The houses of astrology - The 5th Home

Believe it or not, when the sun enters the house (and it does every year at about the same time) things begin to happen. Some of the keywords that are given to this sector of the graph: Pleasures: Kids: Travel: Hobbies: Speculation: Creativity: childhood.

When the house of creativity) can be said that otherwise the House of pregnancy (or desirable. Have a look at this house for information about your (if any) the first child is born. ThePart of the sign at the door can demonstrate the qualities of this child, such as fire or air, on the eve of the 5th can have on young males with the point of soil or water to children in women. If you think that is the quality of the child (positive or negative).

This is also the home of the inner child that some of us who like to play for fun, and wants to stay forever young. Examine all the planets in this house because they say, if you or expressionTheir natural tendencies to suppress. Explore this house and see if you express your uniqueness, or if you have any more in line with expectations. Read what I just said in reference to his childhood and see if it could be 'yes' or if you play a role (this is also the home of acting and the theater!).

The home provides information about the love I give you, love stories, and those people who are immediately attracted(Good or bad). This is also the House of risk taking, speculation and gambling. signs of fire hazard and earth signs is more cautious. Air signs prefer a partner to share the risk with the Water Framework Directive characters fail to gain short-term or long-term rate of return ...

Look for the "king" of your fifth and see where it is on paper because it is where life is found, it is there that will give you the most, which is to be creative, enjoy and rechargeTheir batteries. As a "home" for vacation and relaxation looking for, where is the ruler (of the house or sign) and see where you can sample, have fun, when the emperor was in 3rd Day was quick to enjoy, in the 9 ° He must enjoy long trips in the 4th are better at home and so on. planetarium home, this can also be the kind of people who take or may find yourself attracted to or fascinated, for example, if you haveJupiter is then you might Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter) or those with strong movements Jupiter are tightened. When mercury was here then you may be attracted to Gemini or Virgo types. The list and possibilities are endless Sun explore this area of the graph is the face of self-expression.

Although the Sixth House is the fifth house of work often points to the workaholic ... someone who holds or indispensable! Of course, wemust all work, but we must also learn to relax and enjoy the value of the game, the healing of our hobby and love what we do. If you do not allow us to "play" and the creative forces, the move is to seek an outlet (usually destructive). This is the house of the heart ...

When the house of romance, as it should be understood that this does not necessarily imply a commitment for a night as there are fleeting moments (with orwithout consequences). Look at the 9 th and a Case for more information on 5. Creativity, ideas and inspiration in this fertile ground for House is on the field as an artist, writer, poet, or who remembers their name or wants to work. Remember, this is the house of joy 'of' fun 'and fun. Check the characters on the threshold of planets or aspects of it everyone will say that if you express the natural inclinations or deleted. If you do not wantwhat is called "love" to do, then you have to do with a serious problem, explore your fifth ...

If the baby is born before (idea) it could therefore be born every second "child" is shown in the 7th and born out of three is shown in 9 and so on. Remember, this is your relationship. Your child or fifth idea is to find out his relationship with you from the consideration of the 4th or 10th House. So if you understand what your "baby" sees in you that you look at these houses. PressIn view of the planet will tell you what the house tells you, and where the signs say how. Until next time, enjoy the "romance" with this time of year associated with your chart.

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