Entertainment, restaurants and bars in Leicester

The diversity of ethnicities and cultures in Leicester makes it one of the most diverse and vibrant country. The principal Asian community has brought with her many interesting events that the city has support. In addition to the traditional Christian holidays Leicester hours also celebrates festivals like Holi, Diwali, Eid-ul-Fitr, and of course the Chinese New Year.

Bars and Pubs:
In addition, because of him and two major universities in the vicinity of the city center,Leicester City bars and clubs are different and provide a thriving and vibrant feel to it. names of bars and clubs can change very often, but this helps the feeling of vitality of the city that I think it's always something new to offer. Firebug is known very well to do as complete as you can get anywhere. The study guide for the 2005 NME described it as "a real find for blinding food, beer, tough pub quizzes and lots of live music." Here there is no food to supplement the 157lines that sell drinks, live music, access to "WiFi" in the local pub quiz. Firebug is on Millstone Lane between the offices of the Council and the old town hall. Bambu on the Welford Road in the offices of the Council, describes himself as a relaxing lounge-bar coffee blend elegance and mystery without a license. The Aqua Lounge on Wellington Street, is more or less opposite the Council offices, a, club bar and restaurant on three floors in a building withWednesday, Friday and Saturday nights in the club. Check out the business district of the Council, in Braunstone Gate, is the Pan of styles that lazy 'in "slow down to a pub, a drink and watch the world. If you want a traditional center of the publication, and for the Globe on the head Silver Street. Built in 1720, the project serves quality beers, good food and a warm and welcoming.


There is in Leicester, which is known as the'Golden Mile' of Asian food, attracted people from miles around for a truly authentic Asian cuisine. The Golden Mile, along the Belgrave Road, centered north of the city, from the Haymarket bus station. Some would say that is closer to the bus stop, a place, the restaurant will be better. Friends is an award winning Tandoori restaurant with dishes ranging from just £ 05.12 £. Nearby is a specialist in Sanjay's Curry PotIndian / Portuguese cuisine of the region of Goa, India. This is one of the oldest Asian restaurants in Leicester, prices for a main course are typically between £ 13 and £ 5 Departure from Belgrave Road in the city center, is the Opera House, the Lane is the Cathedral of Guild Hall. This is known for its imaginative menu, and the magnificent building which houses the well-known. Besides the market for hotel-road event, fashion and othermodern restaurant, a champagne bar, where you can order snacks and light meals. Although technically a bar and restaurant, Mobius, on Braunstone Gate, is a great mix of Thai and Mediterranean cuisine. It 's a nice place to eat and produce authentic flavors of regional cuisine that makes producing only the best.


The De Montfort Hall is probably the most famous place Leicester is almost a "brand" for theCity. Built in 1913 and recently renovated and can accommodate an audience of 1,500 seats or standing at 2200 In addition to the lounge, there is an outdoor amphitheater, the house was up to 5000. Host to classical music, jazz , blues, folk, rock and pop, as well as a home for music played on tour. In recent years, has increasingly been used for conferences and exhibitions.

Leicester Haymarket Theatre was one of the largest repertoireTheatre of the country. Currently closed a new theater was built on Halford Street, which should open in spring 2007. However, complications seen in the construction program, as if the opening date will be moved.

The Phoenix Arts Centre in the Newark Street is a small community offers a variety of entertainment options. E 'to show mainly used for movies and comedy acts and free hosting music. It can also be used for theatrical performances andmusical productions. This is, of course, a cafe / bar, where musical performances.

likely to live music, as well as De Montfort Hall The Charlotte on Oxford Street is the largest and best known. A young Oasis played here many years ago! This is the place in Leicester, where you first see the emerging indie bands would be.

Currently there are about 13 clubs in Leicester choose. It is worth mentioning is the Po Na Na, which in addition to itsinteresting name, is well known for the music, the house the place to go for radio e. Two floors with two separate sound systems make this to be a qualified third-party site and spirited. Po Na Na is in Carey Close near the wall of Jews.

Leicester has three comedy club, Jongleurs (Granby Street), The Ship of Fools (using a variety of stages including the Phoenix Arts Centre, and "Bottle Rocket" (at the Firebug bar).


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