded by Mario Prada in 1913 in Milan. And then, in 1978, Miuccia Prada, who was Mario's granddaughter inherited from her grandfather a leather goods business. She then worked on the expansion of the company into clothing that were of a more bohemian style. Later on, Miu Miu was created as her second line of clothing. This label usually has simpler pieces which evoked a continual image of items that were high-end vintage. It was then followed by 'Linea Rossa' or the Prada Sport. Today, Prada is seen to be one of the clothing designers that have proven to be most influential in the fashion industry.

Prada followed the lead of the other companies in absorbing as many fashion houses as possible that are in the market. It took significant debts as it acquired the house of Fendi which has been financially floundering in the early 1990s. The shares of Fendi for the LVMH company were also assumed by Prada. However, it was unable to support or turn around the financially challenged Fendi label and so, later on, sold the Fendi shares to LVMH. Up to today, Prada is still trying to recover from this debt.

Other notable purchases made by the Prada Group were the Jil Sander and Helmut Lang and labels. However, by 2006, both labels were sold - Jil Sander to Change Capital partners, which was a private equity firm and Helmut Lang to Link Theory, which a Japanese fashion company.

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The Owner of the House

Say to the owner of the house, "The Teacher says, 'Where is My guest room in which I may eat the Passover with My disciples?' And he himself will show you a large upper room furnished and ready; and prepare for us there" (Mark 14:14-15 NASB).

Recently I met a man whose servant spirit truly impressed me. A layman, he resides in a country where practically every church is a house church. He and his family had previously lived in a small apartment but looking around, he observed there was not a church available for those in his area. As he began praying for another place to live where there would also be space for a church, God led him to the ideal property. After clearing trash from the lot, he set about building onto his home. Being a steel worker, he constructed both the roof covering and the benches. He is continually making improvements to this "church" attached to his residence.

When we visited his home, he proudly introduced my husband and me to his young pastor and wife and other members of the congregation. He and his wife provided a virtual banquet for a large group of people that evening. Where he lives, that was not an easy thing to do. His obvious joy in the Lord is cemented in my memory. Honestly, I don't remember his name, but it really doesn't matter because God knows it. I believe God will richly reward him for unselfish service for His kingdom's sake. I often think of this gracious man as "the owner of the house."

Jesus, knowing that His time had come and that His crucifixion was close at hand, needed a private place to celebrate the Passover with His disciples. Sermons have been delivered and pictures have been painted about the events in "the upper room." Mark tells us that place had already been made ready by the owner of the house. Only two verses tell us anything about the man who owned this house. Mark 14:14-15 tells us that he was expecting Jesus and His disciples. Questions about the relationship between Jesus and this man go unanswered. How did he meet Jesus? Had he been His follower for a long time? When did Jesus tell him He would need this room for the Passover?

It was in this house where Jesus washed the feet of all twelve of the disciples (even Judas). It was in this house where Judas left the group to betray Jesus into the hands of the chief priests, officers and the elders (Luke 22:52). It was in this house where Jesus made astonishing statements to the remaining eleven disciples. It was in this house He said He was going to His Father's house to prepare a place for them. It was in this house He revealed Himself as the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) and the true vine (John 15:1). It was in this house He promised to send the Holy Spirit to them. It was in this house where He prayed for those who believed in Him (John 17). The words that Jesus spoke in this house have been instruction, comfort and encouragement to believers throughout the ages.

The owner of the house goes unnamed. He is not mentioned again. However, the value of his ministry is enormous. Certainly, without his obedience and generosity, this privilege would have gone to someone else. But he is the one who opened his home to the Lord and His disciples and provided the privacy, protection and atmosphere that Jesus needed at this crucial time in His ministry.

After reflecting on the owner of the house, I became aware of other important people in scripture whose names were not given to us. Many who served God were mentioned, not by name, but by their obedience and contribution to His purposes.

In the Old Testament, when Israel asked Samuel for a king to reign over them, God told Samuel that He would grant this request. His choice was a tall, handsome Benjamite named Saul. 1 Samuel 9 tells of the first meeting of Samuel and Saul. That meeting actually came about because of Saul's servant. When Kish, Saul's father, lost his donkeys, Saul was sent to search for them. After a time, unsuccessful in his mission, Saul determined to go home. It was his servant who convinced Saul to seek out the prophet Samuel first (1 Samuel 9:5-10). God revealed Saul's coming to Samuel (1 Samuel 9:15-17) and subsequently Saul was crowned king of Israel. The unnamed servant was a spiritual man led and used by God.

Another unnamed man in the New Testament provided something that the Lord needed. On what we call Palm Sunday, the disciples were sent to bring a donkey and a colt to Jesus. The Lord told His disciples, "If anyone says something to you, you shall say, 'The Lord has need of them,' and immediately he will send them" (Matthew 21:3 NASB). Although the scripture does not say that the disciples were questioned when they obtained the donkey and the colt (Matthew 21:6-7), it seems clear that the owner of the animals willingly provided them for the Lord's use.

Just as the man I described at the beginning of this article, I have known many Christians whose service goes unnoticed by all but God. Some of those are prayer warriors. Some have the spiritual gift of service or mercy. When Paul described the parts of the body of Christ, he recognized the possibility that the "feet" and "ears" might rather be "hands" and "eyes" (1 Corinthians 12:15-16). Paul made the point, however, that fulfilling your individual calling as part of the body is what is important to the Lord.

How often have you thought what you do for the Lord is of little consequence? Do you doubt your service really has any meaning? Service in obscurity sometimes seems like service without merit. And yet, we can learn something from these unnamed men of God's word. Leave the results of your obedience to Him. As Jesus' mother told the servants at the wedding in Cana, "Whatever He says to you, do it" (John 2:5).

Jesus deserves to be the focus of your life. Focus on Him, His love and His unique calling for your life. Your responsibility is to trust and obey Him giving Him glory. You will never know what He will do with your smallest act of obedience.

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Out of the House and Into the Unknown - Helping Individuals with Autism Cope in a Social World

Life at home with a child with autism is rarely easy. Changes in routine, unexpected visitors, difficulties with food, toileting and dressing can be disruptive to the whole family. Visits to the doctor or the dentist are incredibly challenging. Parents too often forgo visiting friends and family because the stress of breaking the routine of a child with autism and bringing that child into unfamiliar territory is just too much to bear. Parents cringe at the thought of public meltdowns and/or self injurious behavior in a place where people are very quick to judge. No, staying home is often just easier.

But, staying home is not always the best for parent or the child. Parents need to have the freedom to get an errand done or to visit a friend without being completely overwhelmed. Our children also need to be given the opportunities to experience new sights and sounds and to build self confidence from "tackling the world." Every single time that a child steps out of their door (with or without autism) they have an opportunity to learn and to grow. Research has proven that neurons in the brain get "excited" by new experiences and from this we "grow" our brain by building new pathways. Individuals with autism need experiences in the world outside of their home in order to build neural pathways, practice living in a social environment and learn to regulate their own behavior. Children can't practice social skills while sitting in front of a Disney movie. We can't learn how to manage our senses or our fears if we are safely kept away from things that may bother or scare us. But we also can't "throw" the child into the midst of social situations and hope they can cope. We need to give them the tools that they need to be successful. What are these tools?

1. Use a visual schedule regularly. Paradoxically, teaching individuals with autism to use a schedule gives them the ability to be more independent. Schedules enable them to understand their world, organize their thinking, and sequence their lives. By showing them a change on the schedule visually, we are helping the individual to process the change at a basic level so that they are able to cope with it.

2. Show and discuss a "game plan" before going leaving home. Using the schedule, explain what will be happening, identify how it might feel and how you will help. Some people use Carol Gray's Social Stories but a simple script can be just as useful. Keep in mind that pictures/written words are far more effective than just talking. The child needs to feel some sense of control over what is happening. These kids too often feel an acute anxiety over what is or what could happen to them.

3. Show exactly what is expected of your child. Warning a child that you expect them to be good won't do the job. Many children don't even get the concept of what "good" is (even kids that don't have autism). What does being "good" looks like? And sound like? A checklist of these behaviors, a social script, or a of set visual pictures may be the tools that make the difference in the success of the outing. Parents may even find it useful to role play restaurant, church, dentist, or doctor before the child encounters the real thing. The point is that, individuals with autism don't instinctively know what is expected of them in given situations. Parents and caregivers can bridge this understanding by identifying the expectations in a constructive and non -threatening manner.

4. Pack the "tools of the trade". There are some items that I never leave home without: a visual clock, sand timer, coloring books or small quiet toys, white board and marker or paper to write messages to your child (talk less, show what you mean with pictures/words). Sensory toys (squishy balls, vibrating pens, fabric or sandpaper that the child enjoys touching) are also important tools because they can help the child to self regulate. We all have items that we feel more comfortable having with us; a coffee, a favorite pen, pictures of our family, or a "lucky charm" are all objects that bring us some sort of comfort and inner stability. Persons with autism may have the need to carry different objects for similar purposes.

5. Provide information about your child that others will need in order to serve your child. I personally believe that explaining some of your child's basic needs to a dentist, doctor, store clerk, waitress or any person that may misunderstand your child is far fairer to everyone involved. Sharing information does not mean that you are trying to gain sympathy or tell a life story. It could be as simple as, "Please give my child more time to respond." When ours on began being invited to birthday parties, we contacted the parents and let them know some of the basic information that they would need to know in order to make the birthday run smoothly. This info may be that the child does not like the birthday song, or clapping sounds and he will therefore "be in the washroom" while this is happening. One parent even identified a "quiet spot" that our son could retreat to if he was feeling overwhelmed. Information is power.

6. Give yourself plenty of time. A rushed errand will too often be disastrous because as many parents know, the more hurried we are, the slower our children move! Our kids with autism are busy dealing with their own stress; they can't possibly cope with ours as well!

Every ounce of energy and thought that we put into planning for out of home experiences for individuals with autism will multiply into benefits for everyone. As a teacher of students with severely debilitating autism and a mother of a son with autism I am very much aware that the task of breaking into the fast paced world with a person with autism is not an easy one. I know first hand that it can be downright terrifying to bring six students with autism to a zoo, a church, a restaurant or a supermarket but the learning that happens for the students, the staff and for the community is well worth the effort. We enrich each other's lives when we move beyond the comfort zone of our own homes and schools.

Copyright©2007 Jennifer Krumins - All Rights Reserved

Author of Been There. Done That. Finally Getting it Right. A Guide to Educational Planning for Students with Autism: Lessons from a Mother and Teacher

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Living In Harmony Or At War? Having More Than One Cat In The House

I have two cats and I can't imagine that either of them would want to live without the other. They live like brother and sister. And I can't imagine me living with just one cat either.

For those that love cats, having just one is never enough. Instead of having just one cat to call your own, you can have several. Those who have more than one cat realize that this is a good thing not only for the cat owner, but also for the cats as well. Cats like other cat company.

Are you considering getting another cat? Many people wonder if their cat would be okay with another being around. If your cat is alone for a long period of time, then he may like having a cat around. Older cats will often develop a new lease on life when there is a new kitten introduced to the home. Some cats do like their solitude though and territorial issues can cause a problem.

New kittens mean having to go through all the frustrations with training all over again. You'll also need to consider the added expense of all the vaccines as well. IF you add an older cat to the home, this too can be a challenge because the cat will need to adjust to the new home as well as to develop behavioral or health related problems.

When choosing another cat to bring into your home, you do not have to choose a cat that is the same breed at the one that you have. You may want to take care to choose the right combination though. For example a Rex with his silly behavior with a standoffish Russian Blue may not be the right combination. Cats will similar traits can work well together. The Himalayan Persian and the Maine Coon breeds are so friendly that they are likely to adapt to any even some of the most demanding breeds.

Set up an area for that cat before bringing him home. He may do better if you allow him to stay in one area until he adjusts. Allow him to settle in for the day before you introduce him to the rest of your family.

You'll want to allow the original cat some time to get used to having the other cat in his home. This may take some time. For a smooth transition, make sure he doesn't have to share his own litter box, his food or his toys with the new cat. There are health reasons as well as feelings that should be thought of here. Cats who are forced to share a littler box may actually decide to create their own area for a private box.

There are many reasons to have more than one cat. For many of those reasons, you'll be able to have that much more companionship with more cats.

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Painting Your House to Sell - Tips For Picking the Right Paint Colors

One of the easiest and least expensive things you can do to make your home attractive to potential buyers is to give your rooms a fresh coat of paint. If you have painted within the last couple of years, and the colors are fairly neutral, then you can probably get away with some touch-ups here and there.

On the other hand, if you have wallpaper or very vivid colors or haven't updated your color scheme in a while, you may want to think about replacing these with a new coat of paint. When you put your house on the market the goal is to make it as broadly appealing as possible, which is why real estate agents always tell you to go with a neutral color. That way, people notice your house and all of its great features, instead of being distracted by the paint color. But how do you pick the right neutral from among the thousands that are available? Here are some fail- safe options.

White vs. color: You might think that painting everything white is the safest way to go, but white is not the ideal neutral in most cases. White tends to be cold, harsh and not very inviting as a wall color. It does work well as a trim or woodwork color and makes a nice contrast to walls with more color. Some great whites for trim:

· Benjamin Moore White Dove (a warm white that's not too gray, not too yellow)

· Pratt & Lambert Designer White (clean & bright )

· Behr Swiss Coffee (taupe undertones- blends well with muted wall colors)

Warm vs. cool neutrals for walls: Even neutrals like beige or tan have either warm or cool undertones, which is a key consideration depending on which room they are being used for. Warmer colors stimulate the senses (and the appetite) so they are best used in the kitchen and the main "social" areas of the house. Cool colors like blues, greens and grays tend to soothe and relax. They work well in bedrooms and bathrooms.

Recommended warm neutrals:

· Benjamin Moore Lenox tan (mid-tone neutral from the Pottery Barn collection)

· Restoration Hardware Saffron (a warm, buttery beige)

Recommended cool neutrals:

· Restoration Hardware Cappuccino (a cool taupe)

· Benjamin Moore Classic Gray (a creamy gray, fresh and airy)

· Benjamin Moore Mesquite (a light mossy gray-green)

· Benjamin Moore Atmospheric (a darker gray blue from the Pottery Barn collection)

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The Famous House of Gucci

The House of Gucci which is more popularly known as just Gucci, is truly an icon in Italian fashion as well as a renowned leather goods designer label. This fashion house was founded by the Italian Guccio Gucci in 1921 in Florence. Gucci has been considered to be one of the most prestigious, famous and easily recognizable fashion brands globally. This fashion house belongs to the Pinault-Printemps-Redoute (PPR) which is a well known French conglomerate company.

Back in 2006, Gucci has been able to generate a global revenue of more than US$7 billion based on a report done by BusinessWeek magazine. It also ranked 46th in the annual chart of the magazine for the "Top 100 Brands". Because of this, Gucci has been cited to be the next biggest selling fashion house or label after LVMH. It is also the best selling Italian brand internationally. Gucci has around 425 stores worldwide. They wholesale their products through their franchisees and the upscale department stores.

Through a turnaround devised within the company in the late 1980s, Gucci was made into one of the most influential fashion houses in the world and into a very profitable business operation. Gucci later on went public in October of 1995 and had its very first public offering on the NYSE and AEX for $22 per share. In November of 1997, Gucci acquired Severin-Montres, a watch licensee, which they renamed Gucci Timepieces. The firm was also acknowledged by many organizations for its financial and economic performance, management quality as well as it strategic vision.

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Perfect Summer Home Plans

That is what many people want as a get away when the summer hustle and bustle gets to be too much. In the southwest this is especially true. The summer heat gets to be unbearable and the weekends are for heading out of town and up to the cool country. There are many other places in the country that this phenomenon is true as well. It may not be the heat that people want to have a house built from small cottage home plans to which to escape. It may be just getting out of town and away from the city. It may be just to get to another place to escape.

Often people in the city want to have a house built from a country home house plan so it feels like they are escaping to the country even if it is not quite country. Some go as far as to have a log cabin built to make it feel very country. It depends on the area of the county in which you reside.

A house built from a prairie style house plan may look a little out of place in Hawaii but would look great on the plains of Nebraska. An east coast style house would not fit into the desert look in the southwest but does it really matter? Should you be more worried about fitting in or building the house of your dreams. If you are going to live the rest of your life in that house, go for it. Build whatever you want but if you have to worry about resell values, think twice about what you build for your perfect summer home.

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Handy Items Offer Quick Repairs Around The House

Strolling through your favorite hardware or home improvement store can be a lesson in ingenuity and provide the average homeowner with a wealth of widgets, gadgets and products that can save time, trouble and money on your next repair project. Many small inexpensive items have been developed to assist the homeowner in completing their next project in record time. They range from small metal parts that are used to repair a hole in a wall or ceiling to painting and electrical troubleshooting. We will examine what is available to the homeowner of today so that they can put these time saving products to work and spend more time having fun instead of working all weekend!

Repairing Drywall

The Insta-Back clips are a clever little metal clip that is slipped into the edges of a hole in a gypsum board wall or ceiling, the repair panel is then put in place. Screws are used to secure the panel in place, the tabs are bent back and removed leaving the surface ready to patch with tape and spackle or drywall mud. They are inexpensive though worth many times over their cost in time savings alone. This product is made by Construction Materials and are found in most home improvement centers and hardware stores for around $2.09 to $3.00 for a package of six and come with screws right in the package.

Wet & Set repair patch manufactured by Hyde Tools is another hole patching tool and all you need to do is to cut the patch to size and dip the patch into a pail of warm water, let drip and apply to the wall. Then just let the patch dry for thirty minutes and cover with your favorite patch material. They are available in a 4x4 or 6x6 inch sizes and can be found at your local hardware or home improvement center, they retail for $4.49 to $5.99 each depending on size. These patches take a little longer than the Insta-Back clips but the advantage is you do not need a piece of drywall to fill the hole and they can be used on rounded surfaces.

Installing a Ceiling Fan

All fans are installed in a similar manner and rely on the utilitarian ceiling box for support of the fan during operation. Each manufacturer requires a fan-rated or reinforced ceiling box for their products to be installed safely. This is easer said than done! However there is a new product that is on the market that promises to alleviate the problems associated with this critical installation step. The FAN-EZE product installs through the existing ceiling box itself in 2 minutes or less and is installed with common hand tools. It comes with all the hardware right in the package and is made by EE Products Inc. This product allows the ceiling box to be able to carry loads that are above that of fan-rated ceiling boxes, and best of all it is consumer friendly. The cost of this time saving product is $3.60 each and will allow a ceiling fan to be installed in less than an hour from start to finish.


A new product has been developed and released to the general public that mimics what has been available to industry for the last 10 years with commercial grade adhesives. Simpson has released an epoxy product that mixes in the barrel as it is extruded from the nozzle. All you have to do is squeeze the trigger and position the adhesive as it exits the nozzle, that's it. What is unique about this product is no special gun or fixture is required as the tube has been designed to fit in a standard caulking gun. The mess and bother that has plagued the two part epoxy systems is now a thing of the past. The Epoxy Tie system is available in a 1.7 and 10 fluid oz. sizes and retails for approximately $9.35 to $17.29 depending on which size you choose.

Not to be out done by anyone is 3M and their line up of ingenious no-mar type of adhesive solutions for applying hooks and other hardware to wall surfaces. These products are the Command Strips and allow the products to be placed on the wall and removed without leaving a residue, hole or mar of any kind to the wall surface. All that is needed to place the product is remove the protective adhesive strip cover and press it against the wall wherever you wish to hang that favorite painting or picture. What could be easier? To remove them slide the hook up and off of the anchor, then pull down on an elastic tab until the anchor is released. This product will be especially helpful to apartment dwellers that wish to decorate their apartments and are now free to express themselves without worrying about what the landlord will think when they move out. These products are available in a host of sizes and styles and retail for approximately $1.99 to $3.88 depending on size and configuration and can be found at most any hardware or home improvement center.

Super Glue Corporation has a patch material that can be used with practically any household material, plastic, metal, rubber, wood and fiberglass. This patch material is an adhesive patch that cures with sunlight or quicker with a cure lamp. You simply clean the area where the patch is to be installed and peel the adhesive cover off and press it into place. This patch would be handy to repair a hole in a gutter, or a garage door or even a skylight. The patch is a 6x3 inch sheet that retails for approximately $8.00. If your home improvement center or hardware store does not carry this brand there are other similar products on the market. Just read the label and make sure it is suitable for your intended application.

Frame Construction

For construction of a deck, an addition or maybe just a framing repair can be accelerated with the use of Simpson Strong Tie plates and brackets. The use of these stamped metal products increase the strength of the framing and are required for many framing tasks. The use of seismic or hurricane ties is required by just about all building codes across the country and are just a sample of what they manufacture. They make a myriad of products that are useful for just about any framing anchoring or connector need. These products will speed the completion of your next framing project so don't hesitate to look at the selection you are bound to find a product that suits your need.

These products are usually found in larger home improvement centers, hardware stores and lumber yards. The cost for these components varies with the product so just take your time and find the right components for your project.

Cabinetry & Hardware Repairs

Today's cabinets have been subjected to labor and cost cutting measures for several years. Much of the cabinet construction is now handled by hardware components, things like guides, rollers and stops are now metal and plastic where they were traditionally made from wood. So when that roller or guide breaks don't forget to look at the cabinet hardware section of your favorite home improvement center for a replacement. Home depot has a large selection so make it your first stop when looking for these components.

For smaller brackets, tie plates and reinforcement products and cabinet hardware check out the products manufactured by Stanley. The have a long tradition of providing quality hardware and tools that stretches back to 1843. They also have a large selection of hinges, striker plates, door knockers and other hardware as well so you are bound to find that item you need. The selection and cost of these components varies with the product but all are reasonable and will save you time and trouble.

Electrical Repairs

Nothing strikes fear into the average homeowner like an electrical problem. The good news is that there are a host of products that make the troubleshooting easier for the average homeowner. Gardner Bender makes a line of circuit testing products for receptacles and ground fault interrupted outlets. All you have to do is pug the tester into the socket and read the light display on the tester. The testers have a chart right on them that will tell you what the problem is so you can decide if you wish to tackle the problem or call in an electrician. These testers retail for $5.99 to $7.98 depending on which model you choose and are an inexpensive first step before deciding to call in a pro. For the more skilled or adventuresome they also make a simple twin probe circuit tester, the neon light type that can be used to tell if a receptacle or circuit is hot (current present) and also if the polarity of the receptacle is correct. These simple twin probe testers can be bought for about $3.00 to $5.00 dollars each depending on features and are a bargain by any measure. Almost all hardware stores, home improvement centers or lumber yard will stock these items.

For those that wish to finish their basement, attic or are adding a room to their house may want to look at the products being offered by Carlon. They have a line of plastic nail-on outlet, ceiling and receptacle boxes that are easy to install and offer time savings over the conventional metal products. The added advantage to these products is that do not need to be grounded since they are plastic and insulate the electrical wires inside of the box itself. Outlet boxes are inexpensive and can be found for as little as 21¢ when on sale. For ceiling boxes they sell in the 98¢ to $1.10 range depending on size and features. Carlon is one of the largest of the box manufacturers so you can find their products just about anywhere where home improvement and lumber products are sold.

Porcelain Fixture Repair

The next time you drop that heavy object on you porcelain tub, sink or fixture and see that chip go flying off into the sunset, don't despair Kit Industries with their Porc-a-Fix touch up glaze product has you covered. They have a large range of standard colors to choose from to match your sink or fixture and are applied by simply brushing the product on until the chip is filled. The standard colors retail for approximately $4.97 for a small bottle and are available in custom colors to match just about any need. Larger home improvement centers will carry these products but if you have trouble finding them just type porc-a-fix into your favorite search engine and a website that will serve your needs will pop up.


Is probably the most common home improvement project that homeowners will tackle? The good news is there are so many products that make it easier to paint your house than ever before. Foam Pro has a host of products that will make your job quicker and ease the clean-up afterwards. They have a whole range of disposable foam brushes and rollers and an ingenious new pour spout that clips on to the top of a one gallon can. This handy pour spout also has a brush edge to clean off your favorite brush since so many homeowners use the paint can as their paint bucket. This product sells for approximately 75¢ so include it with your next painting project.

The prep work prior to painting can be one of the most tedious chores about this type of project, cleaning the walls, patching the holes and cracks in walls seem endless. For holes Painters Nail Hole Filler has you covered, they manufacture a 4.5 fluid oz. squeeze tube of nail hole filler that you just place over the hole, squeeze and wipe away the excess in one easy motion. It retails for approximately $6.50 each. This product is sold at most of the home improvement centers and has the same name as the company.

Most of the walls and ceilings in peoples home today are textured from an orange peel to a knock down finish. Acoustic ceilings were popular some years ago but all of them pose a problem when a repair has been made and they lack the surface texturing. Matching the texture has been difficult in the past since it required commercial equipment to apply these surface finishes properly. Homax provides an easy solution to this problem with a line of finishes that span all of the popular textures of yesterday and today and are packaged in a convenient 10 or 12 fluid oz. spray can. These products are known collectively as Easy Touch and can be found in most all hardware and home centers. They retail for between $9.00 & $10.00 and are quick and inexpensive solution to this once difficult task.

Aqua-Tainer Co. is one of those companies that staked their future on offering inexpensive products that provide real value. Their products will make your next painting project easier, cleaner and quicker if you choose to make use of their of their various product offerings. One of the biggest mistakes the average homeowner makes when starting a painting project is using the one gallon paint can as a paint bucket when they start the cutting-in process. The bucket is heavy and exposes the paint to the air and starts the drying process right in the can even before much of the paint has been applied. It also contributes to fatigue having to carry this heavy container of paint around. The paint can does a very poor job of cutting off the excess paint on the brush so you should avoid making this mistake. They have very good solution for this problem with their Trim & Cut-In cup it holds about a pint of paint and has a cut-off edge made right into the cup. It is light enough so that holding the cup will produce little if any fatigue and if it is dropped only a small amount of paint is lost and will be much easier to clean up. This product retails for $1.98 on average. They also have another handy product with their P-38 five gallon bucket opener. It has been designed to open metal or plastic buckets and is a handy tool to use when you are handling these size containers. The best part is that it sells for only $3.97 and will save you the hassle of wrestling with opening these containers so the cost is more than worth it.

If the last two products were not enough they make a product called Carpet Shields each package comes with six three foot pieces for eighteen feet total of reusable shields. They are a masking strip that is inserted between the carpeting and the wall and protects the carpet and moldings from paint splatter or an over zealous paint brush. They retail for an unbelievable low price of only $2.87 for all six pieces. Buy several and be done with it, again most of the major home centers and hardware stores will carry these products.

I hope this stroll through your favorite home improvement center has been useful and informative. I have learned of many of these products through trial and error through the years and I find myself prowling the aisles of home centers just to stay abreast of the latest offerings. The advantage of using many of these low cost items is the time and hassle you save which relate to a less stressful project which can sometimes make the difference between success and failure.

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