world's most expensive house

The most expensive house in the world is "Antilla", a name derived from a mythical island. Located on Mount High Road, Mumbai, India is the story of 27, 560 m home. It has 600 employees due to building maintenance. The first six floors of parking can accommodate approximately 200 cars. The house chandeliers made of various materials such as wood, metal, silver and crystal. On top of the parking lot, where the living quarters with nine startsElevators, storage rooms and assembly.

This unique house is owned by Industries Mukesh Ambani, the fifth richest man on earth, and the owner of Reliance. Apart from being the fifth richest person in the world, he is the richest in India. His company is India's largest and richest private companies. It 's the world's largest producer of polyester fiber and is located in the commercial area of petrochemical, textile, oil and gas, oil assetsRefining, and many others. Founded by H. Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh is a very good job with what his father left him, so that the company is part of the story.

In addition to the house of Mukesh, there are also more expensive homes in the world, really impressive as the Castle The Castle, Trump's Palm Beach Mansion and Hearst to name too few. These houses have their own way, extraordinary people, both on the size of the scissors is decadence. With their size and equipment, people can not help but dreamhave a house like theirs. But of course nothing compared to the billions of dollars before the house is built ironic in a place where poverty rates. Some believe that this car is the ultimate sign of arrogance. But do you feel about the situation, one can not deny to be built, now the most expensive house ever.

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