5 Reasons to Love Dr House Doctors

Most doctors I know a kick out of the TV show "House." Although we are shocked his bedside manner and the haughty attitude of everyone, but there is a certain attraction. Those not in the medical field might wonder how doctors can be just a boy without a heart.

Here are the five main reasons why doctors like Dr. House.

1. Dr. Gregory House said the doctors would say things, but not the nerve.Most of the medical filter, which is out of his mouth. One would think bad words, but rarely say. Often the blame for our patients to lie, although it is believed. We believe that our patients have led to stupidity, but we keep our thoughts for us. It looks like a catharsis to finally hear a doctor (even if imaginary) things to say through my head every doctor.

2. Dr. House makes no documentation. Doctors hate paperwork. It is not only beyondperceived boring, but sometimes interfere with patient care. The benefits are usually invisible, uncompensated and extend the working day (not necessary, it would add).

3. Dr. House is moving away from boring cases. Doctors A privileged few. Doctors take patients as they are no guarantee of intellectual stimulation. For practitioners, this means high blood pressure to see patients every day. For dermatologists, it is acne, psoriasis andEczema and cardiologists for heart attack, stroke, heart attack. Even poor Dr. Wilson sees the cancer, tumor, cancer.

4. Dr. House does not care to pay for it. E 'on a salary, and paid for is apparently the same, no matter how some patients who now sees or clinic, you jump. Other doctors are paid by the patient or after hours and should produce. Most of us would be happy to spend an afternoon watching TV or surfing the Internet whileothers are committed to our work for us.

5. Dr. House is not worried about what things cost. For a doctor is a burden not only concerned that the legal tests are ordered, but that will be performed by the patient's insurance or the government. House just do not care . Sort all tests in the book. In real life it is the hospital administrators that will lead us on our shoulders, we were ordered test - is the insuranceThe companies that pre-approval and proof that require less expensive therapies. is obtained when advocates for our patients and the extra time to ensure appropriate testing is generally more balanced paperwork. Bullying work your way through not only for real doctors.

In addition to its diagnostic capabilities, House is the antithesis of a good doctor, Dr.. But it's fun, and sometimes I know a thing or two. Once ortwice a season, I resolve the case by the esteemed Dr. House - I would like to come back. The cases are on the way, all cross-heads, that the average doctor might see once in a lifetime. In the school of medicine has taught us that if you hear hooves, think horses not zebras. But if Dr. House, has obtained a stableful of zebras.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Kölkes, MD

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