His most famous painting (Christina's World) - Andrew Wyeth

Renowned painter Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009) was a "realist" American artist whose work mainly focused on people and places. E 'was often referred to as "the painter of the people" who believed in the representation of finer feelings of life. He has also drawn criticism from some quarters for his realistic style in the era of "abstraction." His art has been described as oppressive and full of expressions of sadness. But the mass appeal of Andrea and is entitled to some of the rareinternational awards, has made him a living legend. In 1948 he painted what became the most desired and replicated paintings of all time, "Christina's World."

Wyeth was a master of "tempering", which is the use of egg yolk with pigment (water) as a means of rapid drying of the color. He employs the same technique in his masterpiece, the world interested in this day. The work is based on gessoed on a set of media, 32.25 "x 47.75" wooden board. The protagonistthe piece, Christina was a character in real life and neighbor was developed by Wyeth, a degenerative muscle disease of a serious nature, he suffered all his life. There is no clarity on how afflicted by polio. Wyeth painted "Christina's World" when she was 55 years and lost their power of locomotion. Despite his disability, Christina was a strong woman of courage and determination which denies any kind of medical care or compassion. This spirit of hernot fade with age and illness inspired her to paint Wythe as a young girl strip to her destination, her home.

Andrew had Christina instead of taking his friend to see almost a distance of 800 feet was. Her thin arms in "Christina's World" obvious signs of increasing weakness. It 's like wearing a pink dress, the' true 'Christina for themselves for their wedding planned grandchildren, had painted a few years ago. She is facing the viewer and toward herFlat, weak but determined. The painting is an open meadow and Christina gray house with its rear end, and as other, far more easily. Wythe reality has painted their house, which is still present, almost one, albeit a little 'more withered. The grass is not green in the game, but it is mature and brown earth, which is somewhere in the enveloping loneliness and the tragedy of the life of Christina. The greyness of the sky in the daytimeTransmits sensations similar piece.

Currently, the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, "Christina's World" still evokes the world of art, as he made his debut. The solitary figure of a woman apparently helpless in a large field by a distant dream for viewers to identify with it.


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