Arlington - from the producer to the cemetery

Arlington ... more places where my own inclinations and features than any other place in the world. Robert E. Lee

1864th Bella Arlington House, the family home of General Robert E. Lee and his family, is flawed in confusion. The rose gardens were turned into cemeteries. The soldiers are buried just outside the door. Brigadier General Irvin McDowell has taken over the house for his headquarters. But the house still belongs to the Lee family - but not forlong.

With her husband, Robert E. Lee, serving with the Army of Northern Virginia, Mary Anna Custis Lee, after the transition from a plantation family to the other residents of the Confederate capital of Richmond has taken. And 'where the message because it does not pay taxes on the Arlington property in person, his family receives will be sold at home. On January 11, 1864, Arlington has been offered for public sale and was purchased by a tax commissioner for "governmentTo use for war, military, charitable and educational purposes. "

And to make a plantation town with connections to George Washington was taken - illegally, as they are - the Lee family, who have never set foot in their homeland. The history of Arlington is a bittersweet metaphor for the civil war itself

Arlington House was built by George Washington Parke Custis Washington, is a step grandson of George. Custis, a prominent citizen and planter in Alexandria County,Virginia asked, George Hadfield, the architect who had worked on Capitol SU at home, which meant the Custis family in eastern Virginia, home design, but had to be a monument to commemorate George Washington. In 1804, the imposing palace greek Revival and the planting of 1,100 hectares, was the main residence of the Custis family.

Custis died in 1857, leaving only one surviving child, Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee. Anna Maria, which wouldmarried Robert E. Lee in 1831 in Arlington, the use of Arlington for a lifetime, after which it would pass to his eldest son, George Washington Custis Lee was having.

Most of Robert E. and the marriage of Mary Anna Custis Lee, lives in Arlington, which was not military tasks for travel during the period in SU Lee Army spent. Although the two other plantations, owned by Arlington was near both of their hearts. As Anna Maria inherited the property was in Arlingtonpoor condition, Lee, as executor of the law, took a leave from the army, which lasted until 1860. In 1859 Lee had done the planting of new profitable.

"War is inevitable, and it is unclear when they burst around you ... you have to move and make arrangements for some point of safety, you must choose where to go. The Mount Vernon plate and the images provided. Keep calm down , while the living room and keep the preparations and ... May God keep andhave mercy on all our people. "Robert E. Lee, Mary Anna Custis Lee, 1861

If the possibility of a civil war appeared imminent in 1861, President Abraham Lincoln offered U.S. Army Colonel Robert E. Lee, a veteran of 35 years, commanded the U.S. Army. Lee, will not prevent against Virginia if the state decided to secede would be diminished. He sealed the fate of Arlington.

Arlington, near Washington DC to put the house in a strange - and treacherous -Situation, one that Lee knew all too well. After leaving Arlington to join the Army of Northern Virginia, Lee complained to his wife, Maria Anna, but to leave him. Anna Maria has never considered the move permanent, but they have done is to send some of the heirlooms of Arlington for security.

Almost as fast as the Lees moved to Arlington Federal troops evacuated the house as the venue, the liberation of slaves, the few still left and the looting of the house with valuableswho remained, many of which have already been removed to the SU Patent Office, presumably for safekeeping.

Many of those who occupied the feeling that Arlington was the destruction of property by Lee as a traitor to the army, would have served faithfully in most of his adult life. None was as vindictive as Quartermaster General Montgomery C. Meigs. Meigs, a native of Georgia, Lee served in the army, and he despised the south who have ordered up arms against the Union,that the grounds of Arlington used to be a cemetery. Despite the fact that the house belonged to the Lees, Meigs ordered him to be decided at the door to the Lees from ever more to prevent their homes. As a child of their own Meigs was killed in the war, Meigs as it was buried at Arlington.

'It's better, our minds, a general loss. You can not take the place of memory and memories of those who arehallowed it. This will help us stay as long as life lasts, and that we maintain. "Robert E. Lee, Mary Anna Custis Lee, of Arlington.

seized with the war, with Arlington, it was clear that the Lees would never return to their homes. The plantation was now a national cemetery, the home office use. Robert E. Lee has never called for the seizure of the plantation, but in 1870, after his death, Lee, George Washington Custis Lee, suedCompensation for the house, which became law, he is of his grandfather. A decision by the Supreme Court in 1882 ruled in favor of the Custis Lee, and he was awarded a verdict of $ 150,000, half of what he wanted.

Although Arlington was taken by the Lee family, the house stands today as a memorial to Lee, and restored as a museum.


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