Wilmot Proviso - A major turning point in U.S. history

In 1846, David Wilmot introduced an amendment to the Congress a bill by the House of representatives was made up during the Mexican War. It is proposed that slavery and involuntary servitude countries to prohibit the confiscation by the United States from Mexico during the war. This change was to be known as the reserve Wilmot.

The house was Wilmot Proviso introduced twice. For the first time in 1846 with then U.S. President James Polk application has been submitted by twoMillions of dollars for the negotiations with Mexico. The House passed the amendment but the Senate adjourned without a vote or discussion.

The subject was again introduced in the next session of Congress in 1847 again. This time, the appropriation of $ 3 million. Wilmot reiterated his amendment slavery with it. The House passed the bill again, but decided on Senate Bill passes. The bill the Senate has created has not included the proviso init. The clause was added, along with several other bills passed, but none of them.

The subject is often passed the House, because the Northerners, the provisions were supportive were more in numbers in the House of Representatives, with respect to all the southerners, who has no support for the. But the reserves, the Senate has never, as it was an equal number of representatives of the north and south. Until the reserve was a two-the sides, could not go on, the President will be sent.

The Southerners believed that slavery should be legal in the United States. But Northerners against the spread of slavery. Some of the reasons behind the North were against slavery on moral grounds. They argued that African-Americans, is no different from them and also in humans, where, how, where others who oppose it for fear of economic competition, they would have received from the slave traders orOwners.

This discontent led to two zones to increase conflict between the North and South, which led to the end always one of the causes of civil war.

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