Know the best home location of each planet on Christmas

are shown in a chart, play an important role in the houses owned by the planets. Each house has a special character and appearance of the planet with the help together, individuality. Find out what house the planet at its best in the following.

The most sought after placement of the house of the planets are: Sun - the first house, Moon - House 11, Mercury - 8th house, Venus - 7Home> Mars - the sixth house, Jupiter - Home, Uranus - 3 5 th house, Saturn - 9th House, Neptune - the 4th house, Pluto - Home 10.

Sun - the first house

The presence of the sun in the first house means a strong sense of identity, diversity and high self-esteem. You have the desire to be unique and this mix of qualities with others. I am very optimistic and has a very happy dispositionLife.

Luna - Eleventh House

The placement of the moon in the eleventh house provides a productive and harmonious relationships within a group, no matter how different may be their targets. They are very popular and have a good relationship with the people around you. Do you know of other feelings.

Mercury - the eighth house

When Mercury is in the eighth, means an individual talent. They tend to be lower in all the challengesand again a complete solution for every problem. You are always ready to seek the truth, and in relation to a person in this situation is characterized in professions that deal with investigations.

Venus - the seventh house

The position of Venus in the Seventh House is proud of his social skills and enjoy a satisfying marriage. Take a high value on marriage and friendship to a point that you practice what to successRelations.

Mars - the sixth house

Mars in sixth house means that your productivity and accuracy at work. You have no room for idleness. Have a good trip and the insistence that people can influence the environment. They tend to perfection and do not let little things go unnoticed.

Jupiter - Fifth House

Jupiter in the fifth by means of your hidden skills and strong character may be walking slowly when life support. A veryHappiness awaits you. In addition to recreation, has a duty to make an important contribution to society. People in this scenario, often higher in the political and educational.

Saturn - the third house

The presence of Saturn in the third house is correlated with high ideals and practical intellectual discipline. Are of a very cautious and have a good sense of the sentence and always speaks with sincerity.

Uranus - Ninth House

The placement of Uranusin the ninth house indicates a more progressive and life philosophies. Your views are insightful, and sometimes great. Their direction is not usual, and instead look at other options and the adoption of new visions and enjoy the whole process.

Neptune - Fourth House

The presence of Neptune in the fourth house indicates a strong personal and family security. There are strong family ties emotionally attached. The lower the ruleParents Shape your unique personality.

Pluto - the tenth house

Pluto is the restructuring and renewal. The position of the planets in the tenth house indicates a person's strong will to succeed in its chosen objectives. The person is very career-oriented and more distinct in many fields of science.

These rules are only guides. It 's always the one that has full control over your destiny.

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