The importance of the seventh house in Vedic astrology

Seventh house: in the seventh house of Vedic astrology Saptama; Jamitra; Chittottha (request); Kama; Dvuna (love), Madha (passion); Gamani (shared); Astha - setting; Advan (one way or road), Loka ( audience); Kalathra (wife or husband); Pathni; pathi; Kalathrasampat (dowry).

The seventh house is the "House of the union or debentures earthy." The seventh house is the legal slavery, it is through these that one has the divine marriage.Even if the marriage is primarily the concern of the seventh house, you need to check the houses to 2 and 11, in this regard.

Through the marriage means that it is a supplement to the family. The second house has a father, mother, wife, children, etc. The partner married friendship permanently bind to the descendants and pleasure, Haus 11 is influenced by. Therefore, one must consider not only according to 11, the seventh house, but also houses.Case 2, 7 and 11 with the planet by an association or beneficial thing to note, that the partner in life will come from a distinguished family linked to dispose of virtue and good qualities have allowed to lead a happy and harmonious married life.

In addition to spouses, partners in trade or business and the degree of success of a house as is demonstrated by this partnership. The seventh house relates to others with whom the nativeis involved in disputes and conflicts lies in the nature with arguments with which is engaged in local disputes and conflicts with the arguments in the open, legal disputes, duels, etc., on a plate, the seventh house is said to everybody, which negotiating with the native or deals in any way, the engineer or contractor who is building, the doctor goes to the national or the patient is the native attended if he happens to be a doctor; The person who borrows money or the native who borrows from his mother, and so on. Good aspects to the planets in the seventh house or at the door or the tip of the seventh house, to represent the good relationship with the public and in their favor. During the period of the plan look bad, be careful when implementing a public activity.

This house shows the way off. The third house means short distances and the ninth named pipelong trips. The seventh house is out in various places in the same trip.One its influence abroad and the honor and reputation has made, depending on the planet in the 7th house and wait until it receives.

The first house in Vedic astrology called longevity as opposed to the 7th house, and it is a house of Marak, ie longevity risk. Case 8, 3 and longevity 1infiunce and must consider these three housesto determine long-lived, if you will, or will live up to the Middle Ages, or simply to adulthood or die in infancy. The twelfth house every bhava is told to say that the denial of some of bhava, the fact is, it destroys the bhava means that through business. Therefore, the case 7, 2 and 12, each of 12 houses in 8, 3, and show me hostile and longevity are "marakasthanas'.

In Prasna or Hourly, House responded to these questionsthe collection of lost property, describes the thief, pickpockets, etc., the Lagna is the owner of the property stolen. The fourth bhava indicates the location of the items stolen. The 7th exhibition thief. On 8 bhava 2-7 shows where the wealth thief. Thus, if the planet in 7 or 7 of the Lord is obscured or weak, the thief will caught.The Lagna is one of life's routine, and therefore a permanent resident, the seventh house, which is contrary toshows the change of residence. You should see the seventh as the house is the third for the change of residence.

, General condition of women and laws on marriage and divorce, meetings, public response to national policy, public trading in fashionable or political in Vedic astrology, the seventh house, it's like in the field of international relations and arbitration The war and foreign policy, international, etc. Westerners call the houseopen war and enmity, and of treaties and alliances.

The seventh house is also considered as the sister to do with their mother tongue or the third brother. The third house from Lagna shows the first younger brother or sister, the house, the third is the third youngest brother, the second seed, the house, the house is the third to fifth is the third brother or sister. It 'also the house itself to acquisitionnative servant or employee, servants house after 6 seconds is counted. Since the fifth house shows the first child or conception, which is the 3rd child the7th to 5 is the first son of his brother or sister, or the Indians second, ninth denotes the third child and so on in this way. Be home in 4 fourth show to his mother, is responsible for the 7th house with their parents' property, vehicles, etc. According to UttaraKalamritam, the seventh house rules adopted son. This is understandable because those without hope, may his younger brother, the child up for adoption. This is not unusual.

The seventh house in Vedic astrology called the secret enemy danger, difficulty, death, etc., in the 12th house, religion, long journeys, higher education of friends and older brother as the home ninth to be calculated from the 11th, the honor and credit of theGovernments in 10 to 10, staff and friends of the father is home to 11 9. The native may be in collaboration with his friend of his father in power.


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