The Champ's House

My friend has called us to welcome back New Jersey. During the process of bringing up to date with the coming and going when we moved, he said, "You'll never guess whose house on the market? Mohammad Ali!"

To understand the impact of the news you need to get the picture. When Ali took home this year, 1971, and what a home was and still is, was when Beverly Hills had come to New Jersey Cherry Hill! The only thing missing were theBeverly Hills tour bus.

It 'was the biggest star-in-residence at the time, people stopped their children in the country to see the horses and cows. We did like all the others: Cherry Hill, drove to see "The Champ's House".

"Didy see?"


"Honey go, once again, maybe he just went inside to use the facilities .. Go around again ...."

High shrubs, sweeping roads, state-of-the-art motor-privacy fencing, iron gates, there was little to see;but no matter, we had a "star" in our midst.

Soon, traffic at the intersection saved as eager fans hoping to have a look "I am the greatest," Champ, crowded the narrow village lane. Folklore was that he was a sociable, genial neighbors, the neighborhood children play in the backyard and invited, of course, was signing autographs.

"Smokin '" Joe Frazier was across the Delaware River in Philadelphia at this time, local sports journalists have been homing in-their ability to boxing anecdotes. There were more than enough to say, even the national boys flew temporarily.

The neighbors were tired of the relentless weekend traffic that is their private out-of-the-street into an avenue of retreat Gaffer. But they should not be afraid. "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" At the moment, Paul Simon hit on the chart in '76, Ali Cherry Hill had left.

I took a memory outside the house one day, was still onMarket ... ... No traffic ... hours without children in the back seat ... It was not the same ... there is no way there could be.

Huldah Gibbs Jones

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